I would get to the vet immediately! Puppies should not be lethargic like that. And the fact that the person you got the puppy from is not getting back to you is concerning. Let your vet know your suspicions when you make the appointment so that they can be prepared. Best of luck. I hope things turn out ok.
On Friday my 6yr old mutt Carlito went “down” with IVDD. Back legs paralyzed. Dr Krista’s YouTube vids with the beagle were helpful but they started on day 10. Day 17 was a success to see him walking, I’ve been crying a lot but that gave me hope.
My dog Carlito and I are on day 3, start of day 4. Went to emergency vet immediately on Friday they diagnosed but didn’t prescribe- I called on Saturday morning because he was in much pain and the vet I talked to said she would have prescribed and wondered why I didn’t get anything. had to go back the next day for gabapentin and codine. So- got a late start on meds. Saturday afternoon started meds. Carlito only wanted to be in a “sit” position, which was rough on his two front legs which are curved and a bit -let’s be honest-malformed. I had a scarf I would hold under his armpits to relieve his legs and take the weight. Made a traction thing in his cage for a bit but I stopped keeping him in the cage as moving him was painful (for him) and difficult for me. He weighs 45lbs. He looks like a mini pit bull in the face and chest, but with a long body and short legs. He’s athletic usually. Fetching maniac. Chasing all wildlife. This is extremely upsetting.
I used banfield vets for first 3yrs, then moved so I just got his annual shots from the humane society. I don’t have a relationship with a vet. I can’t move him so I called a house call vet service and have one coming today.
Carlito is drinking a little water and urinating, but won’t eat food and hasn’t pooped since Friday when I found him.
I’m worried he hasn’t pooped, but he only ate once, I believe early Saturday (1am).
His penis is exposed and I’m worried about that. Pain? Infection?
I am mostly worried about him walking again.
He slept in a laying down position last night. Maybe that’s progress?
He cried out and bit me when I moved him Saturday morning so when I moved him once Sunday I put a muzzle on him and moved him from the floor to a bedding situation. I am hesitant to move him but I worry about his back legs and circulation?
He tenses up when I attempt to put my arms underneath him and resists my lifting him. I saw on the vid that you touched the place where -butch? The beagle- disc was out. Carlito has a mid back disc injury. Should I be patting him there? To send him the message that I will be conscious of this injury spot? I’ve been avoiding this because I though it would cause pain.
Also, should he be prescribed a stool softener? Steroids? Anti-inflammatory? I only have the gabapentin and codine.
What should I be doing at this stage for his back legs? Please advise. I have not really slept. I can’t afford surgery. I will put any and all vet bills and supplies on credit cards to get my good boy better. I just want to know what to do.
We have a new puppy, a 9wk doxipoo, he seems extremely lazy and doesn’t ever really want to move unless we make him. Even when he goes to the bathroom, he goes while laying down and it doesn’t seem to phase him? He doesn’t cry or whimper.. just lays there. His eating schedule has been quite unpredictable as well. At first I thought that he just needed an adjustment period to get used to his new people and place but now I’m getting worried. Shouldn’t he be playing more than this? Or at least have some interest in exploring? Should I be worried about Parvo or another sickness?
He came from an in-home breeder and I haven’t been able to get ahold of her since I became worried.
I have a one year old lab basset hound mix and I am a diabetic and I would like to train her to bark when ever my dexcom beeps Incase I don’t hear it but I’m just not sure how to train her to do that thank you
So Stella just pooped a red gelatinous blob and I have no idea what this is. Could it be anal glands or diarrhea from maybe finding our fruit snacks on the floor? She’s been pooping a bit more than usual.. Maybe 4-5 times per day. She seems totally fine otherwise except for wiping her butt on the floor (sorry so gross). Her poop just before this happened seemed like diarrhea.. PS Stella is a Morkie (yorkshire terrier mixed with maltese) and 3 years old.
My 6 year old Bijon Shih Tzu is a very active dog and has been running, jumping, and using her long legs her whole life. Just a couple of days ago she was about to push off her hind legs to run up the stairs as she has done thousands of times before and immediately screeched and ran off limping and then ultimately losing control of her hind legs. After a few minutes of resting she was hobbling along but was able to stand on all four. However the morning after she could not stand any longer on all four and los control of her hind legs. The Vet says she has IVDD and gave us options of surgery, treatments or putting her down. I couldn’t fathom that idea since she isn’t in pain, still wags her tail, still drinks, eats, and goes to the bathroom. I’m in desperate need of some support and help. She is a trooper and I know this cannot be the end. She is currently on meds from the vet and going in today for acupuncture treatment. She is left in her cage and we try to keep her resting as much as we can. I have watched Krista Magnifico’a videos on this subject and hoping my dog can recover as the beagle she cared for did.
