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Kelly | 3 years ago
My Plott Hound Had A Large Internal Lipoma Removed On Monday Directly Above His Penis In …

My Plott Hound had a large internal lipoma removed on Monday directly above his penis in his abdominal area. Almost immediately, he developed prominent swelling directly to, proximal, and distal to his operative site. In addition, he has swelling down his leg. Took him back to the vet where a needle aspirate was done. He was diagnosed with multiple seromas. There was no WBCs seen or anything else visualized under the scope to indicate infection INSIDE. However, externally, his skin is red and angry and there is a lot of swelling. He is on 2 broad spectrum antibiotics. He is having a hard time walking on his right leg. Took him back today (day 5 post op) because swelling is even worse. He has swelling all down his leg. Vet says it made sense to her because of gravity. My dog is in a lot of pain, can’t sit down. He put his paws down and his bottom stays up in the air. No one can even palpate his operate site without him going through the roof in pain. He is on Tramadol and an NSAID. I’m extremely worried. The vet isn’t a fan of the drain because she doesn’t want to create more room for infection. Ultra Sound showed no abscess. He is drinking a lot of water (more than usual) and urinating normally. His last BM was yesterday. Eating mostly fine. Low grade temp. Does this sound all right? I hate that he is suffering. The pics I have included were yesterday, not today. But you get the idea of the areas of seromas and erythema. Today, the swelling is worse and his entire leg down to his paw is fluid filled.

1 Response


  1. Krista Magnifico

    There are a few things that I am not completely clear about.
    The lipoma was not inside the abdomen it was between the skin and the abdomen. It is far more common to be here then inside rhe abdominal cavity. Also you wouldn’t get these seromas inside rhe abdomen.
    Next seromas shouldn’t be painful. Maybe get in the way of using there, but not painful.
    Lastly I only use a Darin of it is infected. And even then I am not an over ambitious drain user. It’s doctor preference.
    Last I think it would be better for you to get a second opinion. Everyone might feel better with it
    Good luck.

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megan | 3 years ago
A While Ago My Cat Became Sick, Around The Same Time We Noticed He Had Been …

a while ago my cat became sick, around the same time we noticed he had been leaving our house and stealing cat food from the neighbors who leave it out for other stray cats (therefore he was eating after other cats) his lymph nodes became swollen, he stayed in one spot all day and rarely moved, he wouldn’t eat or drink, and lost weight. We brought him to the vet and they examen him and did x-rays and said that it appears that he could have cancer/a tumor that has spread to his lymph nodes already as well as some other things like fluid/pus in his chest. They said the cancer was very aggressive since it’s already gotten that far and we just noticed it. A few days later his lymph node swelling went away, he started eating and drinking again, and he was acting like himself. We brought him back to the vet and they performed FNA on the tumor which came back inconclusive. They were also shocked that his lymph node? weren’t swollen anymore, and they said the tumor had moved places, and they started to question their diagnosis saying that he could just have an infection. The gave him antibiotics and sent us home. Since then the tumor has gotten bigger and moved places, it feels sort of soft and moves around easily. I’m questioning if this is just a lipoma rather than cancer because of the way it feels and moves, it has also been about 2 months since we very first noticed this, and to me it doesn’t appear or feel to have spread anywhere, his vet was also talking like he wouldn’t live more that a week or two and it’s been 2 months. No one can really come to a definite diagnosis… so if anyone could give advice or help on this i’d appreciate it very much!! (i’ve also included a photo below of the tumor though it’s a litte difficult to tell)

1 Response


  1. Laura

    Honestly, I’d be looking for an oncology specialist to determine if it really is a tumor of some sort.

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TJ Flanagan | 3 years ago
Help! My Dog Raided My Garbage Bag And Ate A Cooked Turkey Bone? Is There Anything …

Help! My dog raided my garbage bag and ate a cooked turkey bone? Is there anything I can do besides watching my dog for signs of distress?

1 Response


  1. Laura

    Hey there – because this is a potential emergency, I would call your vet. How’s he doing today?

