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Jennifer | 6 days ago
I Have A Question On A 9 Year Old Boxer, Back In January He Was Treated For …

I have a question on a 9 year old boxer, back in January he was treated for respiratory cough, he was treated once, didn’t go away. Had to take him back to vet, and treated again was better but it continue for a few more weeks and finally went away. Now our boxer really isn’t eating properly will not eat dry food at all ,only if we give him people food. We rescue dogs and have 2 other dogs so we only have so much of budget.

Any suggestions of what it could be or what minimal testing we can do?

1 Response


  1. Krista Magnifico

    I start a work up for a cough with trying to decide if this is a respiratory issue (ie the lungs/trachea part of the body reposition breathing) or a cardiac problem (heart). An examination is key to this. After that I talk about an Xray or blood work. I wish I could help more than this but I think it’s time for a second opinion and diagnostics.

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Scott | 1 week ago
Not Sure If You Answer This But Had A Question About Our 5 Year Old Cat. Since …

Not sure if you answer this but had a question about our 5 year old cat. Since November she has been experiencing a fair amount of nasal discharge. We tried to rounds of antibiotics, a flush, and the vet searched for a polyp using a spade hook on her soft pallet while she was sedated. The vet was unable to see a polyp and the nasal xray didn’t show much either. A month later we saw no improvement on the nasal and over the past ten days our poor cat has been breathing terribly. When she is standing up and moving around it is clear her breathing is obstructed and it sounds like she is snoring. We have noticed a large decrease in her nasal discharge but her breathing is just awful. She is still eating and drinking as normal. We have been referred to internal medicine in St. Louis but aren’t excited to spend $2-3K for a CT Scan and scoping. Is it possible the poly behind her soft pallet has grown since they first looked for it or could a polyp be some where else? Do you think a CT scan us necessary or should the scope do the trick. We love our cat but are reluctant to spend $3K on her only to find out the couldn’t do anything to help her.

1 Response


  1. Krista Magnifico

    I’m sorry to hear about your cat. I’m also sorry everything in vetmed is so expensive right now. It sounds like your vet has done what I would do for my clients and that the next step is a CT scan. You can certainly see if another vet will look for a polyp for you, but you may be back where you are now if that isn’t productive.
    There are also CT scans available outside a referral hospital for a lower price (I don’t know if this is the case in your area), but the dilemma there is that this will only help diagnose. You may still need that IM vet to help with the treatment plan.
    I hope things work out for your cat.

    Dr Magnifico

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Cyann | 1 month ago
Heya! I Have Desperate Questions Regarding UO For My 10 Month Old Kitty! My Kitty Was In …

Heya! I have desperate questions regarding UO for my 10 month old kitty! My kitty was in the hospital for three days in IV fluids and catheter treatment. His levels improved and they released him yet his urine was still bloody, according to his doctor. After catheter removal, how long does it take for my kitty to return to a normal restroom routine? And will my kitty have some symptoms of his sickness continue? (slight shivering, crying out, licking his bits). He is going to his restroom frequently but is producing decently amount of urine; quarter sized to palm of my hand amount. He is also eating and drinking water. How long until his inflammation clears up around his area? And when should I see him back at the vet? I’m trying to be patient but I can’t stand to see him in pain 🙁

2 Responses


  1. Krista Magnifico

    I cannot answer this question other than saying if he isn’t doing well you should recheck with your vet. I do thee following for my UO kitties. Pain meds; zorbium and gabapentin. Antibiotic: usually convenia and I teach families how to give sq fluids at home. I also teach them how to palate the bladder and put them on a canned urinary prescription diet.

    Of the bloody urine persists take an Xray to look for a stone or an ultrasound to look for abnormalities in the bladder.

    Good luck.

    1. Cyann Post author

      Heya Kristia! Thank you for your reply! He actually is on some pain medication and antibiotics! He takes both every 12 hours. And it does seem like he is peeing more than I initially explained. But I am curious if you have any tutorials up on how to do a Sq fluids at home? Again thank you for being helpful.

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Melinda | 2 months ago
About 2 Months Ago My 11-Year-Old English Chocolate Lab Started Developing A Cough. It Started Off Mild …

