Yes, it is a Cookie riddle. That’s exactly what she managed to do today, though. The farm dog she was exploring with was wet in a normal fashion. She managed to get just the rear end wet and she managed to get herself sore.
So I’m wondering whether those two are connected or happened independently.
The only way I can picture getting wet in that way would be falling with rear end only into the water while the front end still on rocks or something. Not that many rocks there, though …
Either way, she had a little too much fun.
I’ve heard baby aspirin is okay, but not Tylenol, Ibuprofen, Motrin, etc. I would check with your vet first though and would not give it to young puppies or nursing females.
I have two black Labs, and I will give them an aspirin now and then, but not often. Ibuprophen is poisonous to dogs and cats. But if your dog is still feeling bad, or showing symptoms after the aspirin wears off …..its time to go to the vet. Good luck!