I completely agree with the previous answer. Our German shepherd does not like getting his nails trimmed either… we used to have to muzzle him when we first got him. We’ve had him for seven years now, and he isn’t great about it, but he us better to the point where he no longer needs to be muzzled. I got a book from the library that explained ways to get them more comfortable it’s having their feet and nails touched through positive reinforcement. Best of luck.
My dog, a schnoodle 7yrs is lethargic, seems to have pain in his hind quarters (like arthritis type pain) and is sensitive around the anal area and slightly runny stool. Any thoughts or advice please.
I have a 2 year old pittbull mix who does not like his nails trimmed so he has to be but to sleep, it gets done about every 2 months because it is expensive. My question is it looks like the quick is getting longer but not the nails I asked the vet tech that but she said
I have a 2 year old pittbull mix who does like his nails trimmed so he has to be put to sleep every 2 months to get them done when I said to the vet tech that it looks like the quick is getting longer but not the nails she said it is my imagination. Should I be getting them trimmed sooner then every 2 months and if so putting my dog to sleep be harmful to him? Is there anything else we can try his vet is not helpful?
Anonymous Desensitization is KEY.
My dobe wouldn’t let me go near her feet. She has bitten me and she broke our dremel when I tried to do it…so I took her to a groomer who works with show dogs. Over the span of a year we visited her every week, and we got my girl’s nails to where they still click but they’re not talons, and I can now do them at home.
I would look into scratch boards while you work on positive desensitization. This has saved folks a TON of money.
Are you on Facebook? I found a wonderful group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/nail.maintenance.for.dogs/
Their Files section has a TON of information and help.
dogs neck got swollen suddenly ….i would like to take him to hospital …but the problem is …he is street dog ..what should i do ….i really want to help him …is there any way?
dogs neck swollen up suddenly ….what should i do
my dog is a pitbull female 10 months and her anus has been swollen for about 2 days but she acts normal. But just a few moments ago we saw that there were a few drops of blood on the ground and we r thinking it came from her. What should I do? Helpppp
Sunday, After groomed in a petshop, my cat can’t stand right, tremble when he walks and his head turn to left and can’t turn back. His appetite still good, doesn’t have trouble in peeing or pooping. Eyes roll well. I have gone to clinic performed x-ray and see 3 different vets. But no vets has the same answers. One said axis and atlas bone dyslocation, other said fracture and muscle neck inflammation and the last said otitis interna. what happened to my cat actually? Can he fully recovered?
My puppy is 13 weeks, for the past 2 weeks he has been very good! Training well and just being a very good puppy, but the last 3 days he’s been really bad, he’s starting to pee inside again, chew up carpet, growling barking and biting, and just not listening to me and my parter! Is there any reason or anything as to why he’s all of a sudden acting like this?
I think my dog ate rat poison 2-3 days ago. Is there any thing i can do from home to help him? He had ran off a few days prior to this and attacked a neighbors livestock so i was supposed to take him to be put down but didnt, so cant really take him to vet..
my dog as started vomiting after drinking water shes not eating and been like it for 12 hours, she’s bright eyed but looking down in herself.
Hi there- my dog basically got mauled by another dog 2 weeks ago. Her sutures and staples are to be removed this week. Yesterday she developed a hard lump under her armpit to her chest. She’s limping a bit on that leg, started yesterday and she seems to feel much worse this morning.
I took her in last week to the vet (one week after the incident) because she has a lot of soft fluid build up on her side and belly. The vet said it was due to the trauma and she’s probably moving more and she’s not completely healed.
I’m very concerned about this since its gotten worse so quickly. Can anyone give me input?
Where there is pain and lethargy combined, there is an emergency.
I agree, treat this like an emergency and get him to the vet ASAP.