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Francis | 3 weeks ago
My Dog Has Hind Legs Due To IVDD. I’m So Saddened To See Him Like …

Levi has hind legs due to IVDD. I’m so saddened to see him like this. He is only 4.5 years old and otherwise very active and happy. Dr. Magnífico your videos of Hank’s progress has given me hope. My question is why is he trembling despite being resting and under pain and anti-inflammatory medication? He can move his front legs, but he is not eating and just drinks water with a syringe. His symptoms began on Saturday, December 28. The Vet saw him Sunday morning and said we should keep him strictly rested for about 30 days. He is urinating and defecating on his diapers. My wife keeps him clean and changes his position every three hours. Day six no progress. Is there hope and is the trembling part of the recovery process? Also he can’t lift his head and is there a way to know if he is suffering from Myelomalacia? I appreciate you Dr. Magnífico for your passion in caring for our beloved furry family!

2 Responses


  1. Krista Magnifico

    I don’t know if the trembling is pain or nerve function talking to the muscles. If you cannot afford a neurologist referral then I recommend you follow the instructions from your vet and the information I provided on my YouTube channel and blog.

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ansbert | 3 weeks ago
Hey So A Couple Of Months Ago,my Dog Had A Sort Of A Film That …

Hey so a couple of months ago,my dog had a sort of a film that was covering his eye and it has been growing and it seemed like a bother ( I could see his perception greatly reduced. I asked the former owner about it but he told me that it might be age. I overlooked it until it started to become to disturbing, he’s been getting a lot of eye discharge. No matter how much I remove,it simply comes back the following day. I live in a very rural area and there’s no vetinary close and to top it off I’m ina non-english speaking country and I don’t know any other language besides I decided to ask for help, and that’s how I’m here, I also took note that this film is somewhat forming in his other eye,very easy to overlook but I can’t afford to, if anyone can offer some sort of help or advice I would really appreciate it.

1 Response


  1. Krista Magnifico

    I’m sorry but I cannot offer much help here. Even with good photos eye conditions are very difficult to diagnose without seeing them in person.
    When all else fails I offer an ophthalmic antibiotic to see if this helps. Too often we struggle with the ability to diagnose (because we aren’t specialists) so we see if response to treatment offers any help. In some cases I might also do an oral antibiotic. This is especially the case for very young or old patients.

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Sarah | 1 month ago
Pyometra Surgery On A 7 Year Old Staffordshie Terrier Mix
Treatment Cost (USD): $982.60
0 Responses
Regular Vet Visit
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Sarah | 1 month ago
New Pet Exam On A 1 Year Old Heartworm Positive Golden Retriever
Treatment Cost (USD): $298.91
0 Responses
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Sarah | 1 month ago
Routine Spay On 1 Year 6 Month Old Golden Retriever
Treatment Cost (USD): $440.00
0 Responses
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Sarah | 2 months ago
Routine Spay On Mixed 7 Month Old Mixed Canine
Treatment Cost (USD): $415.00
0 Responses
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Sarah | 2 months ago
Routine Spay On A 1yr Old Labrador Retriever
Treatment Cost (USD): $440.00
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Robyn | 2 months ago
My Five Year Old Dog Is Seriously Afraid Of Storms. It Seems Like The Sound Is …

My five year old dog is seriously afraid of storms. It seems like the sound is what is triggering her fear. She is not treat motivated so I could not get her to take a calm chew but seems so elevated in her fear I don’t think that would have worked. She was shaking and heavily panting for an hour after the storm. Any suggestions??

2 Responses


  1. Laura

    Is this a recent development? I would recommend a thundershirt, but be aware you need to put it on the dog BEFORE the storm hits. Medication can also help.

    Beyond that, I would work on desensitization with sounds.

    Additionally, I’d like to add my Doberman was not sound averse until after her spay, and she slowly increased in her storm aversion. She went from a dog who would stand outside and glare at the sky for daring to make noise when she was intact to a dog who’d cower on her bed post-spay. It was bizarre. We worked on desensitization training with Youtube videos and the highest value treats I had – bits of medium-rare steak. It helped.

  2. Robyn Post author

    Thanks for your response!! That is helpful. Yes it seems new and worse over the last year

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Desiree | 2 months ago
By Dog Has Bloody Diarrhea. He Was Bit By A Tick A Little Over A Week …

By dog has bloody diarrhea. He was bit by a tick a little over a week ago and I’m concerned. He also will not eat or drink anything.

2 Responses


  1. Laura

    Hi Desiree – this is now emergent. Not eating or drinking means something is very wrong. Please get him to the vet TODAY.

  2. Krista Magnifico


    I think that you should seek help from a veterinarian to help understand what’s going on with your pup.

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Jan | 3 months ago
Should I Be Concerned About The Heart Disease DCM Caused By Or Related To Grain Free …

Should I be concerned about the heart disease DCM caused by or related to grain free dog diets?

2 Responses


  1. Laura

    I would read the studies, honestly. I prefer NOT to feed commercial grain free dog food, as I have found no benefit. My previous dog always had runny stool on grain free, but when I switched her to a grain inclusive food it firmed right up and her coat improved. My current dog is the same way. I prefer not to supplement with pumpkin, and it appears dogs do benefit from the fiber in grain inclusive foods.

    If you DO choose to feed grain free, make sure the ingredients don’t have legumes high on the ingredient list. There seems to be a correlation.

  2. Laura

    I sat on this a little more, and wanted to add: DCM is absolutely deadly as a disease. My Doberman had it (the breed is prone to it, so we expected it would happen) and it’s not something for which I’d ever want to increase risk. It presents as two forms – congestive and arrhythmic. Congestive is congestive heart failure, which is the animal literally drowning on their own fluids. Arrhythmic is sudden death. Neither are good, both are fatal.

    Ripley’s form was arrhythmic. She was fine until her first collapse, when she went on medication to treat. In normal situations that would have earned us a few months. We got a miracle of an entire year with her post diagnosis…and she left us in the same way, with a heart attack that killed her instantly. Diagnosis is expensive, as is medication. I can absolutely say I would do whatever I can to avoid it from both an emotional and fiscally responsible standpoint.