A washcloth with warm soapy water should be used to clean the wound. Some diseases are transmitted by mice and could be problematic please contact your vet.
My dog started off with puking and not eating then she had diarrhea with some blood, we took her to the vet they wanted to keep her so we had her there for three days being that it was 4th of july weekend it was really expensive. They put her on antibiotics and fluids and when we picked her up we paid for antibiotics that we could bring home along with nausea medicine. She is home now and still very sick. She does not have parvo, I dont know what to do.
My dog got bit by a huge mouse outside and started bleeding, he seemed fine by licking off the blood and eating, but im worried, could there be diseases transmitted? Can i clean the wound somehow? Thank you.
Joe Mccollum
She is a Bengal, approx 1 year old, de sexed and lives with a male tabby 5 years old also desexed. They are both healthy indoor cats. There have been no other behavioural changes, she’s very affectionate, eating and drinking well. No more or less than usual. The urine stains don’t show any signs of discolouration and don’t smell unusual or different from the other cat’s.
My dog developed a large verysoft mass on her throat on top of her esophagus seemingly over night she is antsy but is eating
I’ve had my cat Ronnie for 2 years, and never had a problem. He has been neutered and had worm and flee treatment. I havn’t changed his food or his litter. His fur and skin seems fine and healthy and he always eats his food. I just don’t know why he is doing this, and don’t know how to stop it???
Until recently, he was high energy and playful, despite being underweight. Now he will not play, and lays down immediately if not eating or eliminating. He has also gone from EXTREMELY affectionate to seemingly avoiding physical contact
Anonymous I’d be getting him to the vet. Sounds like he needs it.
Amy Mize Thanks I spent $5,000 on him at the vet since January I was trying to get input from other sources
Anonymous Because this is a recent change, it’s warranted.
PK Dennis It sounds to me that he is in pain – the avoiding physical contact. Have you found a Great Dane group? Often things like this are specific to a breed and other Dane owners will point you in the right direction quicker than folks not as familiar with that particular breed. I found a Scottie group on Facebook that has given me tons of help with my new Scottie mix puppy since my first Scot was older when I adopted him.
When I hear about thin dogs that won’t gain weight I immediately think about Exocrine Pancreatic Insufficiency (EPI). This is a condition where the dog’s pancreas does not produce sufficient enzymes for the dog to properly digest their food and they can not gain weight no matter how much they eat. The undigested food in their gut leads to pain and and produces very large stool.
Enzyme supplements or feeding raw pancreas (you need to get the whole pancreas and feed it fresh, I believe) is the solution. Here is a link to a Whole Dog Journal article about this: http://www.whole-dog-journal.com/issues/12_3/features/Exocrine-Pancreatic-Insuffinciency-in-Dogs_16109-1.html
Sam Brizz Ask on the Facebook page “Great Dane Rescue, Inc” there are a lot of Great Dane owners there with a lot of great knowledge of the breed
My dog just gave birth to two new born puppies one of them came out with a clef lip how am i suppose to feed it if it isnt eating help please i dont want my puppy to die ?!
Very thin, not eating or drinking,can see his ribs and backbone, not his active self, what can I do??
My dog decided to eat some rocks and now she cannot poop and keeps acting like she is gonna throw up, what should I do?
I have an 8 year old GSD. Long story short: an animal dermatologist is pretty sure he has allergic vasculitis.
-Yeast/bacterial issues with skin (lots of licking, odor, grossness)
-Swelling in legs (possibly elsewhere but always noticeable in legs)
-Spikes fevers
More recent symptoms
-Eating dirt, big time. Not sure if it’s related to condition or what.
– Noticeable weight loss while we were away for ~2 weeks. Thought other dog stole his food when caregivers weren’t watching. Now thinking its from eating dirt. ?
We have ruled out food as the source of allergy problems. The vet seemed certain that it’s a local/environmental allergy as we lived in the area almost 3 years before this started. Also, he’s always seemed to have dry, itchy skin.
He gets relief for 2-3 weeks depending on meds. Hes been put on antibiotics, anti fungal, and a steroid. Two weeks on meds brings 2-3 weeks relief. Then we are back to itching, licking, odor, swelling, etc.
We did not take him back for allergy testing after the vasculitis diagnosis. It was just too costly at that time. I am hoping to get him into his usual vet very soon for his regular checkup but I really want him out back on medication.
Please tell me someone else had experience with this issue or something similar with their pup!
How can I tell my dog is getting better, or any signs or recovering.
sorry to hear you dog is so sick. What did your vet say was wrong with her? I would call the vet back and explain that she is not getting better and ask them. You’ve already paid for your bill there, so give a call back and explain that she is still sick. If they cannot help, find a new vet. If you cannot afford it, reach out to local rescue organizations and ask if they have any programs that can help with assistance. Ask you vet if they have Care Credit (apply for it , ask you vet how). Ask your vet if they can take payments or if you can work off or volunteer with them to help pay for the care. .Good luck!