So 2 more weeks. I don’t know if I’m doing things right, but always after leaving my isolated pup I change clothes and take shower (and force others to do so) so as to keep the little one safe. Is there something I can do more? I’m planning to bleach the upstairs tomorrow (last time I bleached the floors in the entire house was Friday).
10 week old treeing Walker got stepped on by larger dog and barely puts her toes on ground but she can hold up her leg can’t get to vet for few days what’s the best pain management until I can see what’s wrong
For how long shall I isolate my parvo puppy from her younger mate? She has her own room with a balcony upstairs, while the other pup lives downstairs. She’s sick from last Monday and I’m planning to isolate them for at least 1,5 week more.
Anna K -
Anna K Unfortunately not yet! Our Golden began 7th week yesterday and lab 9th (they were rescued), but vet told me last week that for vaccination both of them should be healthy. Therefore, I’m going to contact the clinic about this matter in the morning. What bugs me is Golden’s negative test result, which I hope was false negative as he developed all of the symptoms (yellow diharrea -> green -> Yellow + fresh blood and mucus -> dark brown. Now the stool is brown, some parts are darker, but the consistency is more solid / vomitting at the beginning, lethargy, refusing to eat and drink – he began to eat by himself on 4th or 5th day). Still I believe that physically our Golden was in a much better condition because I fed him with a syringe every 1 – 2 hours (even at night), while our lab didn’t eat at all while in hospital. And wasn’t force-fed either.
Still, I will wait next 2 weeks to be absolutely sure.
My dobe bitch spent last week at my MIL’s home, and throughout that week my MIL fed her Beneful rather than the food we asked her to feed. This…is a problem, and one we will be discussing with her at another time.
However. As a result of this lovely, boundary-free vacation eating nothing but the equivalent of Big Macs for a week, she will not go back to her regular food unless we add enticements. I need her eating what i give her, when i give it to her, without exceptions. Normally this isn’t a problem – she’s trying to get us to give her that lovely, delicious junk food. She is healthy, so this isn’t a health-related problem. She’s just being a stubborn brat. 🙂
My question is this: what is the quickest way to get her back on her normal food? My husband is less than cooperative with my eat-it-or-lose-it method of training, wondering if anyone can suggest anything else. For the moment she is absolutely refusing plain kibble. The most I will do for her is add warm water, which I do for dinners anyway. She won’t touch breakfast at all.
Any suggestions? 🙂
my 17 year dog has had problem with his back legs for a while now they have got worse and he is finding it hard to get up and keeps falling over
jerry smith typical for a dog that age, probably not much to be done. Your lucky to have had him so long. sorry about his condition, just try to keep him pain free
anne pennington just to let you know I took him to the vets and sadly I had to put him to sleep it was the right thing to do for him thanks for your help x
My 8 pound chihuahua licked my grape popsicle 4-5 times and I’m very worried. Please tell me he’s going to be okay. I don’t know what to do.
Any toxicity of mineral oil to dogs? (this would be used in low concentration to create garlic extract to spray lawn to repel mosquitoes)
My dog recently started having trouble jumping. He can jump up onto the couch but starts whining immediately for a second or two. He still runs to go play fetch but doesn’t want to jump anymore like he normally does. What should I do?
male 11 yo neutered minpin foster dog. He has had a lump on the side of his penis for months It is getting larger If I touch it he yelps but not every time. He has been peeing and walking around Does this sound like prostate cancer 2 you?
How to nurse and how much food should 4 week old pup eat? He’s on metronidazol, because his previous owner gave him polluted water and he developed severe amebiasis. How long should he sleep? He’s mom died. His sisters died of amebiasis too
Anonymous if memory serves, based on some research i’ve done, puppies should be eating 5-6 meals per day at that age. do you have support from your vet?
Anna K Krista, thank you for your advice! Today I gave him breakfast (puppy food with warm water and a bit of oatmeal – syringe), 2nd breakfast (the same, but he vomitted it as he didn’t feel good in the afternoon), home made chicken soup with celery and carrots – syringe – couple of times during the day because he felt nauseated and he ate small portions (1 small syringe at a time, next in 15 – 20 minutes, sometimes 2 syringes at a time). When he smelled our dinner all of the sudden he jumped out of the bed and ate some chicken (boiled), not much, but it was his initiative. He played with our lab, played with his stuffed chicken and went to bed. Now I’m waking him every half our and I give him blended rice with egg yolk, chicken and warm water.
Laura, unfortunately no because our vet told me that he’s gonna die. And I’m not giving up on him.
How long is recovery time for a puppy getting a umbilical hernia removed and neutering done at same time? Will stitches dissolve? He will be 8 weeks old
Margrit Simons Hi (Dr.) Krista;
I just want you to know how much I respect you for all the time, energy and caring you so freely provide! People like you make this crazy world we live in so much better and because of your dedication and caring you give people so much desperately needed hope!
Haven’t been able to take her to vet yet