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Suzanne Cannon | 5 years ago
Spay Surgery (OHE) In A Shih Tzu/Bichon Mix: Alyse’s Story
Treatment Cost (USD): $424.89
Alyse is a 9 month old Shih Tzu/Bichon Frise mix who underwent spay surgery (ovariohysterectomy, or OHE) at Jarrettsville Veterinary Center.
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Madison | 5 years ago
My Dogs Nail Broke In Half What Should I Do

My dogs nail broke in half what should I do

4 Responses


  1. Sarah

    Good morning-
    If you have nail clippers, and your dog will allow it, I would trim the nail up as best you can so that it doesn’t catch on anything and tear worse. Is the quick exposed? Is it bleeding or raw? If you think it has the chance of catching and tearing, you might try wrapping it until you can get it trimmed up. I would use caution and clean it well too. You may want to just give a phone call to the vet- they may just ask you to slip in so that someone can trim it up nice and close for you and double check that all is good.

    1. Madison Post author

      Thank you it isn’t bleeding at all but when we try to touch it he doesn’t allow us too. We will take him to the vet today to see what thy can do for him

    1. Sarah

      Ouch- that is the quick… I think the vet is probably going to have to handle it.

Regular Vet Visit
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Krista Magnifico | 5 years ago
Kirra’s Mass Removals And Dental Cleaning.
Treatment Cost (USD): $1028.52
Kirra had two masses growing under the skin over her spinal area. They larger one was about the size of a lemon and the smaller, just a few inches from the first closer to her tail, was about the size of a grape. The larger one was beginning to cause the skin to stretch to the point where rupture was eminent. When a mass ruptures the area is very unlikely to heal closed as this is abnormal tissue. A nonhealing wound or ruptured mass can result in chronic bleeding/exudate, infection or even maggots. Large masses that are about to cause skin rupture should be surgically excused before they get so large the skin opens or the mass removal is too large to close, or is causing the pet discomfort or ambulatory difficulty.
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Regular Vet Visit
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Krista Magnifico | 5 years ago
Dental Cleaning And Mass Removal In A Bloodhound.
Treatment Cost (USD): $1081.00
Dewey is a one year old Bloodhound who had a pendulous subcutaneous mass at his sternum. He was also unneutered. The mass needed to be removed as it hanging and the skin covering it was thinning and would eventually rupture. A pendulous mass will continue to stretch and eventually rupture which would then need to be surgically removed. In doing both surgeries at the same time it reduced both the cost and the anesthesia risk/exposure.
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Alyvia | 5 years ago
My Cat Has Herpes & Has Had Worms In The Past. She Has Had 3 Litters Of …

My cat has herpes & has had worms in the past. She has had 3 litters of kittens before. The first litter was 3 stillborns. The second litter was only 2 babies (one of them being boo of course.) The third happened recently about 4 weeks ago & there was 3 of them (we’re not sure if it was the same father as the last two.) The kittens seemed very healthy but with having other outdoor cats we had to often give them flea baths & even then the fleas would still be there & climb up to their faces but obviously we were hesitant getting their faces. Their mother fed them very well (I could even say maybe over fed them) & they got plenty of rest. The only concern I would say I noticed is how one of them only seemed to use three of her legs, but I didn’t think much about it because I assumed she was young & just still learning how to walk. Then all of a sudden a few hours before she passed she kind of just really wanted nothing to do with anything & just keep sleeping. When I saw she was dead later I noticed brown squiggly things on her, I figured it was either flea eggs or some type of worm. It couldn’t have been the same worms her mother used to have because those were white. We obviously took her away from the others, and then their mother seemed to not want much to do with the two ones still alive. She’s done this in the past when she had her stillborns, she was depressed for a while. I figured it could either be that or my mother read online that it could be because she knows they’re sick & she doesn’t want anything to do with it. So me & my family purchased kitten formula, a bottle, & turkey wet food made specifically for kittens. We’ve made an effort to feed them 15 ml of the formula every 4 hours. We also provided them with warm blankets and shelter since they are lacking their mothers body heat. One of them was acting like the kitten that had just passed, just really not up for doing anything. The next morning we saw them & they seemed fine, then we check on them about 15 minutes later & that same kitten was from before was dead. We’re now making an effort to really keep an eye on this one & do everything we can. He was doing so well this morning, & we’ve been holding him to our chest for more intense warmth & continued to feed him 15 ml of formula every 4 hours. Now for the past 4 hours or so he’s starting to look really lazy like the other two. We’re scared he’s not going to make it very long

3 Responses


  1. Sarah

    Good morning. My advice would be to get to a vet. I would also advise spaying this cat in an effort to prevent this same event from repeating itself as this is the third time you’re going through this. Best of luck.

