Hi, we cannot diagnose what is wrong with your dog….but we can tell you she is showing symptoms of pain and distress.
Please take her to a Vet, she needs medical attention quickly. I hope shes ok.
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I have 4 dogs. 2 are females and the other 2 are males. The 1female is 6 and so is one of the males. Now my question is. I think she’s pregnant again for the fourth time if she has this litter. Will it kill her
My dog has been breathing hard and her whole body is hot what’s wrong with her
My puppy has one red dry ear what should I do
My husky is 5 months old so he is still in an awkward growing stage. His ears and snout are fully developed like an adult dog, but the rest of his body is still growing. He has all husky features such as pointy stiff ears, blue almond-shaped eyes, big bushy tail, little husky-like paws, and he runs very fast and light on his feet. He has a husky mask pattern on his face, but his pattern on his body is blotched with black and white? Very confused. I thought maybe he was just a piebald husky, but lots of people are saying he’s mixed? Not sure. Can someone help me out? 🙂
unfortunately that photo only shows his face and nothing useful of his body, but based on your description it sounds like he has a splash coat: https://www.google.com/search?q=splash+coat+husky&rlz=1C1CHFX_enUS443US443&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwj6k_iqgO3KAhVMGT4KHZ1yCUgQ_AUICCgC&biw=1680&bih=935
It is almost impossible to tell the DNA makeup of a dog without DNA testing. And even then, the results may be pretty vague. For $80 you can do a Mars Wisdom Panel that will tell you if your dog is mostly one breed or another, but other than that it can be disappointing.
I have used the DNA test 4 times and each time the results have helped me understand the personality of the dog I was testing.
Seems like you have a good handle on what you dog may be – but if you have the money, DNA testing doesn’t hurt!
My dog jumped off the couch. I think when she landed she broke her nail off or split her pad. It’s bleeding a little. I tried a warm wash cloth but she didn’t like it. Anything else I should do?
I got a 9 week old puppy five days ago. I have to return her due to noise complaints in the apartment. Do you think she will have a hard time going back to her mom dog and littermates?
Couls this be puppy strangles? She is currently on antibiotic and a cleanse for the sores. We plan to take her to the vet this week for a second opinion.
Elvis is a 12 pound dog, a mix of puddle and shih tzu , he start liking and scratching with his teeth his rectus and he is bleeding, this is the first time this happen.
My 3 year old German Shepherd has always had these issues: Excessive water intake, Scarfs down his food in seconds, Will not gain weight, Urinates and Defecates in the house and seems un-trainable, He constantly paces and just wont set still unless he is kenneled and he will still do circles and pace in his cage if he does set still out of it its for a minute at most, He recently though lost some hair on his stomach in a larch patch close to his chest.
get his kidneys checked with an ultrasound. get a full urinalysis done as well as bloodwork. we had these symptoms in our first dobe, and it turned out he had something called renal displaysia – his kidneys were underdeveloped. eventually he went into renal failure after a bout of dehydration.
How long could a dog live with Renal Displaysia? And those tests are under way waiting until next paycheck and I am taking him in just wanting to be prepared for something exactly like what your saying.
do what Laura says i think thats a good idea
your dog has already outlived mine, so i can’t really give an accurate estimate.
I was only asking since he is 3 I am just looking for some hope that thats not it although its really the only thing that has made any sense. He goes in Friday for tests this is more just a form of support in a sense I am preparing myself for what the answers could be at first I thought the worst thing would be diabetes so hearing this is pretty concerning. Another thing about him that would lead me to believe that correct me please if I am wrong though, he was the runt….Would that be more likely to give a dog that diesese?
though, according to the folks at UPenn, it CAN be the reason a dog doesn’t develop properly. that’s what happened to our boy. he didn’t develop properly, was the smallest at birth, etc.
My dog had his shots yesterday and blood drawn and now he wont get up and move ususlly he is running around the house
Hello there. I am no expert but i still want to try to help you out. First of all, you didnt mention if it’s her first litter or not. Second, i think that the dog’s health, in some cases, is most valuable for a diagnosis than her age (as a number). I’ve seen 3 y old dogs in a awful shape and i’ve seen 11 y old dogs running after a surgery for pyometra. Crazy. That being said, if she’s fit and fine and healthy i think she is perfectly capable of giving birth at that age. Keep in mind she still needs to go through exams to check if everything is running smoothly. After that, you will need to protect the mother and the puppies and think about getting her spayed if you don’t want this to happen again.
Hope this helped.
Good luck!
i would get her spayed. it’s the safest for her.