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James | 7 months ago
My Dog Is Predisposed To Have Reactions To Ingredients In Every Heartworm Medication. I Have Received …

My dog is predisposed to have reactions to ingredients in every heartworm medication. I have received no definitive answer from my vet as to what to do except to basically play Russian Roulette which I’m not really willing to do. I would like to know if you have any advice on how to herbally treat heartworm without using conventional treatment. He is a husky, German Shepherd, wolf mix he has been DNA tested and he is 20 months old. Any information that you could provide would be helpful. My name is James Dalton and if you need to contact me my number is 864-906-4305. Thank you

1 Response


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Sandee | 7 months ago
Can You Use Neosporin On A Cut On My Dog Assuming It’s A Place They …

Can you use neosporin on a cut on my dog assuming it’s a place they can’t reach to lick?

1 Response


  1. Krista Magnifico

    While it isn’t unsafe to use a triple antibiotic ointment topically on a dog it is almost always not effective enough on its own to make much of a difference. If you have a wound or cut or laceration showing any signs of infection you need an oral antibiotic. I believe that almost all bite wounds get infected and an ointment isn’t adequate. Please see your vet if you are worried about infection or your pet has any signs of infection.

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brian | 7 months ago
Dental With Extractions On 9yr Old Female Spayed Beagle
Treatment Cost (USD): $1637.00
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brian | 7 months ago
Routine Neuter On A 4yr Old Rottweiler
Treatment Cost (USD): $583.00
0 Responses
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Ivan | 7 months ago
Please Help, So My Dog Just Had A Fight And I Noticed That His Upper Tooth…

PLEASE HELP, so my dog just had a fight and I noticed that one of his upper tooth is very loose and looks like it’s about to come out of his gum. What should I do? Do I just leave it alone until it falls out? My dog doesn’t seem to be in pain and there is no blood.

3 Responses


  1. Krista Magnifico


    I have had a few dogs throughout the years that this has happened to. They getting a fight and avulse (pull the tooth out of the socket) the tooth in the process. For these cases I always do a dental and remove the tooth (it will not heal) and then close the gums after removing the broken bone around the tooth root. Your dog is essentially going to lose that tooth but with the dental surgery you can close the area so that they don’t have pain or get infections. Please see your vet asap and talk to them about this. Until then I would feed soft food and avoid playing with toys.

    1. Ivan Post author

      Thank you so much for the advice. I’ve attached a picture of my dog’s teeth.

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brian | 7 months ago
Routine Spay On A 7 Month Old CataLeopard Hound (Mixed)
Treatment Cost (USD): $569.00
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brian | 7 months ago
Dental With Extractions On A 14 Yr Old Female Spayed Chihuahua
Treatment Cost (USD): $1406.00
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brian | 7 months ago
Routine Dental Cleaning & Polishing On A 12 Yr Old Male Neutered Longhaired Dachshund
Treatment Cost (USD): $720.00
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brian | 7 months ago
Routine Neuter On An 11 Month Old Red Healer
Treatment Cost (USD): $476.00
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brian | 7 months ago
Dental Plus Multiple Mass Removals On A 7 Year Old Male Neutered Boxer
Treatment Cost (USD): $1158.00
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