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Kissu | 7 months ago
My Dog Cannot Walk .Her Left Leg Has Not Been Working Properly.It’s Too Week….

My Dog cannot walk .Her left leg has not been working properly.It’s too week.I search everywhere the symptoms I might feel like its IVDD.She was trying to wake up but she can’t.Her weight is too heavy like 35-40kg. german shepherd. please help

1 Response


  1. Krista Magnifico


    This is one of those conditions that need a vet immediately. They can prescribe medications to help. I sorry. I wish I could do more. You need a vet to help identify what this is, or might be, and provide medication.

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Francesca | 7 months ago
Intermitent Limp Hello, One Of My Dog Has A Limp On Her Hind Right Leg That …

Intermitent Limp

Hello, one of my dog has a limp on her hind right leg that only occurs minutes after she gets up after lying down for a long period of time.
When she gets up her leg won’t touch the ground while standing up or walking.
In just a few minutes, she’ll touch the ground again, run, and jump with no sign of pain, but every time she gets up it’s the same thing, several times a day.
I’ve squeezed her leg all the way, and moved it around and she shows no pain or injuries,

1 Response


  1. Krista Magnifico

    Any degree of limping that lasts for more than a few days should be seen by a veterinarian. The only exceptions to this is a dislocated hip which should be seen immediately to try to put it “back in the socket”. Infection is the other thing I worry about. There is usually wound and most often pets are quiet and not eating well.

    The most common knee injury we see that causes limping is a cruciate rupture. You will need a vets help to diagnose this.

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laura | 8 months ago
I Am Concerned About My Elderly Dog Who Has Started Sleeping All The Time. She Only …

I am concerned about my elderly dog who has started sleeping all the time. She only gets up to eat and go to the bathroom. Sometimes I think she is dead because she sleeps so long and so soundly. When she gets up she seems ok. Just wondering if this is somethings I should be worried about. I would say she sleeps like 22 hours a day.

1 Response


  1. Krista Magnifico


    You are the person who knows your dog the best. If you see a change in him then please reach out to your vet. I think an examination and some blood work are indicated.

    Hope things go well.
    Dr Magnifico

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Kaylie | 8 months ago
My 1 Year Old Dog (1/2 Lab, 1/4 German Shepherd, 1/4 Boxer) Has A Large, Perfectly Round Red Bump On …

My 1 year old dog (1/2 lab, 1/4 German shepherd, 1/4 boxer) has a large, perfectly round red bump on her face. I have researched and see potential answers but we are currently out of town and cannot take her to the vet yet. She is very important to me so of course I am concerned, but I would like opinions on whether I should be panicking as much as I am according to the photos I provide. Some articles say cancer, others say histiocytoma.

1 Response


  1. Krista Magnifico

    The only way we can accurately diagnose any kind of mass is with submitting a piece of the tissue for biopsy or histopathology. If the mass is small and not bothering your dog you probably have a little time to monitor it and don’t have to rush to the vet. If it isn’t going away or if it is getting larger I would see a vet. In a dog this age I often talk about whether it might be a histiocytoma. These are usually benign and go away over a few weeks.

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Naomi | 8 months ago
Hello! I Have A 14 Month Bernese Mountain Dog Who Has Been Limping For Quite A While …

Hello! I have a 14 month Bernese Mountain dog who has been limping for quite a while now. He started off with lameness shifting over all 4 legs, but now he is just lame in the front left. It’s constant and gets worse when he runs about and will hold his leg up. He doesn’t whine and it doesn’t prevent him from activities. I’ve reduced his walks to lead walks, and even reduced his walking to see if that helps but it hasn’t made a difference. He’s had an x ray of all four limbs, checking for hip and elbow dysplasia and his legs and joint all look good with no issues… We’ve been advised this is growing pains, which we suspected and heard is quite common in young large breed dogs. However, this lameness has been going on for a more than a couple of weeks and no sign of it getting better. Checked his paw pads and in between to see if there is anything stuck. No heat or swelling or cuts anywhere. Anyone else experienced prolonged lameness with no obvious source? Or any advise as to how I could identify a source? I’m just concerned something’s been missed as it’s been going on for a long time.

1 Response


  1. Laura

    Not a vet, but someone who was heavily invested in Doberman breed education. We see this a lot in Dobermans fed puppy diets (not large breed puppy_. What are you feeding, and is it an adult or All Life Stages food? Have you consulted an ortho vet?

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Jenn | 8 months ago
My Dog Has An Aggressive Retrobulbar Mass. He’s Been Doing Okay With Gabapentin. But Today …

My dog has an aggressive retrobulbar mass. He’s been doing okay with gabapentin. But today he seems to be having trouble breathing and is bleeding from his nose. Will he be able to make it until tomorrow when we can go to our vet if it’s time to say goodbye?

1 Response


  1. Krista Magnifico


    I am so sorry to hear about your pup. I will be at the clinic early today if I can help.

    Dr Magnifico

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Justin | 8 months ago
My Dog Recently Had Surgery And I Gave Her Her Antibiotic Last Night While My Wife …

My dog recently had surgery and I gave her her antibiotic last night while my wife wasn’t home and she woke up this morning and have her another dose because she didn’t realize I had given it last night. It’s 200mg of CEFPODOXIME – proxetil. Is there any cause for concern?

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jasmine | 9 months ago
What Are The Best Calming Treats To Give My Dog? He Appears To Get Very Upset …

What are the best calming treats to give my dog? He appears to get very upset when in the crate.

1 Response


  1. Laura

    This is a training issue, not a medication issue. Look into Susan Garrett’s Crate Games. You need to train him to be okay with being in the crate, and her method is a great way to start.

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Amber | 9 months ago
My Son’s Dog Need Surgery. A Very Expensive Surgery. I Have Been Trying To Find …

My son’s dog need surgery. A very expensive surgery. I have been trying to find a place that will help with this with no luck. If my son’s dog doesn’t get the surgery he will need to put him down. There is something wrong with his jaw and now having a hard time eating. Someone plz help me save my son’s dog.

1 Response


  1. Krista Magnifico

    I’m sorry to hear about your dog. You would have to give a better description of what kind of surgery is needed for us to offer any kind of assistance or advice.

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Kristen | 9 months ago
Dog Had Abscessed Gland That Busted. I Cleaned It Up And Got All Brown Stinky Liquid …

Dog had abscessed gland that busted. I cleaned it up and got all brown stinky liquid clean out of it. Will she need an antibiotic?

1 Response


  1. Krista Magnifico

    Sorry for the delay. Yes. I always put these patients on an oral antibiotic and a medicated solution as a compress to keep the area clean.