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Pawbly | 9 years ago
He Just Goes Around Sniffing And Eating Whatever He Finds In My Yard, And When…

He just goes around sniffing and eating whatever he finds in my yard, and when i take what he takes and throw it away in the trash (which is in my yard) he goes to take it again whenever i am away from it.

2 Responses


  1. Yousef Radwan

    Well thnx for solving one of my questions.

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Pawbly | 9 years ago
Hi Krista.. 3 Puppies From This Litter Of 4 Died.. The Only One Left Is…

Hi krista.. 3 puppies from this litter of 4 died.. the only one left is too afraid and doesn’t eat at all. What can we possibly do?

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Pawbly | 9 years ago

We Have An Almost 13 Year Old Chocolate Lab Named Koko. About 5 Weeks Ago…


We have an almost 13 year old chocolate lab named Koko. About 5 weeks ago, she had a seizure. We took her into the vet and they prescribed Phenobarbital to help control the seizures. Since then, she has been incontinent in the house, and has to go outside very frequently (which is a side effect to this medication). This is a problem when my husband and i both work Monday-Friday, 8am-5pm. She has accidents in the house almost every day. Thankfully we put her in our laundry room which has wood floors so clean up is a little easier, but it still is stressful being that she usually pees, and then walks through it all day long tracking it everywhere in that room and gets urine all over herself. Especially when she has seizures, she paces for hours afterwards until finally calming down. We have tried NUMEROUS different types of diapers, doggy diapers (vets best from Petco, womens depends, XXL childrens diapers) and even tried buying suspenders and attaching those onto the diapers and around her to try to keep it on, but NOTHING stays on throughout the whole day. I just bought the “Dog Diaper Keeper” off Amazon today so I am crossing my fingers that it’ll work, if not i dont know what to do.

Besides that, my husband and I also have noticed that she has become increasingly anxious during the day and night time. She has always been on the more anxious side but lately it’s been getting worse, fast.

Since starting the Phenobarbital, she has had 3 more bigger seizures that we are aware of and since then have been to the vet and they have also prescribed Potassium Bromide which she is taking alongside the Phenobarb. We also noticed she started having facial seizures which the vet said could either mean the Phenobarb/Potassium Bromide are working and controlling the bigger seizures, or if the facial seizures continue along with big seizures it could be time for a CT scan.

In the last couple weeks, she has begun to wake up very early in the morning (3am) barking. We thought that maybe she was scared to be alone since having seizures, or is starting to get Alzheimer’s. Her kennel is in our living room so we thought that moving her into our room would help knowing that we were there, but it hasn’t. We also take her outside to go to the bathroom and that doesn’t seen to solve anything either. We are afraid to feed her too early because we don’t want her to get in the habit of eating that early in the morning. We have tried everything we can think of and she still continues to bark at all hours in the morning. The vet also prescribed her Diazapam to calm her down after seizures, but we are reluctant to use that to calm her down just because she is barking at night and hasn’t had a seizure.

We fully understand that it’s not her fault, and that she is getting old and is needing some extra TLC. But we feel so bad because we can’t figure out what she needs/wants. We desperately want to help her and keep her comfortable throughout the night.

Do you or anyone else have any advice for us? For the early morning barking or the diaper issue? Anything is greatly appreciated!


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Pawbly | 9 years ago
She Is Eating And Drinking Water. She Still Moves Around And Jumps. She Is Breathing…

She is eating and drinking water. She still moves around and jumps. She is breathing fine,no runny nose,and only that one eye

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Pawbly | 9 years ago
My Dog Threw Up Two Days Ago And Lost Her Appetite For That Night. …

My dog threw up two days ago and lost her appetite for that night. She was still a little lethargic the next day and slow to eat breakfast. She now has her appetite back but still seems to be very slow and naps for most of the day.Normal?

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Pawbly | 9 years ago
No One Let Him In, Nor Is There A Way He Can Get In On…

No one let him in, nor is there a way he can get in on his own. He is acting lethargic. He seems to have lost some weight. He will not eat and is currently resting on the edge of our bed. He will take water. He is not purring. He moves slowly. Any idea of what might be wrong?

1 Response


  1. Anonymous

    i don’t know but i DO know i’d be getting him to the vet.

    and please, don’t let him back outside.  you live in an area with a number of animals that can cause your cat harm or kill him.  if you care for him, you’ll keep him inside, where he’s safe.