About 2 months ago my 11-Year-Old English chocolate Lab started developing a cough. It started off mild at first with a couple coughing fits here and there. I got her to the vet as soon as I could get an appointment. She was ruled out for kennel cough because she’s up to date on shots, she never is boarded and she never goes to dog parks. They started a round of antibiotics, and cough suppressants. It didn’t seem to work so we went back. They did a lot of tests which of course was a lot of money. She’s diabetic so congestive heart failure was a concern but through testing and an X-ray they said they don’t believe it has to do with her heart & there didn’t seem to be fluid around her lungs either.. She was then put on steroids because they thought it might be inflammation. It didn’t seem to help any & her cough has only gotten progressively worse. We went back again and now they put her on a different round of antibiotics & another script that I have to fill at a human pharmacy for Codeine I believe. She has coughing fits almost every 20 to 30 minutes and sometimes with rubbing of her neck it helps calm them down. Her coughing spasms generally produce a lot of phlegmy spit up. I’ve spent more money than I have to try to get her help but we haven’t been able to get any answers. I was told it could possibly be Laryngeal Paralysis but the only way to truly confirm was to take her to a specialist and spend a lot more money to put my 11-year-old senior diabetic dog under sedation for an invasive procedure to diagnose. I’m not even sure what the fix for that would be if there is one and I’m sure it’s thousands more $$$ for a girl who may not make it through all that. It’s heartbreaking watching her struggle., I don’t really know what to think or do, just at a devastating loss watching my poor girl suffer. Within the last week, my once always hungry Labrador who never turned down any type of food down has stopped eating her normal food and treats that she used to love. She now only accepts wet food and soft meaty treats. I’m not really sure where to go. I don’t think the ER is the best answer here and again I’ve spent way more money than I even have to try to find an answer. Just trying to find any guidance/advice/assistance/suggestions and/or answers that I possibly can. Thank you in advance.

1 Response


  1. Krista Magnifico

    I’m sorry that you are having so much difficulty finding the cause to this.
    There is no way around the fact that some patients come to us with more difficult conditions than others. When we struggle for the answer the best way to get to the bottom of the problem is to get a second opinion and a new set of eyes. I don’t think there is anyway around seeing a new vet and probably spending more money to rerun some of the tests.
    The other option is to see if your vet can send the X-rays to a radiologist for review and ask for a vet consult via the lab work provider they use. For cases like this I can lean on a specialist to help me with the difficult cases I see. I use ANTECH and Idexx for my lab services and they both offer online consults for vets. They also both offer radiologists to review my X-rays The phone consult is free and the radiologist review is often about $150. It might help.
    Otherwise you are stuck with just trying additional medication to see if they help.
    X-rays also have limitations and a CT scab might be needed to see the area of the throat or chest causing the issue. I’m sorry I wish I could help more.

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An Qi | 2 months ago
Dou, My Female Mixed-breed Dog, Was Spayed A While Ago. She Weighs Around 38 Kg, Which Is …

Dou, my female mixed-breed dog, was spayed a while ago. She weighs around 38 kg, which is too heavy for her, making it hard for her to walk because her joints struggle to support her weight. She’s been on joint supplements (as attached below) for a year, and that’s helped her move better. Recently, though, she’s been vomiting a lot, especially after eating or drinking, and the vomit is yellow. She’s also lost her appetite. I took her to a local vet and followed their treatment, but she’s not getting better. I’d like some online advice to help her feel better.

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J | 2 months ago
I Have A Poor Feral Cat Out Back Who Got An Abscess. I Did Not Know …

I have a poor feral cat out back who got an abscess. I did not know what was going on about 8 days ago when I noticed her face or side of its head swelling. The cat seemed to be disoriented. In retrospect, I think the cat was febrile and suffering.

The next day the abscess popped. It was a big open sore for 2-3 days. Now it is healing, and the cat seems more comfortable. The cat is moving, and eating food & water in a couple of different locations. It has also slept in two different shelter spaces. (I replace the bedding in those.)

The wound on the side of its face appears to be healing. Given that the cat is feral, I did not want to try to administer antibiotics topically or orally. I considered putting the cat in a cage, and taking it to the vet. However, given its bad physical health, I almost sure the vet would rightfully put the cat down. Also, the trauma and stress of trapping the animal would be counterproductive.

The sore is very large – but as I said healing. I am afraid of secondary infections or chronic, growing infections. Are there any signs I can look for to determine whether or not the cat has a good chance of recovery, or is going downhill?


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  1. J Post author

    Cat seems old and enervated, but is stronger. I have now twice applied a topical antibiotic to the abscessed area – which appears to be healing some. (I am surprised I could touch the animal with a finger – and that is a function of weakness.) It ate pretty well this evening.

    I am on the fence on whether to euthanize the cat. I am afraid it will pass away over the fence in the neighbor’s yard.

    Right now, I am good with letting it live out its remaining days in this yard, and her shelter.

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Sandy | 3 months ago
My Cat Is An American Short Hair And Is Two Years Old,suddenly He Stopped Eating …

My cat is an American short hair and is two years old,suddenly he stopped eating his food (he eats Smalls, ground chicken and turkey)and started vomiting yellow but when he is throwing out it sounds like he is chocking, he is being acting very different no eating ,no playing and I try to feed him and hydrate him with a syringe but he vomits every time. This happened like 4 months ago too and I took him to the vet and it was so expensive and did not help me at all,they made an x ray and didn’t find anything and I change his food because in that time he only ate dry food. I thought everything was find now with wet and quality food but is happening again. Please help me if you have any idea what can I do?. I have no pet insurance and no budget to spend on vets.

