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carolyn zeller | 4 years ago
Our Dog Addy The Afghan Gets Acid Reflux Dr Graf Told Me To Give Her Something …

Our dog Addy the Afghan gets acid reflux
Dr Graf told me to give her something like prilosec but I can’t remember exactly what it was and don’t want to give her the wrong thing
Carolyn zeller

1 Response


  1. Krista Magnifico

    I can have dr graf reach you Monday. . It’s always best for the doctor to discuss the medication in person just in case you have any other questions.

    Take care.

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JoAnn Sevey | 4 years ago
We Have A Young Dog Who Will Not Stop Licking Our Older Dog In The Mouth. …

We have a young dog who will not stop licking our older dog in the mouth. She is out of control with this, its not a normal greeting type of lick its always full speed jumping all around & non stop licking. The older dog hates it & tries to get away but cant so then it turns into the older dog getting loud & aggressive but that doesn’t even stop the other dog…

We don’t know what to do, or how to make her stop. She’s very bullheaded & stubborn almost impossible to train. Any advice would be wonderful. Thank you for taking time to read my cry for help


2 Responses


  1. Sarah

    Good morning☺️ My first bit of advice would be basic obedience. I know you said that she is nearly impossible to train, but dogs are smart and want to please you. It’s just a matter of finding a good motivator for her to learn- whether it be treats, praise, play…etc. all positive reinforcement. Once you know what makes her tick, I would just work on the basics, really. Come, sit, down, stop. There are a ton of YouTube videos and write ups online about how to train and what to do. Those basics will help you keep her off your other dog. Second, you might want to make an area just for your older dog if you have the space. We keep baby gates around just for that purpose. For instance, one of our GSDs needs surgery in the near future. She will need to recover, so we will set her up with a space of her own to rest. The baby gates are nice because they can still see everything that is going on and remain part of it all. Sidebar- having said all that, we are actually going to be brushing up on training out other GSD so that when our other one comes home from surgery things will be more calm and safer for recovery. Sorry for the long reply. I hope it helps.????☺️

  2. Laura

    Leash the younger dog and let them drag the leash. Correct immediately with the leash. Be consistent. If you aren’t already crating the dogs when you aren’t supervising, I’d start doing this to give the older dog a break.

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Michelle | 4 years ago
Yesterday We Got Home From Work And Our Dog Broke Into Our Bathroom And Told Through …

Yesterday we got home from Work and our dog broke into our bathroom and told through at least 5 soiled baby diapers. The brand was hello bello. My dog has not vomited, and is eating and drinking, but his gas is out of control. Is there anything else I should be keeping an eye on?

1 Response


  1. Krista Magnifico

    If he is eating and drinking and urinating and defecating normally those are all good signs. I would continue to watch him and call your vet immediately if these change. Also please get a container that is lockable for things like diapers ans tampons or any other product he might get into like trash. An obstruction surgery at an er in the USA can be multiple thousands of dollars and potentially life threatening.

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Kristen Duracka | 4 years ago
Hi! I Am Interested In Doing Longer Day Hikes With Our Dog. He’s A 3 Year …

Hi! I am interested in doing longer day hikes with our dog. He’s a 3 year old Hound mix and easily does 4-5 miles. I want to get him up to about 10 miles for trips every once in a while. What supplies should we take for him? What snacks would be best? How should I increase his mileage? Should I get him used to booties (I think that might be tough though)? Thanks for any suggestions and advice you have.

1 Response


  1. Sarah

    Hi there- I think it’s great to hike with your dog- although I have never done 10 miles. I would first and foremost make sure his obedience is up to snuff. Trails can suddenly have multiple dogs on them when a moment ago there were none around, or wildlife can be very tempting… etc. you might want to get a dog backpack to carry water in, which you’ll probably have to introduce to your dog and get him comfortable with. And a collapsible water dish too. And probably a check in with your vet if you haven’t been recently- just to be sure. Have fun out there!!!

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Margaret | 4 years ago
My Dog Is A Shitzu And Has A Cough. I Bought Him Meds For Kennel Cough …

My dog is a shitzu and has a cough. I bought him meds for kennel cough but it goes away and it goes back a day or two. what can I get him?

2 Responses


  1. Laura

    You can get him a vet visit. Possibly one with a cardiologist in addition to one with your regular vet. This breed is very prone to heart failure, and coughing is often the first outward symptom.

    1. Laura

      And to further impress the need for speed on this one – many dogs who start coughing as the first outward sign of DCM are already in congestive heart failure. You NEED to get this dog to the cardiologist TODAY.

      This might mean an ER visit.

      I am speaking from experience, here.

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suerena schaefer | 4 years ago
I Need Help. My Cats Are Spraying! I Am A Client At Jarrettsville Vet. I Have 5 Indoor/outdoor Make Cats …

I need help. My cats are spraying! I am a client at Jarrettsville vet. I have 5 indoor/outdoor male cats and 2 dogs and they are all rescues. The cats were dropped off on our road at different times and I brought them in and kept them indoors for a year but they screamed for an entire year and darted for the doors and I finally gave up and let them go out. They have all been neutered and the one female dog was spayed. The cats have a litter box but only use it when it’s raining outside or snowing and even then it’s usually only 1 cat. Otherwise they prefer to come and go through their pet door and relieve themselves outside. I have noticed a few of them over the years spray once or twice but I’ve cleaned up the areas and never had a real problem with it or at least I thought. I recently fostered 2 kittens for 5 weeks. They were confined to a bedroom for the most part but were allowed to roam when my cats were outside. The kittens went to their forever home on Saturday. I have noticed in the last week that 4 of my cats are spraying everywhere!! Repeatedly. One of them sprayed 3 times today within 30 minutes. Twice on 2 different spots on the couch I was sitting on. I cleaned each spot right away as I noticed. I moved to lie on the floor to let my babies and he followed me and sprayed on the built in behind my head. I picked him up immediately and put him outside and told him no in a firm voice. I imagine that the kittens probably have something to do with this since cats are very territorial but I don’t know what to do to get them to stop. I’m not sure if I’m using the right cleaning products. I’m using “no more spray” by nature’s miracle. I don’t know if maybe they have a physical issue going on so I don’t want to rule that out. I’m now wondering if they’ve always sprayed a lot and I just didn’t notice it. But I have a very keen since of smell and I think I would have noticed it. I am NOT giving up my cats!! I love my babies ! I need help to end this! PLEASE HELP!

