It is not possible to provide any kind of helpful advice on a lump or a bump from a photo. This appears to be under the skin but even with that I can’t help direct you as to whether this is an acute swelling from an injury or insect bite, or the beginning of something more concerning like a cancer or infection.
The only way to help is to see your vet and let them examine it in person. From there they may recommend it be monitored or an aspiration or biopsy be done.
I think it sounds like you are worried and unsure about your pets condition. In cases like this I recommend two things:
1: ask your vet to help clarify and solidify your pets condition. Just explain that you are worried and want to make sure you are doing everything you can.
2. Ask friends and family for help in finding a vet they trust and call them for a second opinion.
I would also ask about more pain management help, like robaxin or even something stronger, and make sure you are following the very strict cage rest guidelines. These guys just stay in a cage to rest for 6-8 weeks. They only go out for bathroom breaks.
Also you can follow dodgers list in facebook. They are helpful.
Good luck.
I’ve switched vets three different times in the last couple of years. Every time I go to the vet there is just really no real solution given other than meds and then come out with a minimum $300-500 or more bill. Tests look normal and basically just have to deal with the problem on my own. To me there are not many vets that are really trying to help or maybe they can’t help. (Have not done an MRI yet, it’s so expensive).
My dog also has a very stubborn personality. She wants to do what she wants to do. She doesn’t do well with crating. She can be aggressive at times and want to bite. Regardless of her pain, she wants to walk around and “be nosey.” She has to know what’s going on and what we are doing. She has to be around us at all times. I feel like I have to be stationary in order for her to relax. She only eats on her time and if she likes the food (changed food so many times due to refusing to eat). It gets hard with giving her meds when she’s so picky.
She is currently on Methocarbamol muscle relaxer and seems to help only for a couple of hours if that.
I’ve been trying to switch her from carprofen to prednisolone but vet said there should be a 3 day wash out period. I feel like I just can’t wait 3 days with her in so much pain without having an anti inflammatory.
I am lost and cry for her everyday.
My dog actually had a seizure tonight, so we took her to the emergency room. After some tests, it looks like she has low calcium which may have caused the seizure and the leg tremors and muscle spasms. The ER vet doesn’t think her symptoms are associated with IVDD. We are keeping her overnight at the ER while they are administering calcium. She is to be transferred to internal medicine tomorrow to find out the cause or more information. Any thoughts/advice?