I have a 5 year old male Maltese and all he does is bark we have tried everything I have done training with him I have tried anxiety meds for dogs I have tried bark collars thunder vest and even leaving a tv on with dog music a blanket with my scent toys bones and nothing at all works and my neighbors get really upset and complain about his barking and have even threatened to call animal control but I don’t know what to do any more please help
I work at an outdoor kennel. We use the big 5 gallon buckets for water. We give the dogs fresh water daily but my coworker “Emily” believes that because she wipes the inside of bucket with her hand as she’s rinsing it out, it’s clean. I tried to explain if she ran a scrub brush around inside and outside of it than I wouldn’t have to disinfect them as much. Can u tell me where I can learn online about risks of not thoroughly cleaning ?
My almost 6 month old puppy is having diarrhea. We changed his food about 2 weeks from Purina pro plan puppy to the purina pro plan large breed food. He is a lab/mastiff mix. Do you think it’s the food causing the diarrhea? Should I switched him back to the old stuff? Or give him more time? He is acting fine other then the diarrhea. Thanks!
My 6 yr old female Spaniel mix has a growth in her foot pad. It has gotten bigger recently but she has no issues running, it doesn’t seem to hurt her when I touch it, and she does not lick it. I have taken her to two vets, both have never seen anything like it and do not know what it is. They both suggested surgery for removal.
Do you know what this is? Are there any natural remedies I can do before considering surgery? Will it potentially come back after removal?
My 9 month old puppy keeps on chewing his tail relentlessly and chewing his feet. He also sticks both his tail and feet down his throat as far as they will go. When he is playing with toys he keeps squashing them and trying to swallow them whole. He seems frustrated when doing this but he will be playing and then will break away to chew tail or feet. He won’t stop trying to eat EVERYTHING. Three trips previously to the vet to remove large things he has swallowed. He has so much energy and not just normal pup energy.. he does not nap at all through the day. He can go on hours of massive runs through the day and does not even lie down once through the day. Constantly on the go, no off button at all. Becoming quite dominant with other dogs and has started barking at me for attention when he’s not getting any. He has started mouthing people when he meets them, not aggressively but more for attention. He isn’t neutered but people have told me that may be a good start. The behavioural issues are a new thing, he’s been perfect up until the past couple of weeks. Chewing his tail and feet has been going on months. Have been to the vets about it but they don’t seem interested and basically said to think about having his tail docked, he will still attempt to chew what is left so it would never heal!
I have information on ivdd on my YouTube channel and my blog kmdvm.blogspot.com. Search hank or ivdd. I also think that it is super important to have a vet available daily for the first week or two. If you have been happy with your housecall vet use them. But you need help this first week dusky
If your dog isn’t eating regularly they won’t defecate regularly. . So I think you need to get the pain under control first. I also always recommend wet food. It’s easier to eat and softer to pass. Ask about option for pain and even a referral to a neurologist. I also always advocate for the Facebook group called dodgers list. They are super helpful.
So sorry that you are going through all of this. I would start with the house vet that you have coming over, since you do not yet have a regular vet. Ask them and share your concerns with them. I would mention the research that you have already done online as far as treatment options go. See what information and knowledge they have to share. I would also start asking around for opinions on local vets who are close to you… in case your visit with the vet you have making the house call does t work out. Dr. Magnifico has many videos on this and she also has a blog that you can look up for advice. I would definitely discuss pain management with the vet, options for how to help maneuver Carlito, stool softeners and possibly vitamin supplement until he is eating better….. I hope this helps. There are many knowledgeable friends on this sight. I am hoping someone that has had more experience with your situation logs on. Best ofluck to you and carlito!!
Thank you for the replies. I really like my visiting vet. She prescribed prednisone and I’m adding Pepcid. Carlito is on Gabapentin and codine. So hopefully the steroid helps calm the inflammation. This is Day 5. He pooped a little yesterday. I’m getting better at expressing his bladder on a schedule. I put a muzzle on to move him so he doesn’t bite, and while that helps me confidently pick him up for pee/poop check I wonder if it silences his pain cries so maybe I can’t know as well as before if what I’m doing is causing pain. I have a pretty good idea of what positions are painful for him but this positions seem to be changing as the pain meds kick in. He seems more depressed than scared now, but that could also be the meds.
He also seems weaker, he seem less able to “stand” or support himself in a sit position on his two front legs but again, maybe it’s the pills.
I have a rear leg sling coming on Thursday. (Day 7) and think if I put that on I can have Carlito start “standing” and possibly walking on his front legs again. WHEN is it ok to start that movement? How regular should that be? I’m going to research PT that I can start at home.