My cat is 4 years old . I am a student. Cat is a female nudered domestic cat.
Im a student cannot afford to go to vet now.
she started eating from litter.. not the poop or pee, just the litter sand. I dont know why. Can you tell me a natural remedy that might help? I really cant afford a vet right now.
How do I stop my cat from peeing on my lounge , he is a domestic inside 11 months old male cat who is litter trained. We have no other cats or dogs in our house and have had him here since he was 6 weeks old
has he been checked for a UTI?
to add: once he’s been seen by your vet (ASAP, please – UTIs can be deadly if a blockage happens!), retrain him to the litterbox. put him in a bathroom with the litterbox (and food and water, of course!), and ensure he’s using it regularly for about a week before you let him back out into the rest of the house.