I can only answer this as an “in general” answer. I dont know your pup and therefore I cannot provide much help in providing the kind of answered tailored to your pup like your vet, or your neurologist can. We do believe, in general, that pets who with an acutely ruptured disc will have a better prognosis than those who do not. This does not remove the risk of surgery or general anesthesia, but, it doesnt allow the disc to stay impeding the spinal cord and acting like a crushing tourniquet. I have seen some pets do amazing after surgery, and others also do amazing when they couldnt afford surgery.
In general, dogs who are acutely paralyzed do best wiht immediate surgery. Dogs with slow, mild disease do fine with cage rest and time.
I have to say, honestly, if he were my pup or my patient that I would be hesitant to do surgery on dog that has such mild clinical signs. This absolutely means that you use a harness, dont allow anytime off the leash, no running, jumping, or excessive play. On a leash or in a cage.
This is my personal opinion. I hope that your vet and your neurologist can give you theirs.
keep us posted.
Sex is determined by anatomy not behavior
Based on the following link, it sounds like dominance behavior: http://www.degutopia.co.uk/degubhvrfaq.htm#FIGHT