2 Responses


  1. Krista Magnifico

    This is often a multi factorial issue. And therefore it is a harder fix to resolve. It always should start with making sure everyone is healthy and there are no urinary issues present. That requires and exam bloodwork and urine check on all cats. Which can be costly I know. Next we make sure there are enough litter boxes. One for each cat and then one extra. All let’s must be spayed and neutered. After that we address behavior issues. Like stress markings and territorial marking. If all else levies to not help we talk about feliway pheromones, separating cats and medications to reduce stress and marking. I find rhat there is just a fine line between how many cats will cohabitate together peacefully. I am happy to help but I have to reiterate it can take a while to figure this out and rectify it satisfactorily. Lastly don’t yell or punish. They have no idea they are acting inappropriately and it will only worsen the stress for everyone.

    1. suerena schaefer Post author

      They have all been neutered. I have only 1 litter box in the house that is rarely used since they go outside. They have a cat pet door that is up higher that they all use. They prefer to go outside in my flower beds. They actually all get along well. Three of them are brothers and the other 2 were introduced slowly to the crew. I will make appts for the ones I know for sure are spraying to get the blood work done. I ordered a feliway plug in and bought odaban to clean all surfaces that I know they have marked on. Thank you so much for your time and advice. I know it will take some tumor but their my babies and worth it.

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Marlene Cepeda | 4 years ago
My Dog Is A 3 Year Old Terrier Mix And Went To A New Vet And She …

My dog is a 3 year old terrier mix and went to a new vet and she said he has mild luxating patella medial grade 1. No other vet ever said anything about that. She said he was probably born with it. Will it effect his walking?

1 Response


  1. Sarah

    I apologize that no one has had a chance to answer your question. I think your best bet would be to have a detailed discussion with your vet- and probably ask for a second option as well- to find out exactly what is to be expected.

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Paola | 4 years ago
Hello, I Have A Question Concerning My Vizsla Dog Who Got Spay On The 30.12 At 12.15pm. …

Hello, I have a question concerning my Vizsla dog who got spay on the 30.12 at 12.15pm. She has been spooting blood here and there from her vulva and I am really worry if everything is ok. We have holidays in my country so her veterinar in not available. She is acting compleately normally eating and drinking and going potty normally. But the spotting from her vulva is a concert for me thats why I write.

Thanks in advance


2 Responses


  1. Krista Magnifico

    Please call your vet and ask them. I am always very worried after I spay a dog if there is any abnormal bleeding.

  2. Krista Magnifico

    No one other than your vet, or a vet who can do an in person exams can tell you whether or not this is an emergency and it would be irresponsible for anyone other then them to provide guidance just in case there is anything wrong. Hopefully it is just a little post op bleeding, but as a vet who does a lot of surgery I always worry and I am always hyper vigilant in monitoring post op. Please call a vet and have her seen

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Kimberly | 4 years ago
I Have A 9 Month Old Mixed Breed Dog Named Charlie. He Got Loose This Morning And …

I have a 9 month old mixed breed dog named charlie. He got loose this morning and I believe he may have eaten something he shouldn’t have. When I got him home, I fed him breakfast and about 15 minutes later he threw it all up. We then walked and played with other dogs in the field. We came home and I gave him a few pieces of ham. About 5 minutes later he threw it up as well. He now just drank some water and vomited again.

I will not feed him anymore today but am wondering if I should rush him to er or try to wait til morning and see his vet?


2 Responses


  1. Sarah

    Hi there-
    He very well may have found something and gotten into it. I would definitely make sure he is drinking water- even if that continues to come up. Having said that, if your dog is still vomiting tomorrow, I would most definitely get in to see the vet. Hopefully, his stomach will calm down and he is ok.☺️

  2. Krista Magnifico

    I agree with Sarah. I would keep a very close eye on him. I would also feed a bland diet like boiled boneless skinless chicken and rice in small meals. If he continues to vomit or us acting like he isn’t feeling well head to the vet. And in general I avoid ham with dogs.

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Kerri | 4 years ago
We Are Having Some Issues With Our Shepherd That Two Vets, An ER Vet And Dermatologist …

We are having some issues with our Shepherd that two vets, an ER vet and dermatologist couldn’t figure out. My dog went to a dog park and a week later his leg started to not be as strong. The next morning after that his back leg was so swollen!

We’ve have ultrasounds, blood work and X-rays done and nothing. Now it is making his other back leg swollen as well. Please tell me you have experienced this or do you have any recommendations?

We are still awaiting results from the skin biopsy but I was hoping this has happened to someone else.

I feel at such a loss the professions don’t have a clue and I just want to help my baby get better!! ????????. Thank you!

2 Responses


  1. Krista Magnifico

    I’m sorry to hear about your pup. When I get cases like these I refer to a university vet school. They are the best resource for finding answers when everyone else stumbles. I hope this helps. Good luck

  2. Laura

    Going to second Dr. Magnifico’s recommendation. Looks like you’re in Washington? Ask your vet to consult with WSU’s vet team, and possibly refer you over there.