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Pawbly | 9 years ago
Chihuahua Puppies Less Than 2 Weeks Old .. Fur Is Matting And Stiff, Skin…

Chihuahua puppies less than 2 weeks old .. fur is matting and stiff, skin looks very dry what is it

0 Responses
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Pawbly | 9 years ago
SOS SOS SOS SOS EMERGENCY. My Dog Lost Half Her Hair, Her Eyes Are Red…

SOS SOS SOS SOS EMERGENCY. My dog lost half her hair, her eyes are red, and she’s really warm. I don’t know what this is help,?

5 Responses


  1. PK Dennis

    What did your vet say when you took your dog to see him/her?  Haven’t been to a vet yet?  What are you waiting for?

  2. Anonymous

    Consider this an emergency and GET TO THE VET NOW.

  3. Emma Tiernan

    Took to the vet. Gave her steroids

  4. PK Dennis

    So, steroids.  Did the vet tell you this was the result of an allergy?  

    If so, the first thing you must do is get all grains out of her diet, including treats.  No more sharing the odd cookie or corn chip with her.  Go to a good pet store (not the grocery store or a big box store) and ask to be shown to the grain-free dog foods.  Then start reading labels.  You want a dog food that lists real meat as the first 2, or even better, 3 ingredients.  Real meat is easy to recognize, it will say Elk, Bison, Turkey, Lamb, Pork, Salmon meal, Whitefish meal, etc.  Meal is the entire animal ground up and dried – a good thing.  Avoid chicken and beef – many dogs are reactive to those two proteins.  Do NOT buy any food that lists ‘by products’ as an ingredient, this is a sign that you will be paying premium price for a sub-standard food.

    Read all treat packages – they sneak a lot of grains into treats.

    To help with the itching right now – rinse your dog daily with a mix of vinegar and water (1/3 vinegar, 2/3 water – organic apple cider vinegar is best if you can afford it.  Use white vinegar if your dog is a very light color since apple cider can stain the coat.).  Flush the mix through her coat, working it down to her skin, then let her shake and dry – don’t rinse it out.  The vinegar helps calm the itch.  You can do this several times per day on the naked skin since it will dry fast – you don’t want her to go to bed damp though.

    You can keep a bowl of this mix at the door (use fresh mix every day) and dip her feet when she comes in from outdoors – this helps keep down the amount of pollen and mold spores she tracks into the house.

    Cover your furniture with sheets or towels where ever you allow her to nap – then toss those covers in the wash every week.  Same with her dog bed or crate liner.  If she sleeps in bed with you – cover the foot of the bed with a sheet or beach towel – and wash it weekly.  This keeps down the amount of pollen and mold spores on those surfaces too.  Vacuum each day with a HEPA filter in your vacuum.

    If the vet suggested Benedryl use Zyrtec instead – it seems to work better for dogs.  The generic is fine, and use the same dose as the Benedryl – one pill in the morning and one at night.

    If she has any hot spots (raw open wounds), dab on witch hazel with aloe vera (find in any pharmacy over the counter) and let it dry.

    Consider feeding your dog a raw diet – google “BARF diet for dogs”, “raw diet for dogs”, “biologically appropriate diets for dogs” to learn more.  It is a little intimidating at first, but after the first 6 months you will see such changes in your dog that you will never go back to dry bits out of a bag.  And your dog will smell wonderful!

    Keep in mind that a naked dog will feel warmer to us – we are used to having a layer of insulation (fur) between our skin and theirs.  Normally a dog’s temperature is 102.5 degrees F and we are only 98.6.

    If your dog has a skin infection you will need to continue to work with a vet – don’t let your girl get worse! 

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Pawbly | 9 years ago
The Two Females Dog Never Fought Before. I Dont Know Why They Wont Get Along…

The two females dog never fought before. I dont know why they wont get along anymore.

7 Responses


  1. Anonymous

    Intact bitches will fight, especially if they’re of a breed known for same sex aggression.  You need to get all three desexed…the bitch he mated with needs to be desexed NOW, before puppies happen.

    Also, be prepared to crate the bitches separately.  Once bitch fights start, depending on the breed, they may never stop.

  2. Erick Hernandez

    Well they are siberian husky. Why does she need to be desexed before the puppies happen? Why should i desex all of them. I got the male because i wanted puppies but i didnt know they would fight

  3. Anonymous

    Your lack of experience speaks volumes, Erick.

    What sort of health testing have you done on them? What is your intention for breeding? Who is your mentor? What happens when a puppy gets stuck and you need an emergency cesarean on the dam? How do you know these dogs SHOULD be bred?

    Please, leave breeding to people who’ve put the time in to learn more about their breed. Please. Don’t contribute to the overwhelming number of dogs in shelters.

  4. Erick Hernandez

    Can i get help from someone that is actually trying to help? Can you please just answer the question and not hate on what im doing. Please be mature about this. I care a lot about my dogs.

  5. Anonymous

    I am being mature.

    There is no easy answer to the aggression problem. This could have been started with irresponsible breeding (the other bitch shouldn’t have been permitted anywhere near the breeding couple while they were tied). This could be hormone related. This could be due to questionable temperament of the dogs living in your yard. In truth, you will most likely have to deal with bitch fights until you start crating both bitches and rotating which is permitted out of the crate OR until you rehome one of them. Bitch fights only escalate.

    Beyond that, I have said my piece. Take my advice or don’t, but don’t complain about the advice you’ve been given. You bred irresponsibly, and now you risk having puppies with questionable temperaments. It would be irresponsible to allow this pregnancy to come to term for that reason alone.

