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Jagoda | 5 years ago
Hi, My 2 Years Old Cat Doesn’t Want To Eat Wet Food (I Have Tried Every …


my 2 years old cat doesn’t want to eat wet food (I have tried every kind and brand ). He only eats small amounts of dry food (urinary).
In the result he is skinny (weights only about 3,5kg) and has ongoing problems with urinary tract and struvite crystals.
We’ve been dealing with these problems since he was a child and I am afraid the situation won’t change unless he starts eating properly.
I can’t afford such frequent visits to the Vet clinic, especially since he recently had a blockage and the treatment costs a lot ( vet care in Poland is really expensive too).
He is such an active cat and despite the poor diet, he still has the energy to play.
I’ve examinated his blood and everything seems fine. His teeth are also fine..I honestly tried every internet trick to encourage him to eat.
I don’t know If he is picky or sick. Is the urinary porblems affected by diet or he doesn’t want to eat becouse of the urinary tract issues..
What should I do?

1 Response


  1. Krista Magnifico

    It is ideal that your cat eats the right (prescription) urinary food, but, it is even more important that he eats. For these cases I talk to my clients about trying high quality urinary friendly over the counter diets. I also talk to them about adding little bots of the urinary prescription food into the OTC food they will eat. If all else fails I try watered down over the counter wet food. Also ask your vet about giving subcutaneous fluids at home daily to help keep the urinary system diuresing. I also think it might help to add an appetite stimulant. Also think about toys, playtime and lots of things to keep him active, engaged and feeling good. I also take a long hard look at the litter boxes, the type of litter and where the boxes are placed, along with making them impeccably clean. Please talk to your vet about all of these. Also an antiinflammatory might help?

    Very best of luck!

    keep me posted.

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Amanda | 5 years ago
My Two Cats Got Into A Tussle, And One Of Them Has A Scratch Right Down …

My two cats got into a tussle, and one of them has a scratch right down the center of his nose. He doesn’t seem to be bothered, but I don’t want it to get infected. What should I do?

1 Response


  1. Krista Magnifico

    In almost all cases I assume that a fight causes an infection. Please watch the area very closely. Any sign of swelling, pain or purulent discharge (like puss) are all signs of infection. If you see any of these, or inappetence or changes in s attitude or Behavior please call your vet. Hope this helps. Be well and stay safe.

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Lukasz | 5 years ago
Any Assistance Would Be Greatly Appreciated. My 14 Weeks Old Golden Retriever Have Eye Infection. I Don…

Any assistance would be greatly appreciated. My 14 weeks old Golden Retriever have eye infection. I don’t know what is this, could you please advice?

3 Responses


  1. Sarah

    Hi there- eyes are serious. And using a photo is difficult to diagnose. It could be an injury (scratch or worse), it could be a conjunctivitis (infection), or it could be allergies…. a vet would have to inspect it closely to give a proper diagnosis and then get you the medicine you need.

    1. Lukasz Post author

      yesterday he played with the dog with conjunctivitis so I believe is just this. Thank you for youe respond.

      1. Krista Magnifico

        Your puppy needs to see the vet. If I were your vet I would probably stain the eye for any signs of injury and add an ophthalmic antibiotic and an ecollar. Please go to the vet. Mucous discharge is possibly a sign of a serious eye issue. And all eye issues in my opinion should be addressed to cover worst case scenario which is blindness. I have seen it happen in puppies. I hope that is not the case. But I never mess around with puppies OR eyes. Be well and stay safe.

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Ashley | 5 years ago
My Pet Was Spayed Nearly 2 Weeks Ago Tomorrow. She Was Fine For The First Few Days. …

My pet was spayed nearly 2 weeks ago tomorrow. She was fine for the first few days. But after a few days, a round “lump” was present under the scar. It does hurt and she lets us touch and look at it. The vet has said they don’t think it’s a hernia and it is just inflammation after a reaction to the sutures. Can anyone help? Could is be a seroma? Thanks!

1 Response


  1. Krista Magnifico

    It is not uncommon to have some post op swelling of the tissue after a spay. BUT and I have to strongly emphasize this it is IMPOSSIBLE to diagnose or even speculate things like this over the Internet. Your best indication of whether to worry is to follow the advice of your vet.