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Pawbly | 9 years ago
She Is A 5 Month Pomeranian. We Have Taken Her To The Vet And Was…

She is a 5 month Pomeranian. We have taken her to the vet and was prescribed some tonics. But still there is no change. She also loves to eat paper and anything else she can get her paws on. She still hasn’t understood commands like SIT, STAY, etc. I am 15 and she is my first pet.

1 Response


  1. Anonymous

    she’s the right age for teething, which is when puppies’ gums are sore and eating can be painful.  this is also the age both of my puppies went through a stage where they didn’t want to eat anything, so i would use that as an opportunity for training.  i would put the bowl down and leave it for 15 minutes, and if she doesn’t touch the bowl, pick it back up.  i would use her kibble as training treats so she’s working for it – you should be working on basic obedience right now, anyway, so it’s an ideal opportunity for that.

    once she has all her adult teeth in, she should go back to eating normally.

    i would keep things she shouldn’t eat out of her reach.

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Pawbly | 9 years ago
She Is Doing Good, Still Eating And Drinking. Using The Bathroom. Very Protective Of Pups…

She is doing good, still eating and drinking. Using the bathroom. Very protective of pups which is good. Panting still but I also have the heat turned up for pups. I’ve tried taking her to the vets but no one is accepting new patients and are refusing to help. I cannot travel due to weather and car problems. I’m just worried a pup came two days later

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Pawbly | 9 years ago
My 1year Old Cat Isn’t Acting Right. He Is Not Eating. But Is Drinking Water…

My 1year old cat isn’t acting right. He is not eating. But is drinking water. Now he is normally real food aggressive but last two days and now into today he hasn’t really eatin. I took to vet and they gave him an anti-inflammatory as well as some ad hills can food to maybe draw him in. He ate just a little last night off my fingers but not interested really. And just laying around. No energy, kinda dazed look. But when at the vet was more interactive but as soon as we got home nothing changed… i have 3 other cats that are healthy and fine. Please help with some insight.

4 Responses


  1. Cymantha Seeley

    We have all our cats on Revaluation for Parasites. Up to date on all shots too. Our normal vet is closed today and yesterday so when we took him in it was an “emergency” visit at a new vet. They said he wasn’t dehydrated, temperature wasn’t elevated and that he looked fine. But i know he isn’t. They gave him the anti-inflammatory to maybe help relieve gastric pain or discomfort. Then that ad food. I would really like to wait until he can go to our vet Monday because they know him and the emergency vet is super expensive and I’m on a tight budget. But I’m not sure if that is wrong…

  2. Cymantha Seeley

    We have all our cats on Revaluation for Parasites. Up to date on all shots too. Our normal vet is closed today and yesterday so when we took him in it was an “emergency” visit at a new vet. They said he wasn’t dehydrated, temperature wasn’t elevated and that he looked fine. But i know he isn’t. They gave him the anti-inflammatory to maybe help relieve gastric pain or discomfort. Then that ad food. I would really like to wait until he can go to our vet Monday because they know him and the emergency vet is super expensive and I’m on a tight budget. But I’m not sure if that is wrong…

  3. Cymantha Seeley

    He is drinking water no problem. Thats whats throwing me so off. Im just keep offering him that wet food when he starts licking himself and it kind of tricks him into licking some up. I think we are going to ride it out for now, but if he starts drinking less and what not I will definitely be taking him back. Thank you so much for your insight. Blood work tomorrow for sure. Oh, one more symptom is hes not pooping but is peeing. And hes know to chew on things like shirts and towels and boxes. Im just so baffled by it all and want my babie back to normal

  4. Cymantha Seeley

    Took him in to my vet that Monday and he was very disturbed with the size of the steroid/anti-inflammatory other vet gave him. And the lack of antibiotic. Said he had a virus or cold and should had been given that first not the other shot, which is why his behavior didn’t change. He received some fluids and antibiotics and three days later doing great. Thank you for the insight. It was very comforting at the time.

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Pawbly | 9 years ago
Hello, I Just Had Bought Puppy Diamond Dog Food For My Puppy But Im Unsure…

hello, i just had bought puppy diamond dog food for my puppy but im unsure if i should feed it to him, how do i found out what dog food is safe for him to eat?

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