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Mary | 3 years ago
We Have Rescued Two Feral Cats For Our Farm. They Came From West Virginia Rescue With …

We have rescued two feral cats for our farm. They came from West Virginia rescue with vaccines. A Maryland rescue took them and thus we have them. They are friendly to us and one lets us pick him up. The other loves to be petted but not picked up. My question…..I would like to have them chipped. The problem is I don’t know when I can get them in a carrier. It will take some time. I don’t think I can set an appt. time for the chip. I have all their paper work for you. Any suggestions??

1 Response


  1. Laura

    Is it possible a mobile vet could come to you for this? Might be easier than trying to get them in carriers.

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Breauna | 4 years ago
Hello I Recently Watched A Lot Of Your Videos On Youtube About Ivdd And The Beagle …

Hello I recently watched a lot of your videos on youtube about ivdd and the beagle you were taking care of. My Gracie was diagnosed with ivdd yesterday and my vet gave her a steroid shot and she is now on steroid medication prednisone, pain killers and muscle relaxers. She is not able to walk or stand on her own, her right leg drags, her left leg seems normal. I have been using a makeshift sling to help her use the restroom, she is able to pee and poop on her own as long as I am helping her stand outside with a sling. She sometimes sits up in bed but mainly only using her upper body. Is this a good sign? My vet said I need to put her on a diet and give her strict rest but my vet also said if she is not better in two days I should take her to get surgery. I am relucatant to get surgery not just because of the cost but because my Gracie is 11 years old and I am afraid that it could worsen the paralysis in her other legs or it might be only a temporary fix. Me and my parents want to try naturally helping her, and I am not sure how to start or what to do. Should I just try making her get strict cage rest and see what happens or should I start physical therapy right away? I am planning on calling my vet to see what she thinks but from what she told me yesterday she seems pretty set on surgery only. Gracie has only been laying on one side when laying down. Her left side. Her right side is the side with the bad dragging leg. She is eating well and drinking well, I just want her to get better soon. Any advice or suggestions you can give me would be great. Thank you Krista.
Gracie’s mom.

1 Response


  1. Sarah

    Good morning-
    So sorry about Gracie. Dr. Magnifico has a lot of videos on YouTube regarding ivdd AND she has information on her blog- diary of a real life veterinarian- that you may find helpful. Very best of luck to you and Gracie!!????????

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Nabia | 4 years ago
My Baby Brownie Was Diagnosed With IVDD 6 Days Ago. I Didn’t Go For The Surgery …

My baby Brownie was diagnosed with IVDD 6 days ago. I didn’t go for the surgery due to the cost. I’m giving him crate treatment at home he’s on two pain meds and a steroid at the moment. I hate seeing my baby in pain but I’m trying to stay positive. I saw your video on YouTube and it was very positive and hopefully. I’m hoping you can share any advice on our I can bring my baby back to good health. Currently his back legs aren’t working and he has no control over his bladder so I’m helping him go potty and cleaning his pee pad. His back and neck are in pain. I’m hoping he can make a great recovery.

2 Responses


  1. Krista Magnifico

    Wishing you the very best of luck. I have quite a few videos on this and you can also search Ivdd at There’s lots of info there too

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Hunter | 4 years ago
My 4yo Labrador Retriever Hank Recently (two Weeks Prior) Underwent A Tibial Plateau Levelling Osteotomy (TPLO) …

My 4yo Labrador Retriever Hank recently (two weeks prior) underwent a Tibial Plateau Levelling Osteotomy (TPLO) to repair the torn cruciate ligament in his back left knee. He gradually increased activity in the affected leg, but now seems as if his progress has halted. He’s very hesitant to put anymore weight on that leg. He won’t walk up a small step to get into my bedroom (this was the case before the surgery too). He moves around somewhat freely in the yard, but reverts to standing on three legs or doing a three-legged hop to move around at times. He has taken a bad step two to three times that resulted in a loud cry out. He must be coaxed to move around at all and appears to have developed a plum-sized seroma at surgery site of the infected knee. Could this be leading to the halt in activity/progress? He allows me to massage the muscles above and below the affected knee. We have also been doing some range of motion exercises on both legs.

Seroma?: He allows me to touch it and it is soft to the touch. It feels like a water balloon filled with a slightly more viscous fluid. It is directly above the incision site and the fluid appears to rest directly on top of the knee joint. Per vet recommendation, I discontinued the use of Rimadyl to try to reduce the size of the seroma.

Other symptoms: Licking at the base of tail to the point of seeing some blood in his fur. Excessive licking of the blanket he sleeps on.

3 Responses


  1. Krista Magnifico

    Please contact the surgeon or your vet ASAP. Really. ASAP. This doesn’t sound normal and an exam is indicated. Good luck.

