Oh your poor boy! I think I’d call the vet and see if this could be medical, first.
plz tell asap i m really worried abt my dog’s well being
Hello , I’m curious of my dogs actions , my dog has this kind of scary attack or something , because when he sleeps he wakes up scared kind of screaming and he pees himself , this happen two times today im really worried because i have a new cat and I’m curious if this is affecting him, do you know what can be happening to him?
My dog decided to eat some rocks and now she cannot poop and keeps acting like she is gonna throw up, what should I do?
My Chiuaua cross pug has just tied with a cocker spaniel, now released what issues might we gave now due to the size differance?
I have an 8 year old GSD. Long story short: an animal dermatologist is pretty sure he has allergic vasculitis.
-Yeast/bacterial issues with skin (lots of licking, odor, grossness)
-Swelling in legs (possibly elsewhere but always noticeable in legs)
-Spikes fevers
More recent symptoms
-Eating dirt, big time. Not sure if it’s related to condition or what.
– Noticeable weight loss while we were away for ~2 weeks. Thought other dog stole his food when caregivers weren’t watching. Now thinking its from eating dirt. ?
We have ruled out food as the source of allergy problems. The vet seemed certain that it’s a local/environmental allergy as we lived in the area almost 3 years before this started. Also, he’s always seemed to have dry, itchy skin.
He gets relief for 2-3 weeks depending on meds. Hes been put on antibiotics, anti fungal, and a steroid. Two weeks on meds brings 2-3 weeks relief. Then we are back to itching, licking, odor, swelling, etc.
We did not take him back for allergy testing after the vasculitis diagnosis. It was just too costly at that time. I am hoping to get him into his usual vet very soon for his regular checkup but I really want him out back on medication.
Please tell me someone else had experience with this issue or something similar with their pup!
my dog (male 9 yr old shitzu cross rescued 2 yrs ago) sneezes alot is this healthy?
he also weezes in his sleep are his lungs bad?
Hiya, my 6 year old German Shepherd has been limping oddly since last Wednesday but doesn’t seem to be upset or anything by it. She is really happy and still playing etc which is weird as normally if she hurts herself she acts like she is dying! But occasionally, especially when she has layed down for a while she can split her legs ever so slightly. She can still jump on the sofas etc too.
Anonymous Have you tried putting her on crate rest for 24-48 hours to see if the limp will resolve on its own? Allowing her to continue behaving normally is preventing it from healing and may be making it worse.
Crate rest means in the crate for the duration, and all potty breaks are on leash. Out to toilet, then back inside…no walks, no play.
my dog got desexed only 4 days ago but he had a sudden change in his behaviour. He is currently barking all night (which he never used to do), and finding more things to ruin and chew up during the day. is this normal?
Anonymous Desexing *can* cause behavior changes, but I’d be willing to bet he’s bored. Is he crate trained?
elisha sama what do you mean by crate trained?
Anonymous I mean does he have a crate for his own personal space? This is the easiest, safest way to keep a dog in your home. It ensures your dog is safe from chewing and it ensures your house is safe from his chewing.
Crate him when you can’t supervise him. Work on training. Reinforce obedience until he’s 100% reliable, then work on fun training like nosework.
My puppy went on a short, hot hike yesterday. Today he is very lethargic and lays or sits down every chance he gets. There is no vomit, diarrhea, discolored tongue/gums, and he is eating and drinking. Should I worry about the lethargy?
PK Dennis Yes, I would worry – give your vet a call, explain your concerns and see if they can get you in to see the doctor for a few moments.
Eric Paulsen Thanks. I did call my vet, but based on the normalcy of everything else he wasn’t concerned and figured he was exhausted from the hike. Better safe than sorry!
PK Dennis It is good that you had the conversation – you are right about safe/sorry!
Someone left their jack russell terrier (Jaz) on my street two days ago and I took her in. I currently have a 5 year old pitbull mixed with a chihuaha(Taco) taco is little bit bigger than Jaz. Every time Jaz sees taco Jaz snaps and growls at her. We give them both attention I don’t think it’s a dominance or jealousy issue because taco doesn’t fight back, Jaz would wait for taco to be vulnerable and then try and bite her. For example today we took them both walking both were fine and we both went inside and taco looks at me not paying attention to Jaz and then jaz tried to bite Tacos leg. Taco stays with me and i have jaz in a room she listens good with everything. she doesnt leave her room even if we leave the door open and she doesnt have a leash on. She just cant be around taco. I’m not sure what to do or what’s wrong, we want to train Jaz so she can be part of our family. Any suggestions?
PK Dennis This is MOST definitely a dominance issue! Jaz is telling Taco that Jaz is the person in charge of this new house! And while Taco may not be fighting back, Jaz is going to continue this behavior until she is satisfied that Taco understands the situation. It is your job to help them get on an even keel. Is Taco a male or female? Jaz is more likely to settle down with a male (females tend to rule the house and males usually let them).You need to go back to square one. Put Jaz in a room where Taco can not see Jaz. This could be a guest bathroom, or mud room, etc. You want a closed door between the 2 dogs for the next 3-4 days. Give each dog their own time with you – but separately. This allows each dog to become familiar with the smell of the other dog. They get to know each other this way – but without any confrontation.
On the 4th day, pick up all toys, balls, bones, and put them up out of reach of the dogs (and keep them up for the time being – this prevents fights over these resources. The toys belong to you, and the dogs only get access to them while you are there to monitor things). Then take the dogs on a long walk together – put leashes on them and then right out the door, don’t allow them to sniff each other or anything – just “let’s GO – walking here!”. By the end of the walk they should be more comfortable with each other.For the next few weeks keep a short leash on Jaz at all times – let her drag it around the house and yard (I like to attache the leash to a harness for this). This allows you to step on the leash or pick it up to get Jaz away from Taco. Monitor their activities and head Jaz off at the pass when she is paying too much attention to Taco – you might want to teach Jaz ‘leave it’ and tell her to ‘leave it’ when she is looking at Taco, etc.If the days of separation, and then the walk don’t solve the problem you will need to find a behaviorist or trainer that can come to your home and work with you – after all, Jaz is a terrier, and a Russell to boot. My experience is that Russell’s can be very challenging!Other ways to fix in Jaz’s mind that she is not in control of the house is by not allowing her up on any furniture. Taco can be up, but not Jaz for the foreseeable future. Not on the sofa or especially the beds. Control food – make Jaz work for every meal and treat by sitting nicely, or by doing a trick. She also has to sit nicely to get access to any toy, and she can only play with the toy with you – when you are done playing the toy needs to go back up out of reach/sight.These are the things I do with fosters when they come to my home – some respond quickly, others take months to decide they will settle into my pack. Give things a good 4 to 5 weeks before you give up on this girl!, but get some help if you feel things are not improving.Good luck! -
Erica Bowlen Thank you! They are both female. Taco is spayed and Jaz is not we are taking her to the vet soon to get her spayed.
If he really isn’t drinking any water he needs to be seen by a vet to discover what is wrong.
4 days would be entirely too long to go without food. Please get him to the vet NOW.
Take him to the VET he is obviously not feeling well.
Take to vet asap