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Suzanne Cannon | 6 years ago
CeCe, An 8 Year Old Poodle Mix, Gets A Dental Cleaning
Treatment Cost (USD): $383.10
CeCe came in for an appointment at the veterinary clinic when she had difficulty tolerating a medication. Upon examining her, the veterinarian noted that CeCe had tartar buildup on her teeth, and that she was already missing one of her premolar teeth. It was recommended that CeCe have a dental exam, scaling and polishing.
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Suzanne Cannon | 6 years ago
Mocha, 7 Year Old Mixed Breed Dog, Dental Scaling & Polish
Treatment Cost (USD): $452.50
Mocha came into the clinic in December, 2018 for her annual physical exam. After examining Mocha's mouth, the veterinarian recommended that she have a dental cleaning due to mild-to-moderate tartar buildup. Mocha's dental was scheduled for March, 2019.
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Suzanne Cannon | 6 years ago
Isabelle, 12 Year Old Maltese With Severe Dental Disease
Treatment Cost (USD): $799.46
Isabelle came into the clinic for her annual physical exam. When her mouth was examined, the veterinarian noted that she had "severe dental disease: missing most teeth, tartar, gingivitis, gingival erosion of remaining teeth with some mobility." It was recommended that Isabelle be scheduled for a dental scaling and polishing, along with any necessary extractions of diseased/damaged teeth.
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Krista Magnifico | 6 years ago
Cat Dental With Extractions. This Is An FIV + Cat Who Had Multiple Bad Teeth…
Treatment Cost (USD): $760.16
Dental disease is the most common disease we see in veterinary medicine. The dental decay was found on Smokey's annual examination by his veterinarian.
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Krista Magnifico | 6 years ago
Dental With Extractions On A 12 Year Old Mixed Small Breed Dog. Cost, Protocol And…
Treatment Cost (USD): $1072.38
Hobbes, like many small breed dogs who are over 6 years old, had dental disease. Hobbes dental disease was so severe he had very bad breath and mobile teeth. Dental disease is the most common problem we see in veterinarian medicine.
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Krista Magnifico | 7 years ago
Dental Cleaning With Extractions. Meet Mocha A Middle Aged Chihuahua Who Needed Her Teeth Cleaned…
Treatment Cost (USD): $438.84
Many small breed dogs have dental disease by the time they are 3 or 4 years old. Mocha had already had one dental and needed another due to dental calculi accumulation that caused gum recession and tooth mobility.
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Krista Magnifico | 7 years ago
Dental Cleaning Without Extractions Needed In A Young Chihuahua. Meet Rocco.
Treatment Cost (USD): $274.70
Like many chihuahua's Rocco was acquiring dental calculi and gum inflammation at an early age. He needed a dental cleaning to help resolve these. All dogs should have daily tooth brushing, the smaller breeds likely need cleanings every 2-3 years. We wanted to clean his early to try to avoid extractions down the road.
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