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Pawbly | 9 years ago
My Husky Is 5 Months Old So He Is Still In An Awkward Growing Stage…

My husky is 5 months old so he is still in an awkward growing stage. His ears and snout are fully developed like an adult dog, but the rest of his body is still growing. He has all husky features such as pointy stiff ears, blue almond-shaped eyes, big bushy tail, little husky-like paws, and he runs very fast and light on his feet. He has a husky mask pattern on his face, but his pattern on his body is blotched with black and white? Very confused. I thought maybe he was just a piebald husky, but lots of people are saying he’s mixed? Not sure. Can someone help me out? 🙂

2 Responses


  1. PK Dennis

    It is almost impossible to tell the DNA makeup of a dog without DNA testing.  And even then, the results may be pretty vague.  For $80 you can do a Mars Wisdom Panel that will tell you if your dog is mostly one breed or another, but other than that it can be disappointing.

    I have used the DNA test 4 times and each time the results have helped me understand the personality of the dog I was testing.

    Seems like you have a good handle on what you dog may be – but if you have the money, DNA testing doesn’t hurt!

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Pawbly | 9 years ago
My Dog Jumped Off The Couch. I Think When She Landed She Broke Her Nail…

My dog jumped off the couch. I think when she landed she broke her nail off or split her pad. It’s bleeding a little. I tried a warm wash cloth but she didn’t like it. Anything else I should do?

1 Response


  1. Dawn Ferara, DVM

    Is it still bleeding?  If it’s the nail push corn starch into the nail.  If it’s the pad then apply pressure with a dry washcloth or paper towel.  She isn’t going to like it but it needs to be done.  I would take her to the vet tomorrow.

    Good Luck

    Dr Dawn

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Pawbly | 9 years ago
I Got A 9 Week Old Puppy Five Days Ago. I Have To Return Her…

I got a 9 week old puppy five days ago. I have to return her due to noise complaints in the apartment. Do you think she will have a hard time going back to her mom dog and littermates?

1 Response


  1. Anonymous

    she should be fine, particularly if the breeder is an ethical one.  she’ll be placed in another home.  thank you for returning her rather than putting her in a shelter, though.

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Pawbly | 9 years ago
Couls This Be Puppy Strangles? She Is Currently On Antibiotic And A Cleanse For The…

Couls this be puppy strangles? She is currently on antibiotic and a cleanse for the sores. We plan to take her to the vet this week for a second opinion.

1 Response


  1. debra yuhasz

    I don’t know if this is strangles, but it sounds like the right treatment for any number of things. Taking her to your vet is the best idea ever. 

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Pawbly | 9 years ago
Elvis Is A 12 Pound Dog, A Mix Of Puddle And Shih Tzu , He…

Elvis is a 12 pound dog, a mix of puddle and shih tzu , he start liking and scratching with his teeth his rectus and he is bleeding, this is the first time this happen.

1 Response


  1. Hamster Beagles

    yes go to the vet as soon as possible and do let us know

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Pawbly | 9 years ago
My 3 Year Old German Shepherd Has Always Had These Issues: Excessive Water Intake, Scarfs…

My 3 year old German Shepherd has always had these issues: Excessive water intake, Scarfs down his food in seconds, Will not gain weight, Urinates and Defecates in the house and seems un-trainable, He constantly paces and just wont set still unless he is kenneled and he will still do circles and pace in his cage if he does set still out of it its for a minute at most, He recently though lost some hair on his stomach in a larch patch close to his chest.

6 Responses


  1. Anonymous

    get his kidneys checked with an ultrasound.  get a full urinalysis done as well as bloodwork.  we had these symptoms in our first dobe, and it turned out he had something called renal displaysia – his kidneys were underdeveloped.  eventually he went into renal failure after a bout of dehydration. 

  2. Shelby Allen

    How long could a dog live with Renal Displaysia? And those tests are under way waiting until next paycheck and I am taking him in just wanting to be prepared for something exactly like what your saying.

  3. Hamster Beagles

    do what Laura says i think thats a good idea

  4. Anonymous

    your dog has already outlived mine, so i can’t really give an accurate estimate.

