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JoAnn Sevey | 9 years ago
He Said That Surgery At Her Age Is Dangerous, She May Not Wake Up From…

He said that surgery at her age is dangerous, she may not wake up from the anesthesia. My dog scratched the tumor and its now a terrible looking open wound. I cant afford to take her to a vet, I have no income at this time. I know she has to be in pain & im worried about infection. Is there anything I can do to treat this ? Some type of topical med. or antibiotic ???

2 Responses


  1. julie brader

    Hello JoAnne,  I realise your dog is 14 years old and an anaesthetic, as the Vet informed you may not be the ideal at her age….you cannot leave her like this.

    She has a large open wound on her stomach that is not only open to infection but must be extremely painful. 

    The tumour doesnt appear to be on a nipple but the underside of the top of her back leg? 

    You have to take her to a Vet urgently and you need to find the funds from somewhere to do it. Care Credit might be worth looking into…or perhaps you could borrow the money from family or friends. Your dog needs a Vet and she needs one now. 

  2. Dawn Ferara, DVM

    I agree with Julie and Krista

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Pawbly | 9 years ago
My Dog Ate A Hand Sized Brownie Last Night That Was Expired, She’s Breathing A…

my dog ate a hand sized brownie last night that was expired, she’s breathing a little weird, but otherwise, acting completely normal. i can’t afford to take her to the vet, so what do i do?

9 Responses


  1. Lisa Pfab

    How big is your dog? around what weight? Was the brownie dark chocolate?  I think if your dog is not tiny it will be ok, maybe some shaking or throwing up.

    It really depends on the size of the dog and their age and tolerance.

  2. brianna capistrano

    @ Lisa, she is 10 pounds and a maltese

  3. brianna capistrano

    she is a 10 pound Maltese. she’s been acting normal, barking, playing with toys, running, and hasn’t thrown up but she is taking meds because she has Addison’s disease, so I’m not sure if that’s the reason why she is breathing heavily.

  4. brianna capistrano

    I read over a lot of links last night but I’m unsure of what to do

  5. Kasia R

    I wouldn’t be concerned about it being expired but about the amount of chocolate in it and the type of chocolate! (ie: dark chocolate vs milk chocolate.) You said you can’t afford a vet but how about calling one and asking?? They often don’t mind answering a question. In my opinion, anytime a animal is having difficulty breathing, they need to see a vet. Can you borrow some money or make payment arrangements with your vet?

  6. Lisa Pfab

    Is she drinking? keep her flushed with fluids. Unless this was a very dark chocolate, I think she should be okay, but keep her calm and dont let her run around. I had a dog eat a ton of chocolate, now it was a much bigger dog, and he threw up and was panting but in the end ok.
    Good luck, if breathing gets worse get to a vet.

  7. PK Dennis

    Don’t worry that the brownie was expired – expiration dates are for the grocery stores and are not an indication of the safety of a food item.  The thing to worry about is the amount of chocolate in the brownie.  And unless the brownie had chocolate chunks/chips in it than the amount of chocolate is very small – probably between 1/4 to 1/2 of an ounce.  With chunks or chips the amount of choc would be much higher and much more of a concern in this size dog.

    So, if it did not have the chunks or chips I would just pay attention to her health for a few days (is she peeing, pooping, breathing normally), and would rush off to the vet only if I see changes there.

    If it did have the chunks or chips I would induce vomiting (if it happened within the last few hours) and see if I could get most of it out of her system.

    The rule in my house is that anything with chocolate has to stay on the kitchen counters and peninsula since those are the only places my dogs can not reach (all short legged terriers).  No chocolate in my purse either because I can forget it is in there, but the dogs know!  I have had my purse torn apart all for the love of one Andy’s after-dinner-mint.  

    I hope your girl is okay!

  8. brianna capistrano

    Thank you! I’m not sure if there were chips in the brownie or not so I’m not exactly sure. Also, my dog is taking meds for Addison’s disease and her breathing is odd because of that so I’m not sure about her odd breathing patterns.

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Pawbly | 9 years ago
Yesterday He Kinda Cried Out When Someone Touched His One Side Of The Face…

Yesterday he kinda cried out when someone touched his one side of the face! But we checked no marks or cuts. Well he seemed ok after a few hours after then today he seemed really different a lot calmer didn’t wanna get out of bed his usual normal things he did during the morning wasn’t the same! He then starting to walk funny now he refuses to walk he won’t come upstairs unless he’s carried!He usually runs around when husband gets home but he stayed on the couch wouldn’t move I had to kinda help him off the couch to even go near my husband but he still didn’t act the same! Even when my son coming home from school he’s always waiting happily at the door but he just lays on the couch! Also he’s been shaking here and there! He’s eating now but wasn’t he’s drinking and peeing! He hasn’t went number two today except this morning a little! He was running around fine yesterday just minus the touching his face a few time! Other then that he was ok ! It’s scaring me. then today he seems not to be getting better, he starting crying he wont stand up. he does still use the bathroom and hes drinking!

