So. Here is the problem. Your pups itch is probably too severe and deep to allow an otc to work well. Also and this is a big one, it is on the face. So you have to be crazy careful about what you use.
I actually have used this product and it works well. But it cannot be near the eyes or mouth.
The source is the genetics. Aka the plague of being a bulldog. The answer lies at the vets office. Start there. His history and breed make it important to go earlier than waiting for it to become a deep and difficult infection to treat and resolve.
Be safe! Hugs to you all!
Hi there- eyes are serious. And using a photo is difficult to diagnose. It could be an injury (scratch or worse), it could be a conjunctivitis (infection), or it could be allergies…. a vet would have to inspect it closely to give a proper diagnosis and then get you the medicine you need.
yesterday he played with the dog with conjunctivitis so I believe is just this. Thank you for youe respond.
Your puppy needs to see the vet. If I were your vet I would probably stain the eye for any signs of injury and add an ophthalmic antibiotic and an ecollar. Please go to the vet. Mucous discharge is possibly a sign of a serious eye issue. And all eye issues in my opinion should be addressed to cover worst case scenario which is blindness. I have seen it happen in puppies. I hope that is not the case. But I never mess around with puppies OR eyes. Be well and stay safe.