  6. Erick Hernandez

    Thank you for your advice. That actually really helped me

  7. PK Dennis

    I agree with Laura on all counts – breeding dogs should be done by people that understand a breed, want to improve the breed, or breed dogs for a particular purpose, and have a full understanding of how to go about it. NOT because they want some cute puppies or because they think they can make money selling the pups. It is okay to be a novice at this – but you should have educated yourself by reading a few books, or finding a mentor long before you threw three dogs together and hoped for the best. And especially with huskies! All the Northern breeds are closer in temperament to wolves than most other breeds and typically will fight to keep other females from breeding, and may kill other female’s litters if they can get at them. You have created a very dangerous situation for your two girls – you need to rethink the way you are keeping these dogs, what you want to do with these dogs (how would you even run them as a team if they want to kill each other due to your mismanagement? Pretty serious consequences to have some cute pups.

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Pawbly | 9 years ago
My Dogs Has A Tick

My dogs has a tick

1 Response


  1. Anonymous

    You need to remove the tick.  If you aren’t comfortable doing so, take your dog to the vet NOW to have it removed.

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Pawbly | 9 years ago
Mixed Breed. About 8 Months Old. Noticeably Less Active Over Last 24 Hours. Presently Can…

Mixed breed. About 8 months old. Noticeably less active over last 24 hours. Presently can barely stay awake and seems to have chest congestion. No money for a vet. What can we do to help him?

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Pawbly | 9 years ago
My Dog Ate A Used Tampon And The Person Who Used The Tampon Has Herpes…

My dog ate a used tampon and the person who used the tampon has herpes, is it possible for my dog to get herpes??

1 Response


  1. Anonymous

    No – the human version of the herpes virus is not transmissible to dogs.  I would be more worried about obstruction, depending on the size of your dog.

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Pawbly | 9 years ago
I’m Planning On Buying A Cat This Coming Semester. I’ll Be Living In A Fraternity…

I’m planning on buying a cat this coming semester. I’ll be living in a fraternity house with 20 or so other people. I was told that, when I inevitably move (likely in a year) the cat will mourn what it percieves to be the deaths of its former housemates, since it will not be seeing them around its living space any more.

1 Response


  1. Brandon Verkamp

    “Buy a cat. I presume you mean adopt a cat? ”
    Yes, you are correct.

    “It is too noisy, too chaotic,”
    I have considered this factor, actually. The house I’m living in is actually not loud or chaotic at all 99% of the time.

    “and there are too many people coming and going.”
    As long as they watch to make sure that the cat is not going to dart through the door when they exit, it should be fine, yes?

    “Most college kids lack resources for all of the possible needed pet care items, and especially lack resources should emergencies happen.”
    This is, obviously, something I have considered. I wouldn’t even think of adopting a cat unless I had secured a decently paying job and had sufficient savings to cover most emergencies.

    “I just strongly believe that this is not a stable, healthy, safe environment for a cat. I have seen too many misguided attempts at pets in college. Please wait until you are out of school.”
    I will certainly consider your advice and concerns seriously before I make this decision. Thank you for your time!

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Pawbly | 9 years ago
My Chihuahua Who Is Very Active Has His Left Rear Leg Dangling When He Walks…

My Chihuahua who is very active has his left rear leg dangling when he walks. He sometimes tries to stand on it but cannot. When he is outside peeing he tries to stand on it when he hikes and falls right over He is a inside dog. He does jump up on the couch but I have not seen him do anything out of the ordinary. He does not cry with pain but I am very concerned.

1 Response


  1. Anonymous

    Take him to the vet.  Whatever this is (and my unexperienced layperson’s opinion says it COULD be a luxating patella), it’s not something you can fix at home.  It may require surgery.

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Pawbly | 9 years ago
My Dog Just Gave Birth To Two New Born Puppies One Of Them Came Out…

My dog just gave birth to two new born puppies one of them came out with a clef lip how am i suppose to feed it if it isnt eating help please i dont want my puppy to die ?!

1 Response


  1. Anonymous

    This puppy needs surgery.  Call your vet NOW to discuss this. 

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Pawbly | 9 years ago
We Have A 9 Week Old Puppy That House Trains Really Well With One Exception…

We have a 9 week old puppy that house trains really well with one exception. He keeps popping in my daughter room. We keep the door shut, I have steam cleaned and scrubbed the carpet, but if the door is open for a couple minutes he will do his business in there.
He has a spot in the yard where he goes and I take him outside every hour or more often, so it isn’t that he doesn’t know where to go or intervals are too long. He also never pooped anywhere else in the house.
What can we do to discourage him from pooping in her room?

4 Responses


  1. Jana

    Sounds like either the smell remained even after all that cleaning (you might need to try something to kill the scent such as vinegar/baking soda mixture or one of the good enzyme-based cleaners) or he has a reason why he feels he must do that such as marking the place. (dogs use either urine or poop for marking)

    What do you do when he does it outside, does he get praise and reward(s)? What do you do when he does it in the room?

    Is it one particular spot in the room or any area within?

    I remember Dr. Coren had some good suggestions on redefining the area. Such as using the area in question for feeding and/or play with the argument that dogs don’t potty where they eat or play. You could definitely try that.

  2. Anonymous

    He’s too young to have that level of freedom in the house.  At this age he should be tethered to you when you can supervise him and crated when you can’t.

  3. PK Dennis

    I agree with Laura, this puppy is too young for the amount of freedom you are giving him. Tether him to you with a leash when you can’t watch him like a hawk until he is 6 monrhs old or even older.  It takes months to house train a puppy

  4. Wiebke Wiebel

    Thank you for your reply. Yes, he gets praised and rewarded for going outside. When he poops in her room I just remove it without saying anything. I will look into redefining the area like you suggested.