1 Response


  1. julie brader

    Hello Carrie, there is obviously something very wrong with your dog. We can’t tell you what but he needs to see a Vet urgently.

    It could possibly be a toxin or poison the way it started on his face and has spread….though it could be something else entirely. 

    You need to take him to a Vet urgently. Someone on here mentioned Care Credit perhaps you could try them…but this is an emergency it seems your dog is getting worse and needs urgent treatment. 

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Pawbly | 9 years ago
How To Keep Two Dogs From Being Jealous Of Its Owner?

How to keep two dogs from being jealous of its owner?

1 Response


  1. Celeste Chastain

    I have 3 Labs and 2 are young and all get very jealous when I pay the other one special attention. What I do is have my own special one on one time with one and then with the other one. One of my dogs love playing frisbee so I play that with that one by himself and the other one loves playing hide and go seek with treats so I play that with him. It’s just and idea but I hope it helps ?

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Pawbly | 9 years ago
My Dog Is 3 Years Old And Half Chihuahua Half Fox Terrier

My dog is 3 years old and half Chihuahua half fox terrier

1 Response


  1. PK Dennis

    Have  you taken her to see a vet?  It could be allergies, it could be mange, or it could be related to other conditions.  Sarcoptic mange is more prevalent this time of year as the fox move around and look for new territories (if you are in the country).  It makes the dogs very itchy but is easy to cure with the advice of your vet and Revolution (the vet has to help you get the timing of the applications right).

    Allergies are harder to deal with because it take much more effort to figure out what she is reacting to, and to heal her skin.  The first step is to get her on a grain-free diet — and that includes all treats!  Grains in her diet will slow down the process of dealing with allergies.

    The only way to figure out what is going on with her is to see the vet.

    To help with the itching try rinsing her with 1/3 vinegar & 2/3 water.  Be sure it gets into her skin, and then allow it to dry.  You can try witchhazel with aloe on the raw patches — pat it on with cotton and allow to dry.

    And last of all, use the generic form of Zyrtec (not Benadryl) to help get her through a few days of itchiness.


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Pawbly | 9 years ago
I Have An 8 1/2 Month Old, 6 Pound, Miniature Dachshund. About 8 Days Ago…

I have an 8 1/2 month old, 6 pound, miniature dachshund. About 8 days ago, I noticed her nipples were slightly bigger than normal. I was planning on taking her to the vet to see if she was ready to be fixed (my vet recommended waiting until she was 8 months old to give all her baby teeth time to fall out) but the night before I was to take her, I noticed her vulva was swollen and protruding. I wiped her and a brownish color appeared. I was still not 100% she was in heat due to the color.

The next morning I checked her again – her vulva was even more swollen and the discharge had now changed to bright red blood. It has now been 3 days since I first noticed the swelling and discharge/blood.

I did a lot of research online but have gotten conflicting information about almost everything that has to do with a dog in heat, including how many stages there are in the heat cycle, what happens in each cycle, what color the discharge/blood changes and when, when she would be most fertile, etc. I read that one way to know for sure she was in heat was to scratch the top of her butt right before her tail and if she moves her tail to the side she is definitely in heat. THEN I read that means she is already in the 2nd stage of the heat cycle. I’ve also read conflicting timelines of cycle from 2 weeks to 4.

I’m so lost and confused and hesitant to go to the vet. I don’t know if it is safe to take her because of the possibility of the presence of male dogs. I don’t want to be the idiot first time pet parent who will just get told ‘all dogs are different. there’s no way to know anything’.

1 Response


  1. Dawn Ferara, DVM


    I would recommend calling your vet to see if they will spay a dog in heat.  It is riskier to spay a dog in heat because of the excess blood in the uterus during this period of time and the fact the tissues can be more fragile.

    In answer to your question, dogs cycles last about 6 months.  This time period can vary from dog to dog and in different breeds.  However of the 4 phases, the 1st 3 phases are the ones that are going to concern you the most.  The 1st stage last 7-9 days, during this period the vulva is swollen and the discharge tends to be bloody.  During this phase the female will not allow the male to mount her.  After this phase, starting around day 8-10 and lasting for about 2 weeks is actually standing heat.  At this point she will allow the male to mount her and she can become pregnant.  The 3rd phase can last up to 60 days.  During this time the female will slowly begin to return to normal or if bred the puppies will grow.  All dogs go through a false pregnancy during this phase.

    I’m trying to not get to involved in the phases so that you understand but aren’t overwhelmed by the information.

    I hope this answers your questions and you get your baby spayed before you have any unwanted puppies.

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Pawbly | 9 years ago
My Ten Year Old English Golden Retriever Has Developed Open Holes By Her Front Knee…

My ten year old English Golden Retriever has developed open holes by her front knee area and they weap and nothing seems to help heal them up.
Can anyone give me help with this?

