Hello. This is a question for a veterinary nutritionist. Maybe the folks at balanceit.com might be helpful?
My dog has a patch on the tip of her ear that looks like a build up of something. It is dry and hard. I started picking at it and the hair started coming part. What is this and how do I help?
She also has other spots on her body that are just dry and thinning hair. Is there anything I can do to help with hair loss/thinning? Anything topical? We were told she may have an allergy to chicken so she is on a sensitive diet.
I have a small dog treat bakery side hustle and would like to include small cakes, donuts and muffins in my treat line. Cake like recipes call for baking powder, baking soda or both. Is there any amount that is safe? Where would I find solid information on the use of these items in cakes for dogs?
I’ve tried using eggs for leavening but things like donuts are still brick like – and yes I taste each item I make!
My dog Nick is going through heart worm treatment and I have a few questions…
he is 12 days post 1st injection as of today. He is on Prednisone once daily, and has Gabapentin 300mg which I give as needed.
he seems to shiver quite a bit – is he cold or feeling uncomfortable? I understand that the worms are dying and disintegrating. Is that painful for him? Does it cause pressure in his lungs? That is where this process takes place – is that correct?
I keep him a small room with me and in a crate when unsupervised. If I am in the kitchen he is leashed and laying on the floor. Only goes upstairs at night. I am giving him enrichment toys however he did eat (literally) half of one and had to go to vet to vomit the toy-my fault, I know he eats things. He is on a short leash for potty breaks. The heart worm society recommends having the dog sit at each stage for going outside, this little man will do anything for a treat and this works great for him. Does this seem like a good approach?
Thoughts or suggestions are appreciated.
Thank you!
About 2 months ago my 11-Year-Old English chocolate Lab started developing a cough. It started off mild at first with a couple coughing fits here and there. I got her to the vet as soon as I could get an appointment. She was ruled out for kennel cough because she’s up to date on shots, she never is boarded and she never goes to dog parks. They started a round of antibiotics, and cough suppressants. It didn’t seem to work so we went back. They did a lot of tests which of course was a lot of money. She’s diabetic so congestive heart failure was a concern but through testing and an X-ray they said they don’t believe it has to do with her heart & there didn’t seem to be fluid around her lungs either.. She was then put on steroids because they thought it might be inflammation. It didn’t seem to help any & her cough has only gotten progressively worse. We went back again and now they put her on a different round of antibiotics & another script that I have to fill at a human pharmacy for Codeine I believe. She has coughing fits almost every 20 to 30 minutes and sometimes with rubbing of her neck it helps calm them down. Her coughing spasms generally produce a lot of phlegmy spit up. I’ve spent more money than I have to try to get her help but we haven’t been able to get any answers. I was told it could possibly be Laryngeal Paralysis but the only way to truly confirm was to take her to a specialist and spend a lot more money to put my 11-year-old senior diabetic dog under sedation for an invasive procedure to diagnose. I’m not even sure what the fix for that would be if there is one and I’m sure it’s thousands more $$$ for a girl who may not make it through all that. It’s heartbreaking watching her struggle., I don’t really know what to think or do, just at a devastating loss watching my poor girl suffer. Within the last week, my once always hungry Labrador who never turned down any type of food down has stopped eating her normal food and treats that she used to love. She now only accepts wet food and soft meaty treats. I’m not really sure where to go. I don’t think the ER is the best answer here and again I’ve spent way more money than I even have to try to find an answer. Just trying to find any guidance/advice/assistance/suggestions and/or answers that I possibly can. Thank you in advance.
Dou, my female mixed-breed dog, was spayed a while ago. She weighs around 38 kg, which is too heavy for her, making it hard for her to walk because her joints struggle to support her weight. She’s been on joint supplements (as attached below) for a year, and that’s helped her move better. Recently, though, she’s been vomiting a lot, especially after eating or drinking, and the vomit is yellow. She’s also lost her appetite. I took her to a local vet and followed their treatment, but she’s not getting better. I’d like some online advice to help her feel better.
I just had my 3 year old Goldens eyes checked by an opthalmologist. She has GA in her right eye. I tried researching GA but PRA keeps coming up. What kind of care do I need to do for my dog?
Hello vets
I hope I can get some help please.
Looking for funding options or a vet that works with people on financial aid (location Ontario toronto). My dog dewclaw came off exposing the inside. I am doing my best to keep it clean from infection. Do I need to take him to see a vet?
I attached a photo also I got some Betadine but want to ensure the proper use. I was told to dilute as it’s strong it’s 10% advice would be great
My dog is not bleeding, no signs of serious discomfort. Able to run and walk still. Keeping an eye for infection
Happend on January 30th I live in Toronto west end
Any advice for the mean time would be super appreciated. I have been using dog bandage, gauze, cleaning with mild soap and water. I used peroxide the day it broke then after a walk because dirt got in the wound. I have now discontinued using it. I used ointment photo attached below. But I needed somthing to prevent infection. So I got Betadine and was told to dilute my dog is about 20 pounds. I also let it air out in between bangade changed he wear cone so can’t lick the wound. Theb 1 hour in morning morning before bed I let air out.
Is Skout’s Honor Probiotic Lavender Dog Deodorizer or any commercial dog deodorizing spray safe for dog with skin allergies?
Levi has hind legs due to IVDD. I’m so saddened to see him like this. He is only 4.5 years old and otherwise very active and happy. Dr. Magnífico your videos of Hank’s progress has given me hope. My question is why is he trembling despite being resting and under pain and anti-inflammatory medication? He can move his front legs, but he is not eating and just drinks water with a syringe. His symptoms began on Saturday, December 28. The Vet saw him Sunday morning and said we should keep him strictly rested for about 30 days. He is urinating and defecating on his diapers. My wife keeps him clean and changes his position every three hours. Day six no progress. Is there hope and is the trembling part of the recovery process? Also he can’t lift his head and is there a way to know if he is suffering from Myelomalacia? I appreciate you Dr. Magnífico for your passion in caring for our beloved furry family!
Hey so a couple of months ago,my dog had a sort of a film that was covering his eye and it has been growing and it seemed like a bother ( I could see his perception greatly reduced. I asked the former owner about it but he told me that it might be age. I overlooked it until it started to become to disturbing, he’s been getting a lot of eye discharge. No matter how much I remove,it simply comes back the following day. I live in a very rural area and there’s no vetinary close and to top it off I’m ina non-english speaking country and I don’t know any other language besides that.so I decided to ask for help, and that’s how I’m here, I also took note that this film is somewhat forming in his other eye,very easy to overlook but I can’t afford to, if anyone can offer some sort of help or advice I would really appreciate it.
I suspect that this is related to allergies and therefore the answer lies in helping the body from the inside out versus trying to get topical products work for the outside in.
Please talk to your vet about the many options we have for treating atopy in dogs.
You may also need an oral antibiotic or medication for over abundant yeast.