Hello Eddie, I don’t quite understand the question….but I think you mean separate your pitbull from the other dogs in your house? Give her her own room with outside access to the yard?
This would be ok but I think you might run the risk of upsetting the harmony between the 3 of them. Your pitbull may end up jealous and feeling left out. She could turn on the other two maybe. She would certainly miss them. All you could do is give it a try and see.
I don’t know if your pitbull would ever be able to socialise and be friendly with other dogs at 6 years old, she could be too set in her ways now. Maybe you could muzzle her and see how that goes too…..the last thing you want is another dog bitten…..
You sound a very responsible owner and I hope it all works out for you. Good luck.
Hello Ashlyn
I honestly wouldn’t take any chances with this situation. Contact your Vet for advice.
Good luck.