2 Responses


  1. Krista Magnifico


    I’m so sorry to hear about your cat.
    I’m also sorry but there is not enough information here to allow for an accurate diagnosis and therefore an appropriate treatment plan.
    I recommend that you call the vet back and ask for help on a budget. See if you can drop off a fecal sample without the exam. See if they will allow you to do some diagnostics with a minimum database so that you can get help for your cat. There is a big push in vetmed right now to allow affordable care. Remind them of this. Put us all in writing and plea for your cat to get help. You she already been seen and they already have an established relationship with you. This will help you get care and it is a great case for what the profession is already being challenged with.
    I will add the links below for the public press releases stating that we know too many people are struggling to find affordable access to care. I recommend you use your personal experience as an example and start advocating for help yourself. Or you can try to find a shelter or rescue that has a vet on duty who might be willing to help.
    Please keep me posted.
    Good luck.

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Francis | 3 months ago
My Dog Has Hind Legs Due To IVDD. I’m So Saddened To See Him Like …

Levi has hind legs due to IVDD. I’m so saddened to see him like this. He is only 4.5 years old and otherwise very active and happy. Dr. Magnífico your videos of Hank’s progress has given me hope. My question is why is he trembling despite being resting and under pain and anti-inflammatory medication? He can move his front legs, but he is not eating and just drinks water with a syringe. His symptoms began on Saturday, December 28. The Vet saw him Sunday morning and said we should keep him strictly rested for about 30 days. He is urinating and defecating on his diapers. My wife keeps him clean and changes his position every three hours. Day six no progress. Is there hope and is the trembling part of the recovery process? Also he can’t lift his head and is there a way to know if he is suffering from Myelomalacia? I appreciate you Dr. Magnífico for your passion in caring for our beloved furry family!

2 Responses


  1. Krista Magnifico

    I don’t know if the trembling is pain or nerve function talking to the muscles. If you cannot afford a neurologist referral then I recommend you follow the instructions from your vet and the information I provided on my YouTube channel and blog.

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Kerry | 3 months ago
Hi, I’m Just About To Bring My Cat Home Who Has Multiple Rib Fractures. She …

Hi, I’m just about to bring my cat home who has multiple rib fractures. She was hit by a car. She is not eating on her own nor drinking. I’m not even sure how to pick her up. I’m pretty scared is there any advice that someone could give me.

1 Response


  1. Krista Magnifico

    If this just happened (ie last day or so) then I am not too worried about eating or drinking yet. I hope your cat has some pain medication and that some fluids were given. For cases like this I give a long acting injectable antibiotic like convenia and a long acting pain medication like zorbium. Just so clients don’t have to worry about handling or medication administration. After that I recommend cage rest. This includes placing the cat in a cage that is just big enough to hold a pee pad with litter on it (no box so they don’t have to try to get into it), a water bowl, (sturdy and shallow), food (wet preferably) and blanket or towel. Nothing with sides to require extra movement or effort. Also wet food so they don’t get hard feces as posturing to defecate will/might be hard. I also make sure these pets are spayed asap jic there are pelvic fractures. Delivering kittens with previous fractures might not be possible.

    Do not pick up if you don’t have to. If you do use a towel as a sling. Be gentle and careful. Or ask your vet for help.

    Good luck

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Tim | 3 months ago
10 Year Old Cat With Nasal Polyp? I Tried Multiple Vets And Hundreds Of Dollars But Nobody …

10 year old cat with nasal polyp?

I tried multiple vets and hundreds of dollars but nobody seems to have a solution. One vet said it was an upper respiratory infection, they gave him a shot of Convenia and prescribed Clavamox, nothing. Fast forward a couple weeks, he wasn’t eating for an over a day so we took him to another vet that prescribed Cerenia which helped temporarily. They said he could have trouble smelling his food so he wasn’t eating. But it’s still not gone. Xray was clear. Now the vet referred to a specialist that wants over $2000 to anesthetize and do an endoscopy JUST to diagnose. From Jersey, can I drive 3 hours to MD so you can maybe look a him? I’m scared he’s gonna pass away from troubled breathing.

He lived with my dad who recently passed and I took him in. In the last year I noticed he has had difficulty breathing but some days it sounds clear, most days it’s worse. It sounds like something is restricting his airway.

He does sneeze often and when he does it’s usually 15+ sneezes in a row like he’s trying to get something out. Last night I counted 21 sneezes in a row. He also sometimes sounds like he’s choking or trying to spit something out but nothing comes out. He does have greenish/yellow boogers once every couple of weeks and also has discharge from his eye.

I know it’s the holidays but I’ll do anything for a chance to help my little guy that reminds me of my father everyday. *Update, just made an appt for 12/30 at 11:30am!

3 Responses


  1. Krista Magnifico

    Hello. If you need anything sooner please call and ask to leave a message for me. Merry Christmas.
    Dr Magnifico.

    1. Tim Post author

      Hello thank you!! I tried calling back but the office may be busy. I can bring him anytime over the next 3 days, whatever you have available!

    2. Tim Post author

      Update: thank you Doc!! The office was able to get me in on Thursday evening. I emailed records over along with video of his breathing sound. Have a blessed holiday, Merry Christmas!