2 Responses


  1. Bob Johnson

    Thanks Krista, I will call my vet.

  2. Bob Johnson

    Yes, these are on her front elbos and used to be dry callus.

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Pawbly | 9 years ago
Gunner Is A 10 Week Old German Shepard Labrador Mix. He Was Vaccinated On 10-16-15…..

Gunner is a 10 week old german shepard Labrador mix. He was vaccinated on 10-16-15… He is currently dog # 3 under attack of this horrible horrible virus.. He was vaccinated with solojec5 not sure if that matters or not.. ANY ADVICE AT THIS POINT IS BETTER THAN WHAT IM RECIEVING AT HOME … THANK YOU FROM THE BOTTOM OF MY HEART … I would rather my dog live a long happy life with someone else than not have a chance at life at all due to my financial situation … Who could I possibly contact on surrendering him to get him the help he needs.. I sont have much knowledge in this area and I want to do whats best for my dog even if it means im not the best for him . thank you …

2 Responses


  1. julie brader

    Hello Britanny…..have you vaccinated your dogs yourself? I believe you can do that in the States I’m in the UK and we can only have their shots at the Vet here….and theres always 2 injections not just one.

    I’m so sorry to hear you have lost 2 of your 3 dogs to Parvo….., its a dreadful disease I know. You would be doing the right thing surrendering the puppy to a shelter. If he can be helped they would do that. You need to have a look in the phone book for Shelters in your area, give them a ring and see what they say. I only wish you could take this puppy to a Vet yourself and save him…at least you would have one dog left to love and receive it in return. Perhaps it may be worth phoning Vets too and ask if they could help you? Please do try, its very sad to think you will lose them all.

    However if you do surrender this puppy to a shelter please please don’t get another puppy until you can afford to get its shots at a Vet and have enough funds for its future health care. 

    I wish you good luck and thank you for putting your puppy first. 

  2. Dar Sawyer

    Check out wolf creek they have a few things you can try. Or take to the vet they will put on an IV and it can be pricey

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Pawbly | 9 years ago
I Am Having A Very Hard Time Put My Dogs Medice In His Ears He…

i am having a very hard time put my dogs medice in his ears he fights me i try to be very easy and talk to him and tell him that i will not hurt him but it is a battle

2 Responses


  1. Kasia R

    Hi! I have the same problems when putting drops for an ear infection in the ears. Always a battle..but now, I wait till he is relaxed and sleeping beside me..I use a thin syringe (without the needle of course) and I do it when he is much easier..the bottle they give the drops in, doesn’t go deep enough into the ear that is why I use a thin syringe.

  2. Lisa Pfab

    you can do passive restraint by holding his snout, and give him a great reward when done. Dogs ears are hard to clean, and need to be done until the problem is resolved.

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Pawbly | 9 years ago
2 Yr Old Female Dog. Normally Super Active Is Very Sluggish And Will Only Eat…

2 yr old female dog. Normally super active is very sluggish and will only eat if hand fed will not drink

5 Responses


  1. Lisa Pfab

    This is concerning if it lasts more than a day. Did the dog get into anything? Dont worry about food as much as water.  If you can get smart water, it is water with electrolytes in it and will help with dehydration,.

  2. Brian Delesandro

    Haven’t seen her get into anything. She has a hard time jumping onto the couch which is her bed. Seems she is favoring her back end

  3. Lisa Pfab

    Then I would assume she is in pain, if she is able to move then give her crate rest, complete rest for a few days. 

  4. Loz McGaffin

    Hello Brian, generally if a dog is off its food(when usually a healthy eater) it can suggest pain,and if she is favouring her back end it could be very likely that she has thrown her back out(especially if,as you mentioned,she is normally really active) this is only a suggestion of course,it also could be internal(constipation?) I’d get always intouch with your vet if you have reason to be continually worried,but hopefully it IS something less threatening,such as a slipped disc,which can right itself within a few days. (Panadol is safe for dogs,for moderate pain,at a rate of 25/30 mg per kg)Also watch for her toilet habits,if she can’t ‘go’ a dose of oil will help move things along(just house hold variety olive/veg oil,can work and is safe.(depending on her size,I’d start a dose at about a t-spoon per 10kg,and work from there over a col of days.I hope some of this helps,but please remember,it’s just my suggestions,going on the small amount of information you gave. I’d certainly call a vet if she doesn’t perk up soon.

    Cheers,Lori ?

  5. Loz McGaffin

    P.s. a basic way to check for pain,is with their temps.this can be done an old fashioned way of gently feeling inside her ears for over heat,paws also for more than normal warmth. But you can also gently perform rectal temp check,with a normal(disinfected) more insertion than about 2cm.normal parameters for a healthy dogs temp is 38.3 to 38.7*℃ ?.best of luck with your girl.