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Pam Purdy | 5 years ago
The Dog Groomer Suggests Our Norwich Terrier Takes Medicine Prior To Grooming Appointment. She Bites The …

The dog groomer suggests our Norwich Terrier takes medicine prior to grooming appointment. She bites the groomer. She originally went to this groomer and they only had problems cutting her nails. We went elsewhere and our dog bit at the groomer and they called me to come pick her up mid grooming and they couldn’t finish her. We went back to the present one who completed that cut. She went back today and got groomed but they said she needs meds next time. She is 7 yrs old and a rescue. We have had her almost 2 yrs. She sometimes nips at us too. Suggestions about meds please. Thanks.

3 Responses


  1. Sarah

    Hi there-
    Before you talk to your vet about meds, I would get the name of a good behaviorist. This has the potential to really escalate into a bigger problem, and no one wants that I’m sure. Perhaps the rescue you got her from can suggest a good behaviorist? I know a lot of humane societies/SPCA’s have people that they can point you towards as well. Also- perhaps a more strict routine and boundaries will help you all. I know you said that she nips at you sometimes too. That means that she does not look at you as highest in the order. Creating a routine that puts you there and keeps you there is important and training and walks can really help. Routine is dependable and when she realizes that the rules stay the same no matter what and the walks are quality time spent together, she will have a better sense of order and that might help out. But I would start with a behaviorist that can see your dog in action and show you tools and tips that you can utilize to get things more under control. Best of luck to you!!! Thank you for rescuing!!

  2. Krista Magnifico

    I think this needs to be a discussion between you and your vet first. Then talk to your groomer about how you can start helping it be an easier process for everyone. This should not be just about getting a drug to fix him. It is a long slow positive reinforcement process. I hope this helps.

  3. Laura

    I would look into alternatives for nails, at the very least. There’s a group on Facebook called Nail Maintenance for Dogs:

    They have a LOT of great info, including proper desensitization and things like scratch boards for nails. I’d look into it…especially when the concepts behind proper desensitization can be applied elsewhere in your training with your dog.

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Pam | 5 years ago
Buster Had A Cyst Removed
Treatment Cost (USD): $1300.00
Buster had a large cyst/mass on the outside of his body , near his hind leg . I was very concerned because it came out of nowhere . I was as large as a golf ball . I took him mediately to Jarrettville Vet center . We immediately decided to start planning bloodwork and pre opt test for removal of Mass We talked about surgery with options to remove the mass within a week he had his surgery and had no complications afterwards. During pre opt , we also noticed rotten teeth and with the Discussions we had . We removed this rotten teeth while under for his mass removal . I was thankful that she pointed them out and had no complications removing his teeth.
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Krista Magnifico | 5 years ago
Ruby Was Found To Have Mild Dental Disease On Her Annual Physical Exam. This Is The Story Of Her Dental Cleaning.
Treatment Cost (USD): $421.00
Ruby has yearly physical examinations. On this years exam mild dental calculi and tartar were noticed. Based on her age, breed and heart murmur status it was decided that a routine dental cleaning would be in her best interest. After her exam pre-operative blood work was done and she was scheduled for general anesthesia and a scale, polish and oral cavity exam.
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Krista Magnifico | 5 years ago
Cranial Cruciate Ligament Surgery. Meet Bosun. This Is The Story About His Lateral Fabellar Suture Repair For His Knee Injury.
Treatment Cost (USD): $1650.00
Bosun's knee injury occurred like most of them do; he was running/playing in the park, having a grand time, then turned quickly, YELPED! After that he was chronically lame.. The lameness for this injury is typically bad for a few days, then improves marginally with rest, only to recur with any slight amount of exercise or activity.
1 Response


  1. Scott Landry

    Bosun is doing very well! Slow but steady recovery. Bosun is getting around noticeably better and can steady himself fairly easily when he gets up instead of having the leg fall away underneath him. I mean, we know at the age of ten, that Bosun will not be running around like his younger puppy days or anything, our expectations are realistic. He is much better getting up and moving around post surgery and his quality of life is considerably better. In my opinion, and I like to believe in Bosun’s too, the surgery was totally worth doing. Bosun is such a good boy and seems much happier since getting his knee repaired. Thanks again Doctor Krista!

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Suzanne Cannon | 5 years ago
Paisley’s Story: Spay Surgery (OHE) In A Pug
Treatment Cost (USD): $591.49
Paisley is an 8 month old pug who presented to the clinic for a spay (OHE: ovariohysterectomy) procedure.
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Suzanne Cannon | 5 years ago
Spay Surgery (OHE) For Scarlett, A Vizsla
Treatment Cost (USD): $426.08
Scarlett is a 6 month old Vizsla puppy who presented to the clinic for a spay (OHE: ovariohysterectomy) procedure.
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Suzanne Cannon | 5 years ago
Snoopy’s Story: Spay Surgery (OHE) In A Chihuahua/Terrier Mix
Treatment Cost (USD): $445.81
Snoopy is an 8 month old Chihuahua/Terrier mix who presented to the clinic for a spay surgery (OHE: ovariohysterectomy.)
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Suzanne Cannon | 5 years ago
Lucy The Pug’s Spay Surgery (OHE)
Treatment Cost (USD): $430.50
Lucy is a 7 month old pug that presented to the clinic for a spay procedure (OHE: ovariohysterectomy.)
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Suzanne Cannon | 5 years ago
Spay Surgery (OHE) For Charlotte, A Rottweiler
Treatment Cost (USD): $459.20
Charlotte is a year-and-a-half old Rottweiler who was brought to the clinic for a spay surgery (OHE: ovariohysterectomy.) Charlotte's spay was delayed several times due to infection/inflammation of the area around Charlotte's vulva. This was treated by cleaning the area and by administering topical and oral antibiotics. When the infection had been resolved for a while and the patient's skin looked healthy, the decision was made to proceed with the spay.
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Suzanne Cannon | 5 years ago
Recently Rescued Dog, Ivory, Comes In For A Spay Surgery (OHE)
Treatment Cost (USD): $848.80
Ivory is a 7 year old mixed breed dog who was recently adopted from a rescue organization. Her new owner noticed that she had some lumps on her upper abdomen. The vet determined that these lumps were actually enlarged mammary tissue, and she also noted some discharge around the nipples. She speculated that perhaps Ivory had never been spayed, as she wasn't able to find evidence of a spay scar. The vet's recommendation was that the enlarged mammary growths be removed, and that Ivory undergo spay surgery (OHE: ovariohysterectomy) during the same procedure.
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