  5. Shelby Allen

    I was only asking since he is 3 I am just looking for some hope that thats not it although its really the only thing that has made any sense. He goes in Friday for tests this is more just a form of support in a sense I am preparing myself for what the answers could be at first I thought the worst thing would be diabetes so hearing this is pretty concerning. Another thing about him that would lead me to believe that correct me please if I am wrong though, he was the runt….Would that be more likely to give a dog that diesese?

  6. Anonymous

    though, according to the folks at UPenn, it CAN be the reason a dog doesn’t develop properly. that’s what happened to our boy. he didn’t develop properly, was the smallest at birth, etc.

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Pawbly | 9 years ago
My Dog Had His Shots Yesterday And Blood Drawn And Now He Wont Get Up…

My dog had his shots yesterday and blood drawn and now he wont get up and move ususlly he is running around the house

1 Response


  1. Dawn Ferara, DVM

    It does sound like a reaction to his vaccinations.  If he is not feeling better by tomorrow I recommend taking him back to the vet.

    Good Luck

    Dr Dawn

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Pawbly | 9 years ago
My Dog Has A Dark Green Discharge In Both Of His Ears.

My dog has a dark green discharge in both of his ears.

1 Response


  1. Anonymous

    your dog needs a vet.  he’ll need an antibiotic and probably prescription ear drops.  while there, talk with your vet about preventative measures you can take to avoid this in the future.

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Pawbly | 9 years ago
My Old Greyhound Is Still In Season, She Has Been Bleeding On And Off For…

My old greyhound is still in season, she has been bleeding on and off for 2 months now.

3 Responses


  1. Anonymous

    2 months is entirely too long.  please get her to a vet today.

  2. Dawn Ferara, DVM

    You need to take her to the vet as soon as u can

  3. debra yuhasz

    Absolutely get her to a vet! A dog in season does not bleed for 2 months no matter how old she is.

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Pawbly | 9 years ago
My Cat Tested Positive For The Toxin That Is Produced By Clostridium Perfringens. He Has…

My cat tested positive for the toxin that is produced by clostridium perfringens. He has had diarrhea now for what seems like forever. He recently was treated with clindamycin for a staph infection in his urinary tract. While on this medicine it cleared up his diarrhea.. For about two months, then it started again. This is when I got a diarrhea panel done and it tested positive for the toxins.

We first tried metronidazole.. No success.

Right now he is on tylan powder and it’s been about a week. He is no longer going on the floor like usual, but I did notice little puddles of diarrhea In the litter boxes. I don’t believe it is any of my other cats because they never have had issues with diarrhea. Well tonight he threw up multiple times. It was mostly his cat food. And colored like his food. I waited about an hour and fed him a little more food which he kept down.
I did not give him his medicine tonight. I am going to call my vet in the morning.

The next step would be for him to go on clindamycin again. This was my vets last choice and she said she really didn’t want him to go on it again. Because it is not the safest medication for cats.
After this clears up he will be going on probiotics and a fiber supplement such as Metamucil.

I’m just really nervous about him being on clindamycin again. Have you seen this problem happen in cats before? Why is he not responding to any medication? Are there any other options? Ugh.

Thank you.

1 Response


  1. dakoda peterson

    I’m going to give you the best advice I can give. I have not experienced this personally but I’ve read a little about it.

    1. Get an opinion from multiple vets not just one. Some veterinarians have more training in that area than others and some have better meds.

    2. Start feeding your cat chicken baby food with rice it will be better for his intestines and less painful.

    3.once you found a vet or you decide to stay with what ever vet ask them to retest for parasites. Sounds like he could have possible hookworms even though it’s uncommon he may have it on top of the toxin.

    4. Get pedilite or something to help boost your cats electrolytes this is important because with that much diareah he could loose too much fluids.

    5. Write down everything you cat does and what time so your vet knows what is going on. Include pee time, color and look of diareah, color of gums, his activity, his pain level, his playfulness. Everything he does while you are there.

    And I can’t stress enough call multiple vets and explain what is happening and what is not working okay? Blessed be honey keep us updated.