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Myiesha | 5 years ago
Hi Dr Mag I Noticed Alittle Over A Month Ago My Cat (Zedicus Aka Boo Boo) …

Hi Dr Mag

I noticed alittle over a month ago my cat (Zedicus aka Boo Boo) was sneezing alot and sound like he was snoring when he was up. I took him to his VET where he was diagnosed with polyps. My vet referred me to a specialist for a rhinoscopy. In the process of searching for a reasonable priced specialist. I discovered your youtube page while doing research so I could be better prepared and I had to rush Zed to the ER b/c one night he woke up vomiting up foam. Once we got to the ER he was fine. I had the ER vet take xrays and told them what my Vet said. The Dr vet didnt think it was polyps but perhaps allergies or asthma. She prescribe Clavamox for 2 wks and to revisit the Vet and take another x-ray. The medicine helped the runny nose but nothing else. I’m getting frustrated because I don’t want my cat to suffocate and seems no one really knows what’s wrong with him.

2 Responses


  1. Krista Magnifico

    I’m so sorry that this has been so frustrating. I think the best advice I can give is to call all of your local rescues and shelters and ask them who they use for cases like this. They know the local affordable and reputable places where you might get better direction. Also ask about a feline specialist. They too are more direct and often helpful. You need a vet willing to work within your budget and concerns who is able to give you meaningful assistance. It is the best place to start I think. Best of luck. Let us know what happens.

    1. Myiesha Post author

      Thank you so much for your quick response. I will followup with an update. Stay safe, healthy, and blessed.

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Stacey | 5 years ago
My Male Cat Keeps Biting And Taking Chunks Of Hair Out Of My Female Cat Who …

My male cat keeps biting and taking chunks of hair out of my female cat who is very fluffy. He plays rough like that with her and I don’t know how to make him stop. She cries and it obviously hurts her having hair ripped out. I yell at him, put him in a separate room but nothing stops it from happening again. They both are fixed and he’s not trying to mount her. He will bite anywhere, tail, leg, side, etc.

1 Response


  1. Krista Magnifico

    Are they playing too hard? How sold are they? In some cases they don’t have any idea to respectful boundaries. Like the male is way to excited and gets aggressive about playing. Can you give him toys and help him play with toys, laser pointer, etc do he is a little worn out before he sees her? Anything to try to relive the playmate birder she carries alone. Also be careful with yelling. Cats just don’t get reprimand. It usually backfires.

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Kelly | 5 years ago
I Have A 12 Year Old Cat That Is Experiencing Sneezing, Nasal Discharge Followed With Blood In …

I have a 12 year old cat that is experiencing sneezing, nasal discharge followed with blood in one nostril as well as some wheezing. Took him to emergency room and he was given steroid injection and clavamox for two weeks in December. After the two weeks experienced same thing, they stated it could be nasal polyp. Regular vet gave Orbax which did nothing. After calling around because everyone wanted 2500 for a ct scan i found a vet that performed a rhinoscopy and he removed three polyps. One looked abnormal so he did a culture and biopsy. He put my cat on doxycycline. The cat is still having wheezing but breathing better. The meds do not seem to be working. So went back to vet and he gave my cat a steroid injection. The biopsy came back negative for cancer and the culture negative for respiratory viruses. He doesn’t know whats going on. He says either my cat has a immune issue with inflammation where he will prescribe some predisone pills or that the cat has a tumor deeper than his rhinoscopy can go. He is suggesting i put my cat down. My cat has been behaving more energetic since receiving the predisone injection days ago but the wheezing and stuffy nose wont go away. Any ideas, i don’t want to put down an otherwise healthy animal.?

2 Responses


  1. Sarah

    Hi there???? So glad that you were able to search out and find a vet that could help you. Have you had a heart to heart with him about other management options for your cat?

  2. Krista Magnifico

    i see lots of cats with lots of nasal issues. In general most older cats are some degree of inflammation and irritation, or even perhaps an allergy component. I think that before any suggests euthanasia it would be helpful to get a second opinion. I would ask to see either an internal medicine specialist, or, a feline specialist. If she is happy, eating and functioning I would give her more time an try a few other treatment options. In some cases long term cerenia nasal drops, a steroid, or even an inhaler can help. Also look at her environment. Remove all potential allergens, even think about litter. Anything that might be in her environment that might irritate her nose and nasal passages.. No perfumes, air scents, or powders anywhere. No diffusers, no smoking (even outside), no pollutants of any kind. Tghen try lits of different antibiotic treatments, and even perhaps an antiviral.. Everything should be tried before succumbing to euthanasia. Even with the worst cases (the facial neoplasias) I can often buy some good tie with some medial therapies. And I never give up until I know my patients have exhausted all options and can no longer find relief.
    I hope this helps,, please ask your vet for more help,, or find another who will help you.
    good luck,, let us know what happens.