  2. Laura

    I agree with Sarah. You need a vet for the litter as well as for your queen – spay her, speuter the kittens when they’re ready for their new homes. Stop the cycle of producing sick cats.

  3. Krista Magnifico

    I’m sorry to hear about your kittens. There are so many things that this could be. It’s really almost impossible for me to even speculate. I think it would be really helpful to provide basic medical care. Like parasite control and treatment and vaccines. And yes of course spaying and neutering to prevent future litters and the high mortality associated with them. I would guess that it is probably a few simple things. Parasites, disease, exposure are the big killers for cats and kittens. I applaud your compassion but I think it’s time to start providing more medical intervention. If it helps it was a story much like yours that compelled me to become a veterinarian. I was determined to never watch another pet die without being able to intervene and do all I could to save them. I wish you all well.

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Bryan | 5 years ago
I Have A 17 Year Old Female Cat Recently Diagnosed With Kidney Disease, Treatment Is With A …

I have a 17 year old female cat recently diagnosed with kidney disease, treatment is with a prescription low-phosphorous diet.

She is suffering with stiff joints, I am considering supplements such as glucosamine to help. But are such supplements suitable for her diet? I believe glucosamine itself is kidney-safe, but wonder about other additives such as salt or potassium which she needs to avoid.

Any advice on safe glucosamine supplements for a cat with kidney problems?

Many thanks

3 Responses


  1. Sarah

    Good morning,
    I would just make a quick phone call to your vet to get their take on it. They will know best for the patient since they are familiar with the situation. Best of luck!

    1. Bryan Post author

      Thanks, I tried that first, but got short shrift from the receptionist who would not give any advice unless I booked an appointment (and paid for it)!

  2. Krista Magnifico

    I’m so sorry that you couldn’t get more help without an exam charge. It is really one of the reasons I created this site. I hope that your vet was able to help. I always try to provide lots of help and guidance and a way to be accessible. For most of these cats there is concurrent disease and aging processes. Joint pain and difficulty are one of them. I talk about providing an environment to help these elderly patients and make it easier for them to live in their world. Think about making her world small and easy to access. Try a low shallow bed a food bowl, water and a low sided litter box. Make it like the handicapped room that makes every part of her day easier. Keep her in a warm place. Encourage water intake and make it easy for her to get to all the things she needs. I also think it is helpful to ask your vet about what might be lying ahead. Like at home fluid therapy or phosphate binders. There is lots we can do to help our aging pets. Please keep in touch and let me know what tips and tricks you learn that help your kitty.
    I hope this helps.

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Gevin | 5 years ago
7 Month Old Puppy Has Raw Skin Possible On Upper Lip. Does Anyone Know If I Should …

7 month old puppy has raw skin possible on upper lip.

Does anyone know if I should be concerned or if this will take care of its self. I just noticed it today.( It was not there before)

4 Responses


  1. Gevin Post author

    Also he does not seem bothered by it at all he’s walking around normally, still very playful, and not lethargic at all.

  2. Sarah

    Good morning- it’s always hard to tell from a picture. To me, it looks a little bit like a small injury/scrape… like from a a stick or a toy possibly? If he is acting normally and eating, playing, drinking, bathrooming, etc. as usual, I would watch him and check on it periodically. If it changes or gets worse at all, I would call the vet to have it checked. Cute pup!!

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Kelly | 5 years ago
My 4 Month Old Border Collie Mix Was Spay 9 Days Ago. On Day 7 She Had A Swollen …

My 4 month old border collie mix was spay 9 days ago. On day 7 she had a swollen lump under her incision site. I took her to her vet yesterday and it was determined to be a seroma and they said to continue her on crate rest for several more days. I have read that it can take a month or more for a seroma to go down and the fluid reabsorb. She is by nature an extremely active puppy. We play outside for with her for a couple of hours most days, where she fetches balls, frisbees, etc and runs like crazy. We were hoping that after 10 days we could get back to playing. How long do you recommended we wait. The fluid filled lump is about the size of a lemon.

5 Responses


  1. Krista Magnifico

    I think that it’s best to listen to your vet. Every dog and every case is unique. I know it’s hard with an active puppy but do the best you can call your vet and talk to them about your concerns. Ask if walking or puzzle games in the house are ok? And then try to be patient. I also think it is a great opportunity to start learning her obedience and even tricks. Like sit, stay, lay down, give paw, etc. these allow her to be with you and using her intelligence but not over active or running/fetching. Get a bunch of puppy training books and refocus her from play to mental stimulation. Good luck.

    1. Kelly Post author

      Thanks so much for the advice. This is our first puppy. I have been using puzzle games with her and even devising my own…she is very smart. We have been working with a trainer, so also practice some of the commands she knows and trying to teach some new one!! We are just so ready for active play. She has become a little feisty, nipping at us like she did as a younger puppy and I think she is just so frustrated with alot of pent up energy. I will try to be patient but it is really difficult!!

