I am happy I could help. This is a tough one for me because there are so many things that need to be discussed in person to help get the needed information and expectations settled. Have you followed up with the team at penn? Has anyone spoken to you about what other options exist on both the medical and training fronts? My preference is to start with a brief visit outside with you present to see what triggers and options exist and then start a medical plan to find the right combination of both short and long term options exist. Ie medications, soft muzzles and restraint tools. It is a process and it sounds like your dog needs some help in finding a compromise to the detonation of happy place care. If you want to try to see what we can do to help I would ask you to call the clinic and ask for a late day weds introduction meet and greet. That’s the safest and calmest entry intro to us and each other.
Call the clinic and ask for them to have me call you back and we can settle the details.
Have a wonderful weekend. .
Have you asked your vet for assistance? In many cases your vet can do the procedure? Or refer you to someone who can.
Yes, please get her treated ASAP. Poor Hazel!