that poor baby. someone just dumped her on you??!?
i’d get her to a vet immediately for a full checkup.
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she had surgery years ago to remove breast cancer, I know cats don’t show their pain like dogs do but I don’t know if I should take her to the vet either then again I don’t want her to suffer — thoughts?
I have a puppy Labrador that was dropped off at my house last night she’s thin but she’s eating and going to the restroom. But she whizzes and than throws up.
My Pekingese’s name is stitch and my grams Jack Russel is Petey and Petey has bitten stitch but he does not understand and still won’t leave him alone and I sit there for awhile just telling stitch to stop and then I say ” Bad boy” and put him in the cage. Help me please.
Please help someone. I just want him to stop being so obsessed with Petey and I want him to stay in my room. I’ve given him well over enough chances with Petey and yet he refuses to stop and I really need help.
leash him to you – the second he tries to go for Petey, the leash will stop him. don’t use the crate as a punishment, that’s a fast track way to get him to hate the crate.
Thank you Laura!
Honestly, it sounds like it could be caused by two things. Sexual maturity is one cause, and a possible solution is getting the dog fixed but in some cases it doesnt work. Another reason could be dominance. It’s common in dogs, and even females do it. You can try to focus your dogs attention on play or like my friend get the dog a toy to dominate instead.
Yeah I gave him a toy and he humps that lol but even when I’m sitting in bed giving him tons of attention he kind of tries to get a way and jumps off the bed crying and when I let him out he runs across the house to sit by my grams door crying so I pick him up and say ” No ” and then put him back in bed he just repeats this over and over and it’s almost like he doesn’t want me or anyone but Petey and Petey doesn’t want him at all and even when I let him out, he runs down the steps and just walks around and runs back up the steps without going to the bathroom. He won’t even play with me anymore he just wants Petey and it’s sad
And I want to get him fixed but Idk i just think that after getting bit a few times he should’ve learned to stop but he won’t.
he’s still a baby.
leash him to you when you can supervise, crate him when you can’t, and get him neutered. it won’t FIX the problem but it may help.
Thank you
One of my chihuahuas at some pork he vomited nonchewed porked. Had loose stool twice then vomited vile is now laying very sleepy. With the other two chis laying with him what could be the cause? He is not with me right now?
what I do as my annual dog ate 5 tablets thyroid. nearby there is today no open vet
the base of my dogs tail is bothering her and I don’t know what to do to make her feel better its not buised or red or lumped
the base of my dogs tail is bothering her what should I do
Hi, I have 2 dogs, a 13yr old Sheprador and a 7yr old Staffordshire bull terrier. They both have great temperaments generally speaking. Today I brought home my new puppy after waiting 6 weeks for him to be ready! My Sheprador is fine with him and just lets him get on with things, however my Staffy is a little hostile. Initially he sniffed his back end and then his face, walked away and left him to it. Now his hackles go up and he runs away in order to avoid him and growls if he doesn’t want to move but the puppy has come up to see him. I have followed Cesar Millan’s method of training with my Staffy but it is so hard to find general advice anywhere. My question is how do I deal with this? Do I make my Staffy stay in the same room as the puppy, or do I let him have his own space and get used to the puppy in his own time? All of my animals have always got on but the Staff was my latest addition until today (I had the Staffy from 8 weeks old too). Thanks!
Thanks for your reply. This is the line I was thinking of taking so it has confirmed everything for me. The only thing I can’t do and am desperate to do is to take them for a walk together as the puppy hasn’t had his injections as yet. Thank you so much for your advice I shall certainly keep this in mind whilst settling everybody in!
Elliott, the senior adjusted very quickly to getting a new home a year ago. Seems possessive of his cage, at least with the dog. Pinapple, the baby seems very people friendly and hand tamed. He is sharing a cage with another green cheek of the same age at the pet store
Hi Ashley,
I just love green cheeks!! I used to have several and they are just wonderful. Nandays tend to be a little bit larger as well as more “possessive” and more boisterous birds than the green cheeks. But you can certainly try them together. I would NOT recommend just sticking them together in a cage and hoping for the best. First, you’d want to keep them isolated for at least 2 weeks until or until you can take your new bird to a vet for a general exam/check up and to rule out any disease.
Next, once your vet clears him as healthy I would be sure to closely montior them when they are near each other. You will want to be sure they each have their OWN cage to be in. Putting them in the same area, but not directly near each other is a good first step., then moving the cages closer if you’d like. Until they are next to each other. I’d never put the cages so close that they can grab one another through the bars, so be sure there is still a good gap.
Once you’ve had them near one another and they seem interested but not screaming or trying to attack, then you could try introducing them together on neutral territory,,,like a playgym. Always ALWAYS stay near so you can step in and remove one if they start to hurt each other.
I always keep birds in their own space when I’m not around –unless you have an aviary type situation with lots of room for them..they really need their own areas unless they are a very bonded pair. So until that happens make sure you have two cages.
In general I’ve found birds either love each other or hate each other. Usually no in betweens. You def are taking a risk with bringing a new friend home, either it will work ,or it will fail. But there is no way of telling how they will react based on how the green cheek is behaving in the store with a bird it already knows.
Good luck!!!!
It sounds like your cat needs to be seen by your vet. Any changes in how she normal acts (ie, wanting more attention, swollen sides, eating more,etc…) .
I hope that she is ok!
thank you kelly — I’m hoping my vet can see her tomorrow morning