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Yvonne Phipps Yeager | 5 years ago
For 20 Something Years, My Male & Female (a Year Older) Older Cats Who Were Neutered & …

For 20 something years, my male & female (a year older) older cats who were neutered & spayed for about 17 years. My female cat has now started to do number 2 on the floor over in the corner floor areas around the litter box. I don’t get it? Why now after All these years? How can I stop this? If I get another litter box, he will have to use it as well. And I can’t keep them in a room apart (that would be cruel) – they’ve had the run of the house for 26 years. I’d appreciate the help. Oh! The only real thing that has changed has been that our dog died (we took him outside to potty ). I’m wondering what’s going on & how to stop this? Thank you.

2 Responses


  1. Sarah

    When my pet’s behavior suddenly changes to some this big completely out of the norm, I try to find what has changed either in the environment (like the dog passing away- so sorry about ????that) or I try to find out what has changed with them. The latter takes an appointment to the vet. I would make an appointment and let your vet know everything that is going on and let the run some tests to make sure kitty is ok. Best of luck.

  2. Krista Magnifico

    I have found that in a huge number of cases there is some difficulty getting into the box and posturing to defecate due to painful old cat joints. So maybe try a very low sided box (or even a cookie sheet) to see if this helps. Also the box should be kept very clean and new litter places in it every week. In some cases I also offer a different kind of litter. Maybe even play sand (plain play box sand, or pitting soil) to see if this helps them Reacclimate to the box. Also make sure your vet checks for things like anal sac issues (had one last week in a cat) and urinary issues. I hope this helps. Please let us know what happens.

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Cathy Kowalewski | 5 years ago
Our 4 Year Old Sheltie Who Frequently Suffers From Skin Allergies Has Very Sore Front Paw Pads …

Our 4 year old Sheltie who frequently suffers from skin allergies has very sore front paw pads from licking them frequently. He takes prescribed apoquel and we supplement with benadryl as needed. I have not seen him licking his paws for a while but he has a visible limp on one paw when walking. I have looked at his paw pad and while it looks very rough and chapped I don’t see any visible cuts or wounds. In addition to the medications mentioned we have purchased dog booties for him when walking him and are applying an all natural paw butter. I’m just wondering what else we can do to help his paws heal short of putting a cone on him, as I don’t think he’s licking them currently? Thanks for any suggestions.

1 Response


  1. Krista Magnifico

    I see lots of limping in dogs with red and painful feet. Typically they are licking pretty feverishly. The best advice I can give is to talk to your vet and ask them all of the things you mention here. I also want to highlight how important routine year around flea and tick prevention is. Also ask about Cytopoint use. Also it might be time for a medicated shampoo and even supplements like omega 3 fatty acid.
    My point is that dermatology is an active and evolving condition. It takes lots of time and assistance from your vet often this is a life long challenge. Please let us know what happens. Good luck.

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Bones | 5 years ago
We Have A Puppie Shar Pie That Has An Enlarged Heart, He Is About 2 Weeks Old.. …

We have a Puppie Shar Pie that has an enlarged heart, He is about 2 weeks old.. He is having a hard time eating and isn’t nursing very well, we are trying to supplement with puppy formula but it’s not seeming to work. He isn’t growing very much and has a real hard time with eating and resting he has to sleep with his head up or he doesn’t rest well.. He has a sister that’s almost double his size since they where born.. he was a lil larger than her to start. but we are just asking if anyone has dealt with this successfully.. we are trying just about everything we can think of.. we just don’t want to lose him.. and we can’t afford the vet bill to have them do what they can we took him in to start is why we know he has an enlarged heart. Anyways any help here would be appreciated..

4 Responses


  1. Sarah

    I think with such a precarious situation, you should consider making a plan with your vet- be upfront with your budget and explain that you both want to help this puppy, but it has to be an affordable plan. I am quite sure that they will help you in that regard. If not, I personally would find another vet. I do not know the chances of survival, but I’m guessing they are unfortunately low, since there really is no cure.???? I know in older dogs, meds and diet play a huge roll. Being that this puppy is so young, I really would speak with the vet and see if there is something more that can be done. Best of luck????

  2. Krista Magnifico

    I think that these cases are almost impossible to manage without a big price tag attached. This is most likely a congenital defect and without surgery or radical intervention the prognosis is often very poor. I’m sorry about this. I would reach out the every person and university you can find to see if anyone will take this case on. I would also recommend that you offer to give him up for the chance of saving his life. Maybe someone will invest the time and resources needed to give him a fighting chance. I’m sorry again.

  3. Bones Post author

    Update. I’m sorry, I have bad news. He passed away last night.. ;( My wife is very sad, she was very close to him. We tried very hard to do what we could. Thanks, everyone for the comments. Where we live in Central Oregon, there isn’t a lot of options. We called most of the vets here in our area, no one was willing to do anything without a huge price tag to it. But thank you again, it is very much appreciated.

    1. Sarah

      ????I’m so sorry. Know that you have him the most comfortable hit of time you could while he was here.