  2. Sarah

    Hi there-
    I am hoping that Hank has been seen by your vet and/or surgeon already???? We recently had one of our dogs undergo tplo surgery, and although her recovery has been slow, it has been steady. We have been very strict about what she is allowed to do and what she is not to do and she has undergone xrays along the way to make sure she is progressing ok. The fact that Hank has cried out in pain and is regressing is very concerning. Please keep us posted

    1. Hunter Post author

      Update: Took Hank to see the surgeon yesterday. They removed the sutures and checked the seroma. They think he is just still in a lot of pain and recommended putting him back on Rimadyl for another week and to let them know if he doesn’t get any better. The seroma is looking better, but still somewhat large and still resting on the joint, which may be leading to discomfort. I may have just been too quick to let him resume light activity.

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Eva | 4 years ago
My Dog Is 6 Months Old Roughly And She Started Her Heat Cycle For The First Time 6/10/21 …

My dog is 6 months old roughly and she started her heat cycle for the first time 6/10/21 and her brother (unaltered) and her got “stuck” few days ago I know she is pregnant and she started to lightly spot blood Yesterday. What could happen from this besides the fact That puppies may not make it? Also she is pitbull/ rottweiler mix

2 Responses


  1. Krista Magnifico

    I spay these dogs as soon as possible. Why wait to see if birth defects occur? And what would you do if they do? Euthanizing puppies is the most awful heartbreaking thing a pet parent or vet ever had to do.

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Jasmine | 4 years ago
My 16 Year Old Cat Has Been Diagnosed With Some Kind Of Nasal Cancer. I Don’t …

My 16 year old cat has been diagnosed with some kind of nasal cancer. I don’t know which specifically because I didn’t want to pay for the tests that would specify which kind. Regardless, we are not treating the cancer; we are giving her supportive care. She is currently on steroids (prednisolone) and painkillers (gabapentin). With all of this, she has recently had a new symptom: a bulging of the bridge of her nose. At first, I thought it might be the cancer, but then one day, it popped open, and started leaking fluids (probably blood mixed with other things). I gave her first aid, and it healed. Now, it’s doing it again, but the fluid is building back up, even after leaking out. I called the vet after the first time this had happened, and was told that things like this would keep happening, and that she’s probably near the end of her life. Nothing about what it could be or how to handle it.

So my questions are, should I see a different vet? Does the pressure cause her pain? Is there some way to treat this? I haven’t euthanized her yet, because she still seems to enjoy life.

1 Response


  1. Krista Magnifico

    These are all questions to ask your vet. Without knowing specifically what the diagnosis is (or specifically what type of cancer) and what kind of fluid this is it is hard to predict outcome abd treatment options. Also the steroid can influence patient response. Cancer is defined as aberrant cell growth so it is by definition abnormal activity and asking to know and understand anything acting abnormally is also hard to predict. You have decided to keep her comfortable while declining the work up so we have a hard time answering specific questions about what to expect and do bed sue we do t have enough information to be able to answer questions like these.
    Pain is impossibly to answer without seeing your pet in person and doing an exam to look for the signs that might indicate pain. Also we don’t have great long term options for treating pain in cats. Pred has some properties to help.
    It sounds like you are doing the best you can with limited ability to diagnose which is the huge majority of cases I see. Keep doing what you can and it’s ok to seek multiple opinions.

    Good luck.

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Josselyn | 4 years ago
Hello, I Work At A Shelter. One Of The Puppies Got Parvo And She Was Given …

Hello, I work at a shelter. One of the puppies got parvo and she was given fluids subcutaneously. She was on antibiotics and has gotten through the parvo, but has gotten a horrible skin infection. (Most likely due to the needle injections given for fluids) Her skin started popping open and draining puss, and what started out as small draining spots, became larger and larger, until large sections of fur/skin sloughed off. The vet put her on Clavamox and has told us to clean with peroxide, then antibacterial soap, then apply a yellow greasy cream. I guess I question the daily peroxide as it makes her cry and it becomes so raw. I am attaching photos and they are disturbing, but the puppy is eating and drinking and I know it will be a long recovery, but I have to try. If a vet sees my post, please tell me what you think the wound care treatment should be. I think too much peroxide is harmful, but don’t know. The vet we use has given questionable care to some other dogs we have taken to her, so I need a second opinion.

4 Responses


  1. Sarah

    Oh my that looks so painful! Poor thing. I know that my vet does not recommend peroxide. I cannot remember the name of it, but she recommends this blue solution that you dilute in warm water. It looks like the peroxide is doing more harm then good????

  2. Krista Magnifico

    I don’t ever use peroxide. Like ever. I’m sorry I know there is a lot of opinion in vet Med but if it’s painful we either don’t it or we administer analgesics or anesthesia. Pain is not an acceptable treatment option. Also peroxide slows cell repair. Ask your vet to seek help via a local dermatologist, your lab services company or I hope this helps. I applaud your wanting to help the pets in the most need. Be well and very best of luck.

    1. Josselyn Post author

      Thank you so much for responding. I will seek out a dermatologist. I appreciate you, and I really enjoy your Youtube channel. Again, thank you.

