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Karen Guckert | 7 years ago
Is It Okay For My Puppy To Chew On Sticks In My Yard?

Is it okay for my puppy to chew on sticks in my yard?

4 Responses


  1. Anonymous

    I wouldn’t. Sticks can get stuck in the mouth.

  2. Sarah

    I agree with Laura, however I know it’s hard to watch them all of the time? If you catch him eating a stick, try replacing it with a chew toy.

  3. Jennifer Taylor

    I do not let puppies chew on sticks. After adoption one of my prior foster puppies had a piece of a stick become lodged in the soft tissue in his mouth causing infection. He had to have surgery to remove it. I stick with appropriate chew toys for puppies and usually keep one or two in the yard for them to play with too. Best of luck and enjoy that puppy!

  4. Jayden Cihlar

    It could be a sign of teething but I’d say no. Don’t let the puppy do it for infections or damage the new growing teeth

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Karen Guckert | 7 years ago
I Have A 13 Week Old Puppy. He’s Been Fine But He Just Threw Up…

I have a 13 week old puppy. He’s been fine but he just threw up his food and now he’s quivering. He’s urinating fine and he had a good bowel movement not too long ago. I’m concerned. What should I do?

3 Responses


  1. Anonymous

    If he’s only vomited once, I think I’d wait and see. If he vomits more, I’d be on the horn with the vet.

  2. Jennifer Taylor

    I would keep an eye on him for now. If his mood changes (i.e. lethargic, depressed, etc.) vomiting continues or if he starts having diarrhea I would take him to see a vet.

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Pawbly | 7 years ago
I Just Watched Your Video About The High Er Costs And I Am Enraged As…

I just watched your video about the high er costs and I am enraged as well.
A few years ago I called to find out an estimate for a possible C section on my Newf as she had a stuck puppy. They first said they had to see the dog to give an estimate, but when I pressed them they gave me an estimate of 2-6 K! This is highway robbery, especially since I KNOW from folks I know who have worked there that the vets there are inexperienced just out of school vets who have no business working on their own at an overnight clinic.
How can a surgery that would cost around 1-1.5K in the daytime cost 6K at night?
I ended up driving way too fast 140 miles to another vet clinic who does their own er. They got the puppy out without a c section. I doubt the local er would have been able to do that, so not only did I save my bitch from unneccesary surgery, but I saved thousands of dollars.
Besides the outrageous prices these clinics charge, I think it is criminal that they hire inexperienced vets to be on their own at an overnight clinic. To me that is malpractice.

1 Response


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Karen Guckert | 7 years ago
Are Nylabones Safe For My 13 Week Old Cavalier King Charles Puppy To Chew On?

Are nylabones safe for my 13 week old cavalier king Charles puppy to chew on?

2 Responses


  1. Jennifer Taylor

    I do give puppies Nylabones on occasion, usually the puppy version and only when supervised. Enjoy that puppy!

  2. Krista Magnifico

    I think they are safe, but please don’t use them as a pacifier in place of lots of exercise and puppy training. A little bit is ok… too much can cause obsessive chewing.

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Karen Guckert | 7 years ago
I Have A 13 Week Old Cavalier King Charles Spaniel. Can I Feed Him Anything…

I have a 13 week old Cavalier King Charles Spaniel. Can I feed him anything besides dog food or dog treats such as a small piece of meat or fruit or vegtable?

1 Response


  1. Krista Magnifico

    My preference is a very high quality breed and age specific dog food. Have you asked your vet their opinion? Or recommendation?

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Pawbly | 7 years ago
My 3 Year Old Dog Was Diagnosed With Chronic Kidney Failure After About A Week…

My 3 year old dog was diagnosed with chronic kidney failure after about a week of vomiting, lethargy, and not eating. After less than a day in the hospital her BUN came down from a 227 to a 200 and when I visited her in the hosptial I could tell her mood was night and day from when she was admitted to the hospital, much more energetic and happy, which I took as a very good sign of her health. So I guess my question is what can I expect? What are her realistic chances of recovering from this?

1 Response


  1. Jennifer Taylor

    I would chat with your regular veterinarian. If it was an ER where your dog was treated their primary goal is to get your pet stable and back home. Your regular veterinarian can help establish a treatment plan and go over prognosis. My dog was 11 when diagnosed with kidney failure, initially she was given just days to live as she did not respond to fluid therapy. We had her for 10 months that I will be forever grateful for. She did need to stay on a food recommended by our vet and we also did go in for regular bloodwork to monitor her. Best wished to you and your pup!

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Pawbly | 7 years ago
Can My Dog Get Sick From Eating A Small/tiny Piece Of An Eyeliner Pencil?

Can my dog get sick from eating a small/tiny piece of an eyeliner pencil?

1 Response


  1. Julie Brader

    I would phone your Vet and ask for advice…and tell them how big the eyeliner pencil was. It may pass through your dog, it may get stuck. Better to check with your Vet.

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tracy | 7 years ago
My Dog Has Had Diarrhea And Frequentcy For 3 Days. He Is Otherwise His Normal…

My dog has had diarrhea and frequentcy for 3 days. He is otherwise his normal self. What can I do at home?

2 Responses


  1. Julie Brader

    Any dog with diarrhoea for this long needs to see a Vet. Take a sample with you. There could be some underlying cause which needs Veterinary treatment.

  2. Jennifer Taylor

    If it were my dog I would take him or her to see the Vet. There could be many causes each which would be treated differently. In the meantime I would feed a bland diet of boiled chicken and rice. Best of luck, hope your buddy is feeling better soon!

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Mary Fischer | 7 years ago
I Have A Siberian Husky With This Horrible Scabbing On His Nose. He Has Been Looked…

I have a Siberian Husky with this horrible scabbing on his nose.
He has been looked at before and the vet had no suggestion as to what it was and simply told me to use Vaseline or neosporane. Nothing worked. Do you have any advise or suggestions? Thank you, Mary

4 Responses


  1. Mary Fischer Post author

    Yes they tried and failed. The sedative they gave him never put him out so they didn’t do anything. He can be aggressive. I have to find a new vet. 🙁
    Thank you for responding.

  2. Julie Brader

    Hi Mary….I would be inclined to ask your Vet to do a biopsy. You will know what it is and hopefully get the correct treatment. . His poor nose does look very sore indeed.

  3. Krista Magnifico

    I agree with Julie!! In areas where there is poor pigmentation and sun damage I worry about skin cancer like squamous cell carcinoma.

  4. Julie Brader

    Hi again Mary…hope you find a new Vet soon. Good luck and please do let us know what happens ?

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Pawbly | 7 years ago
I Believe My Dog Has A Small Seroma And I Am Wondering If I Should…

I believe my dog has a small seroma and I am wondering if I should or shouldn’t take her to the vet?

2 Responses


  1. Krista Magnifico

    A seroma typically occurs after a surgery. Was your dog seen by a vet recently? Could it be trauma? The only way to differentiate a seroma from any other kind of swelling is to see your vet for an examination. They can aspirate it and give you an idea as robita cause. And from there help provide a treatment plan.