I can’t really offer an opinion for the surgery or after care. And I’m not sure that blame or identification of underlying cause is helpful at this point. I do however think it is relevant and appropriate for you to inquire who did the surgery and what their experience level is. You can get a copy of the doctors notes and ask the vet if perhaps surgical technique was a part of the seroma. I see these as learning opportunities not sources of blame. Then ask for help in getting your kittens through this. Collectively and productively. If you are struggling with any part of your kittens care or post op care they should be happy and willing to help. As long as the incisions are intact (skin and linea I tell clients to do their best at keeping them quiet. I also offer things like a large dog carrier for times you can’t supervise and options like catnip to keep them busy without too much crazy activity. If you feel that you need more help ask for a referral or get a second opinion. In my experience kittens heal really quickly and this isn’t much of an issue for longer than a week. (But I don’t know how big the seromas are so please use your vets guidance to help you.
Good luck.
My 8 year old dog started limping this evening. She ran outside to chase a squirrel and was limping when she came back in. I can rub, hold, look all over and she shows no sign of distress. She isn’t helping or whining. Acting normal except she seems confused as to what’s wrong and she’s eyeing up the sofa and thinking about jumping up before she does. Not sure if I should just give it a day to two…maybe she pulled or tweaked something or make an appt with vet right away. Currently she’s being nosey about what’s going on in the back yard and acting fine.
My 2 kittens were spayed last week and both have developed a seroma. One of which is leaking a bit. We have 2 other cats and never experienced this with the others. The vet said they are caused by being overactive, is this accurate? They were both relatively calm and quiet for most of the week after their spay and these just developed within the past 2 days. After we had them rechecked at the vet Monday, they told us to separate them and basically quarantine them to separate bedrooms. We tried this yesterday but keeping them isolated has just caused them to be overactive when they finally get to come back out. We don’t want to make them go crazy from the isolation. Do you have any recommendations? Thank you in advance!
Hello I have a Rottweiler that is 15 weeks old and I have had him for 7 weeks. I’m thinking about selling him and buying a new dog because he bites way to much like whenever I’m at a park and I’m running around he will just jump at me and bite me furiously, do you guys know how to fix it. I have taken him through puppy school, I spray him with water and when he does something bad and I always yell no when he bites I just don’t know why he does it is it the fact that he’s a Rottweiler?
Hello I got a Rottweiler puppy and I have had him for 7 weeks now. His name is rocky and he’s 15 weeks old and my question is: whenever I go to a park with him and I run around he always bites me and jumps at me and bites furiously and growls. Do you guys know how to fix it because ive been thinking of getting a new dog. Is it the fact that he’s a Rottweiler he does this?
My 80lb dog is on carpofren and cephalexin. He is supposed to get 2 cephalexin and 1 carpofren every 12 hours. Tonight my husband and I got our wires crossed and both of us gave the dog his prescribed amount so essentially, he got a double dose. Will this make him sick?
Hi Dr. Magnifico. I realized the geriatric diet is chicken based, which gives Dottie hives. Would the liver diet work with some kind of supplement we could add to it? Maybe some pumpkin or something? I have been trying to find low protein, fish based geriatric foods for dogs with liver and kidney problems. Thank you!
My dog had surgery 9 days ago for a broken knee. A week after surgery there is a large swelling on the site of the incision and in his foot on the same leg . Is it broken again do you think it feels spongy like it’s full of fluid . Thanks in advance for any advice
Hi pawbly friends….
One of our GSD, Butch, is in his twilight years, approaching 14. It has been very eventful here with the addition of two new GSD rescues since July, and there have been some scuffles, but everyone is managing great now. All the “teething troubles” seem to have been worked out. When we lost Butch’s best bud, he stopped eating and lost about half of his body weight. The rescues kind of helped put some pep back in his step and he is doing great. He’s still underweight, but not like before. My question is, I’m worried about preventatives. With so much of him gone, I’m afraid to give him his dose of parastar, but I also fear Lyme disease, especially given his age. Being that it isn’t winter, I hate to admit, I haven’t been giving him his dose. Now that spring is around the corner, I am more concerned about ticks because of the warmer weather. Thoughts on preventatives? Should I give a lower dose? Regular dose? Every other month? I’m just worried because he is compromised enough and underweight, but Lyme is also very serious and would be awful for him as well. Any advice is very appreciated. Thanks!
My 6 month old male puppy has been peeing on our house lately. It seems like the past two weeks he has been doing it at least once a day. He didn’t used to do this, or at least not as much. He won’t really let us know he has to go, then will just release on the ground & look like he knows it was wrong. He will only sometimes let us know he has to go (usually for poops). I have recently started letting him have access to water at all times when not in the crate. (I feel like this is why he’s been peeing so much) but he needs to start letting us know in some way that he has to go. Should I start giving him less water in his bowl or start giving him after at certain times until he finally gets it.. I feel very stuck right now & would love to hear some opinions.
I am helping someone who rescued a young female stray cat a few weeks ago. No microchip. The plan is to get her vetted and adopted. She tested positive for ear mites , & tapeworms. She has had 2 applications of Revolution , 2 weeks apart, per vet instructions. She had an ear hematoma that the vet drained and sutured. The vet gave her virbantel dewormer tablet , and she is now due for her second dose, the info with this product states it is for dogs and puppies only. She didn’t get that 2nd dose, will consult with vet about it – recheck visit tomorrow. My question is about the virbantel tablet, is it safe for use on cats? What are the risks ? She has had other symptoms that we thought were unrelated , now I am wondering if the 1st dose she received at the vet had some side effects. Also she was shaved to check for a spay scar, I attached photo. Looks like there were two incisions. Any thoughts and or advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
I think it’s ok to wait a day or two to see if this resolves as long as everything else is normal and ok. If this helps I wrote a blog to help is the source of limping. See if this helps.
Good luck!