    2. Josselyn Post author

      I forgot to ask yesterday…Until I can get her to a specialist, what do you recommend I use to keep it clean instead of the peroxide. Thank you

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Dewald | 4 years ago
Good Day Everyone, My Question Is About My 6 Week Old Dachshund Pup Hazel She Is Healthy …

Good Day Everyone,

My question is about my 6 week old dachshund pup Hazel

She is healthy and super active but I have noticed that she will cry all the time until I pick her up ( I work from home too so I have plenty of time for her but meetings are hard lol )

3 Responses


  1. Laura

    This is just one of many problems with bringing an underage puppy home – that pup needs to be with her littermates for AT LEAST 2 more weeks for proper mental development. I strongly suggest getting a Snuggle Puppy to help her adjust. It’ll help you crate train, as well.

  2. Krista Magnifico

    I think it might be time to seek some help from a puppy class or trainer, or even see if you can find someone local to help with doggie daycare. Or even find another friend who has a puppy so they can play together. It’s time for healthy boundaries and lots of socializing with other people and pets. It might even be time for a little tough love so you don’t end up with separation anxiety issues.
    Your puppy is insecure and needs to feel that it is ok to have alone and down time. Essentially a quiet nap time out.

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Crystal | 4 years ago
Hi Pawly Friends, My 3-year-old Cat Is Having UTI And His Have Blockage. He Has A …

Hi Pawly Friends, my 3-year-old cat is having UTI and has a blockage. He has a very hard time with urine and sometimes he urined blood. He has no appetite to eat, but when he gets too hungry he will eat his dry food that the vet provided. I brought him to the vet two weeks ago. They unblocked him using a catheter and hospitalized him for almost a week without IV fluids. I brought him back but he’s still weak and wouldn’t eat. After a day of staying at home, he peed in blood in such a big amount. I brought him to the vet again at around 1 am because I was too afraid. The vet uses the catheter again and hospitalized him for another week. Again, I brought him home with some antibiotics and some other meds, he was so hungry because he didn’t eat well in the hospital. I boiled fish for him (no added spices, preservatives, etc) to mix with the dry food because he wouldn’t eat it alone. He ate and drank a lot. After 3 days, he started to pee in the blood again! HELP I don’t know what else can I do to help my baby!

2 Responses


  1. Krista Magnifico

    I’m sorry to hear about your cat. Was bloodwork, Xray or urinalysis done? It might even be time for an ultrasound? It is time fir a diagnosis and better treatment plan. It is also time for medications and at home sq fluid therapy. I think I would also recommend seeking a second opinion. It just seems like you aren’t really getting anywhere with your current vet and treatments.

    1. Crystal Post author

      Thanks, will bring him to another clinic tomorrow. For the meantime, he’s getting weaker every day. He pees while sleeping or while walking now, more bloods on the floor, sometimes my bed. I’m afraid I will lose him. Anyways, bloodwork, Xray and urinalysis is done. He’s bladder is always full and is now blocked by mucus. We were given cystopro (protexin), and some inflammation meds.

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Nina | 4 years ago
Hello Dr Magnifico I Watched Your Video On Beerus The Cat (Megacolon/ Obstipation) On YouTube! Currently …

Hello Dr Magnifico
I watched your video on Beerus the cat (Megacolon/ Obstipation) on YouTube! Currently my 8 year old English bulldog was diagnosed with megacolon. My dog is my life. The last week I’ve spent $4000 which included a deobstipation. The deobstipation wasn’t successful as there is a hard piece deep in the colon. They stated they removed a good amount but couldn’t reach the hard piece deeper in the colon and he will need two more procedures. I truly can’t afford to spend any more money and I don’t want anything to happen to my dog. Each procedure is about 2500 in the area and that only includes 24 hour care. Right now he is feeling much better but that piece is still in there. I’ve increased his exercise to 2-3 short walks. I’ve also changed his diet. Chicken, very little rice, raw liver, flaxseed, watermelon, blueberries, coconut oil, green beans, carrots and pumpkin. He’s feeling much better and is having diarrhea which I hope is chipping away from that hard piece. Can you recommend anything? Days ago he was vomiting, shaking, couldn’t walk, didn’t eat or drink and was lethargic. It was so scary! I literally would do anything for this dog. But I can’t keep shoveling out thousands of dollars and not get any results. Anything would help, I can’t have anything happen to my boy. You also mentioned to learn how to palpate the abdomen. Can you explain how that is done. Any help or recommendations would be much appreciated. Thank you!

2 Responses


  1. Krista Magnifico

    I’m sorry to hear about your pup. I think that diet and exercise are very important. I also think that monitoring daily for fecal output helps. I also think you need to find a vet who will help you manage this outside of the emergencies. Your dog is going to be very hard to palpate so although I don’t want to discourage trying it’s going to be hard to monitor that way. I would also ask about gi motility agents, laxatives and prescription diets. I am not a raw or homemade diet fan. I just see too many people missing hey ingredients. Also finding a bet who will allow X-rays to monitor might help. I think you also need to start a savings account for surgery down the road. JIC. At my clinic a sun total colectomy is about $3000 and we allow payment plans to pre existing clients.
    I hope this helps.
    Keep us posted.

    1. Nina Post author

      Thank you so much. I was hoping to try this for the next few days since he is having diarrhea where he couldn’t go to the bathroom at all even after the deobstipation. Do you think it’s chipping away at that piece? What is that surgery? Will that make this constipation issue go away?