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kathy welsh | 5 years ago
My Dog Seems To Be Constantly Panting. We Have Our A/C On 70 Degrees And Ceiling …

My dog seems to be constantly panting. We have our A/C on 70 degrees and ceiling fan on. Should I be concerned?

3 Responses


  1. Krista Magnifico

    Yes. I would be concerned. Please see a veterinarian as quickly as possible. This could be an emergency and therefore I would treat it as such. Let us know what happens. Good luck.

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Suzanne Cannon | 5 years ago
Spay Surgery (OHE) In A Shih Tzu/Bichon Mix: Alyse’s Story
Treatment Cost (USD): $424.89
Alyse is a 9 month old Shih Tzu/Bichon Frise mix who underwent spay surgery (ovariohysterectomy, or OHE) at Jarrettsville Veterinary Center.
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Krista Magnifico | 5 years ago
Kirra’s Mass Removals And Dental Cleaning.
Treatment Cost (USD): $1028.52
Kirra had two masses growing under the skin over her spinal area. They larger one was about the size of a lemon and the smaller, just a few inches from the first closer to her tail, was about the size of a grape. The larger one was beginning to cause the skin to stretch to the point where rupture was eminent. When a mass ruptures the area is very unlikely to heal closed as this is abnormal tissue. A nonhealing wound or ruptured mass can result in chronic bleeding/exudate, infection or even maggots. Large masses that are about to cause skin rupture should be surgically excused before they get so large the skin opens or the mass removal is too large to close, or is causing the pet discomfort or ambulatory difficulty.
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Krista Magnifico | 5 years ago
Dental Cleaning And Mass Removal In A Bloodhound.
Treatment Cost (USD): $1081.00
Dewey is a one year old Bloodhound who had a pendulous subcutaneous mass at his sternum. He was also unneutered. The mass needed to be removed as it hanging and the skin covering it was thinning and would eventually rupture. A pendulous mass will continue to stretch and eventually rupture which would then need to be surgically removed. In doing both surgeries at the same time it reduced both the cost and the anesthesia risk/exposure.
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Krista Magnifico | 5 years ago
Routine Dental Cleaning For A Canine (dog).
Treatment Cost (USD): $325.00
Natasha is a middle aged Doberman with dental calculi and mild gum inflammation. After an examination and pre-op bloodwork (about $200 for this) she was scheduled for a routine dental cleaning and polish under general anesthesia.
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Becky | 5 years ago
My Dog Had Surgery 3 Days Ago To Remove An Abscess. Then He Was Sent Home With …

My dog had surgery 3 days ago to remove an abscess. Then he was sent home with a drain. Today he had the drain removed; 3 hours ago. Where the stitches are above the drain hole has become swollen; a ping pong ball sized ball right where the stitches are. It was not this way before the drain was removed! Do I need to be concerned. My vet isn’t open until Monday and today is Saturday night

2 Responses


  1. Krista Magnifico

    I can’t tell you whether or not this is an emergency. I don’t know if this is a return or the abscess or something else like a seroma. The best advice I can give is to monitor your dog very closely. Any sign of lethargy, inappetance or indication of infection at the site like pain, swelling, redness or discharge and you should see a bet immediately. Also it is always better of to be safe than sorry and see a vet as soon as anything abnormal occurs. Whether it’s an emergency is hard to tell and impossible to diagnose online. I hope this helps. Good luck. Let us know what happens.

    1. Becky Post author

      Thank for your opinion & advice. The swelling hasn’t gotten bigger overnight but is still there. Our vet opens tomorrow & I’ll definitely take him in first thing in the morning.

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Kristen Masters | 5 years ago
I’m Seeing Articles Popping Up Online Stating That Plastic Storage Containers For Dog Food Are …

I’m seeing articles popping up online stating that plastic storage containers for dog food are bad because of air getting to the food and causing bacteria. Is this true?

4 Responses


  1. Krista Magnifico

    I’ve seen the same in human health too. I’ve heard (and I’m not an expert on this) that it’s especially concerning if left in sunlight, high temps or in the container for extended periods of time. In general I will say that I try to avoid plastic. I prefer ceramic or stainless steel. I keep my pets food in the bag in a wooden feed bin with a lid. I clean it out every few weeks to keep the spilled food from attracting bugs.
    Xox to Axle and the family. (I think that’s you. Hope so).

  2. Laura

    I keep all dog food in my house inside cat litter bins in their original bags, if possible. I’ve also been known to transfer to smaller bags (since we get the BIG bags). In the latter situation, said bags always have zip seals and are thrown away once empty. We keep the bins out of the sunlight and clean THEM regularly, too, to ensure no old food remains.

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Sukhpreet | 5 years ago
Hello, I Am Very Interested In Getting A Dog, However Where I Live I Might Have …

Hello, I am very interested in getting a dog, however where I live I might have an issue with our neighbours. They have two dogs, both primarily live in their back garden, they have had them for about several years and have never taken either of them for a walk. Whenever I go into my back garden they start barking incessantly, they are often left alone for hours despite one of the couple who live there not working. Would still be possible for me to get a dog, take it into the garden for toilet-training and to play under these circumstances?