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Sukhpreet | 5 years ago
Hello, I Am Very Interested In Getting A Dog, However Where I Live I Might Have …

Hello, I am very interested in getting a dog, however where I live I might have an issue with our neighbours. They have two dogs, both primarily live in their back garden, they have had them for about several years and have never taken either of them for a walk. Whenever I go into my back garden they start barking incessantly, they are often left alone for hours despite one of the couple who live there not working. Would still be possible for me to get a dog, take it into the garden for toilet-training and to play under these circumstances?

8 Responses


  1. Laura

    You COULD, but it would take work. I ‘d also look into reinforcing your fencing, and making it impossible to see through. I’m sorry your neighbors are terrible dog owners. 🙁

    1. Sukhpreet Post author

      They already can’t see through I have high fences and there’s no way they can possibly get into my garden but it’s the noise of us opening our door or walking that sets them off. I know it’s not their fault they must be bored out of their minds. I worry any dog I got would be scared or distracted too much by them

      1. Laura

        Well, if you keep a pup engaged with YOU when outside, they’re less likely to be distracted by the other dogs.

        I wouldn’t leave a dog out in the garden unsupervised – I don’t with my 6 year old, and I certainly wouldn’t with a puppy. If pup starts barking like a fool, the fun ends and everyone goes inside.

        1. Sukhpreet Post author

          I’ve read not to ever let a dog unsupervised and was planing on having it on a lead when in the garden until properly trained. Thanks for your reply, I was more concerned someone would have experienced something like this before and had negative outcome. I’m more than happy to spend extra on training the puppy as well

  2. Sarah

    Hi there???? I’m in agreement with a Laura- it will take work on your part. But it’s possible. You will just have to work a lot on proper training to get your dog in the mindset he or she needs to be in. You’ll almost ha e to somewhat desensitize them to your neighbors dog(s). That will be hard work, but again- with time, patience and training, anything is possible. And also- I would test the fence and make sure there is no way dogs can get in or through it… just to be safe. Best of luck!

    1. Sukhpreet Post author

      Thanks for the replies its very helpful. I know 100% their dogs can’t get through the fence. They mostly stay in a patio area in their garden and our fence is high, no holes and cement slabs at the bottom.

      I am prepared to spend a lot of money on training so that I can do this right, the type of dog I’d like is a Golden Labrador

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Deanna | 5 years ago
Please Help! My Soon To Be 11 Year Old Shnoodle (6 Pounds) Has To Follow Me Around Everywhere. …

Please help!
My soon to be 11 year old shnoodle (6 pounds) has to follow me around everywhere. We moved to a new house about two months ago and she has went pee on the stairs, bedroom and hallway at the new house. I finally had to gate the stairway and confine her to first floor only. Which has hardwood floors. She crys the whole time I’m upstairs getting ready for work or folding laundry. I’ve been crating her with my other dog at night and all she does is whine cry and scratch at blankets, the bed and metal bars on crate. Yesterday I went and bought her a crate of her own because I thought maybe she just didn’t have enough room to lay down with being in the same crate as my other dog. Well it was the same old thing last night plus she pooped in her pin and this afternoon pooped right by the pin after she had just been outside. I’m afraid she’s going to her herself too by scratching those metal bars. I tried a mesh crate and she got her toenail stuck in the mesh material and I had to cut the material to get her lose. Any thoughts on what I should do? I’ve tried crating her in my room but she doesn’t sleep she just whines, crys and scratches… PLEASE HELP!!!

Thank you

3 Responses


  1. Krista Magnifico

    I’m not sure what your question is? Can you please explain what you are concerned about and why?
    I think maybe it’s the flooring you around part? But I don’t know if this is a new behavior or not? And I don’t know why it concerns you exactly? And was your dog housebroken before?
    Any idea what changed and why?
    I will say that I emphatically believe that pets do things for a very specific reason. The key is to figure out what they are telling you they need or want and then help them resolve it. It sounds like your dog is desperate for help. Have you seen a vet to discuss any of your concerns? That’s always the best place to start.

  2. Laura

    I assume this is a dog? Retrain – new places often mean new rules, and sometimes our dogs need to be reminded of the rules. I’d also get her to the vet for a checkup with urinalysis, just to be safe.

  3. Sarah

    Good morning! Even though this dog may have already been trained, this is an entirely new situation to them. THey may be regressing. With the new change comes a new challenge. Start with the basics- positive reinforcement for good behaviors. Check with your vet to make sure there isn’t an unseen medical issue going on. My guess is that because of all the change in lifestyle (sudden crating, new smells, new house) and routine that your dog is having a hard time adjusting. Hope this helps.