8 Responses


  1. Laura

    You COULD, but it would take work. I ‘d also look into reinforcing your fencing, and making it impossible to see through. I’m sorry your neighbors are terrible dog owners. 🙁

    1. Sukhpreet Post author

      They already can’t see through I have high fences and there’s no way they can possibly get into my garden but it’s the noise of us opening our door or walking that sets them off. I know it’s not their fault they must be bored out of their minds. I worry any dog I got would be scared or distracted too much by them

      1. Laura

        Well, if you keep a pup engaged with YOU when outside, they’re less likely to be distracted by the other dogs.

        I wouldn’t leave a dog out in the garden unsupervised – I don’t with my 6 year old, and I certainly wouldn’t with a puppy. If pup starts barking like a fool, the fun ends and everyone goes inside.

        1. Sukhpreet Post author

          I’ve read not to ever let a dog unsupervised and was planing on having it on a lead when in the garden until properly trained. Thanks for your reply, I was more concerned someone would have experienced something like this before and had negative outcome. I’m more than happy to spend extra on training the puppy as well

  2. Sarah

    Hi there???? I’m in agreement with a Laura- it will take work on your part. But it’s possible. You will just have to work a lot on proper training to get your dog in the mindset he or she needs to be in. You’ll almost ha e to somewhat desensitize them to your neighbors dog(s). That will be hard work, but again- with time, patience and training, anything is possible. And also- I would test the fence and make sure there is no way dogs can get in or through it… just to be safe. Best of luck!

    1. Sukhpreet Post author

      Thanks for the replies its very helpful. I know 100% their dogs can’t get through the fence. They mostly stay in a patio area in their garden and our fence is high, no holes and cement slabs at the bottom.

      I am prepared to spend a lot of money on training so that I can do this right, the type of dog I’d like is a Golden Labrador

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Deanna | 5 years ago
Please Help! My Soon To Be 11 Year Old Shnoodle (6 Pounds) Has To Follow Me Around Everywhere. …

Please help!
My soon to be 11 year old shnoodle (6 pounds) has to follow me around everywhere. We moved to a new house about two months ago and she has went pee on the stairs, bedroom and hallway at the new house. I finally had to gate the stairway and confine her to first floor only. Which has hardwood floors. She crys the whole time I’m upstairs getting ready for work or folding laundry. I’ve been crating her with my other dog at night and all she does is whine cry and scratch at blankets, the bed and metal bars on crate. Yesterday I went and bought her a crate of her own because I thought maybe she just didn’t have enough room to lay down with being in the same crate as my other dog. Well it was the same old thing last night plus she pooped in her pin and this afternoon pooped right by the pin after she had just been outside. I’m afraid she’s going to her herself too by scratching those metal bars. I tried a mesh crate and she got her toenail stuck in the mesh material and I had to cut the material to get her lose. Any thoughts on what I should do? I’ve tried crating her in my room but she doesn’t sleep she just whines, crys and scratches… PLEASE HELP!!!

Thank you

3 Responses


  1. Krista Magnifico

    I’m not sure what your question is? Can you please explain what you are concerned about and why?
    I think maybe it’s the flooring you around part? But I don’t know if this is a new behavior or not? And I don’t know why it concerns you exactly? And was your dog housebroken before?
    Any idea what changed and why?
    I will say that I emphatically believe that pets do things for a very specific reason. The key is to figure out what they are telling you they need or want and then help them resolve it. It sounds like your dog is desperate for help. Have you seen a vet to discuss any of your concerns? That’s always the best place to start.

  2. Laura

    I assume this is a dog? Retrain – new places often mean new rules, and sometimes our dogs need to be reminded of the rules. I’d also get her to the vet for a checkup with urinalysis, just to be safe.

  3. Sarah

    Good morning! Even though this dog may have already been trained, this is an entirely new situation to them. THey may be regressing. With the new change comes a new challenge. Start with the basics- positive reinforcement for good behaviors. Check with your vet to make sure there isn’t an unseen medical issue going on. My guess is that because of all the change in lifestyle (sudden crating, new smells, new house) and routine that your dog is having a hard time adjusting. Hope this helps.

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Dee | 5 years ago
My Cocker Spaniel Is 18 Months Old. Only One Of His Testicles Dropped And He Had What …

My cocker spaniel is 18 months old. Only one of his testicles dropped and he had what we thought was a retained one. He went in to be neutered today and after two hours under the vet couldn’t find the other ball!

He will do a blood test in a few months to check for testosterone. If there’s none then it looks like he only ever had one but if there is hormone then it’s in there somewhere.

I’m worried sick as the reason we got this done was retained testicles are at a higher risk for cancer. Has anyone experienced this with their dog? Did the dog go on to be okay?

2 Responses


  1. Krista Magnifico

    I have had a few cases like this. It sounds like your vet is doing everything I would. If you are really having a tough time waiting and worrying ask for a referral to an internal medicine specialist or ask a boarded surgeon to go in and take a look for it. In my opinion these are your next best options.
    Let me know what happens. Please!
    Good luck

    1. Dee Post author

      Thank you for such a quick response. There is another issue in that my dog has a cleft palate and I’m unsure about another major surgery. The vet suggested ultrasounding his tummy every year (or 6 months if I was really anxious) to catch anything that might start to grow. Nothing showed on an ultrasound today.

      Prior to the neutering the vet was very much “this missing testicle needs to come out as the risks for cancer are very high” ….now it cant be found it’s “well we can ultrasound him regularly and catch things in it’s tracks, I’m not too concerned”. so I’m a bit confused.

      Do you know how risky the retained testicle is for disease? I have my fingers crossed for a negative blood test.