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Nicholas P. Woodward | 4 years ago
My Parents’ Cat, Oso, Is Not Doing So Well. He’s Been Needing Subcutaneous Fluids …

My parents’ cat, Oso, is not doing so well. He’s been needing subcutaneous fluids administered via IV and he had not been eating every meal for a little over a week until we started giving him an appetite stimulant.

He also is having labored breathing, mouth closed 36 – 42 inhales/ minute. Here’s a link to a video so you can see:

An image of an X-Ray is attached – The comments below and the color arrows were provided by a mobile radiologist that came over to see him – I didn’t understand the notes, but basically she was pointing out tumor(s), cancer and fluids building up inside his body there.

We are continuing with the fluids and with the appetite stimulant he is eating. Steroid once month shots have been suggested and were just started 2 days ago.

Any advice here is very much appreciated and welcomed.

1 Response


  1. Laura

    Honestly, I’d be looking for a veterinary oncologist in your position.

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Breauna | 4 years ago
Hello I Recently Watched A Lot Of Your Videos On Youtube About Ivdd And The Beagle …

Hello I recently watched a lot of your videos on youtube about ivdd and the beagle you were taking care of. My Gracie was diagnosed with ivdd yesterday and my vet gave her a steroid shot and she is now on steroid medication prednisone, pain killers and muscle relaxers. She is not able to walk or stand on her own, her right leg drags, her left leg seems normal. I have been using a makeshift sling to help her use the restroom, she is able to pee and poop on her own as long as I am helping her stand outside with a sling. She sometimes sits up in bed but mainly only using her upper body. Is this a good sign? My vet said I need to put her on a diet and give her strict rest but my vet also said if she is not better in two days I should take her to get surgery. I am relucatant to get surgery not just because of the cost but because my Gracie is 11 years old and I am afraid that it could worsen the paralysis in her other legs or it might be only a temporary fix. Me and my parents want to try naturally helping her, and I am not sure how to start or what to do. Should I just try making her get strict cage rest and see what happens or should I start physical therapy right away? I am planning on calling my vet to see what she thinks but from what she told me yesterday she seems pretty set on surgery only. Gracie has only been laying on one side when laying down. Her left side. Her right side is the side with the bad dragging leg. She is eating well and drinking well, I just want her to get better soon. Any advice or suggestions you can give me would be great. Thank you Krista.
Gracie’s mom.

1 Response


  1. Sarah

    Good morning-
    So sorry about Gracie. Dr. Magnifico has a lot of videos on YouTube regarding ivdd AND she has information on her blog- diary of a real life veterinarian- that you may find helpful. Very best of luck to you and Gracie!!????????

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Samantha | 4 years ago
Hi! For A Couple Weeks I Have Noticed My Dog Chewing On His Back Paw… He …

For a couple weeks I have noticed my dog chewing on his back paw… he normally has pretty strong allergies this time of year and he is a licker anyway.. however tonight when I got home from work I took another close look at his paw (it was looking very pink) and noticed that he is missing a nail.. it’s completely gone ! He is in no pain as it seems.. hes walking, running, playing and eating as normal.. the only thing is he is obviously licking the area where his nail was.. it’s not bleeding and doesn’t look infected…
what advice do you have for this type of situation? I have been reading and watching videos about this but it’s half and half of I should take him to the vet or if I can take care of this at home.. Thank you

2 Responses


  1. Sarah

    I have never had a situation where the entire nail has been gone- a few times we have had a partial rip and then we did have to make a trip to see the vet or vet tech to have it looked at and snipped. I’m guessing, if there is no pain, swelling, soreness- that it may have happened a bit ago? If there is still a “wound” opening, I would keep it clean and keep an eye on it. If it feels swollen, or sore then definitely call your vet. And honestly, I’m a nervous nelly, so I would probably call my vet anyway and double check with them to see if I should bring them in to be seen…

  2. Laura

    My suggestion? Get all the nails much shorter and keep them shorter to prevent this in the future. Torn nails, broken nails usually happen due to excessively LONG nails. Keeping them short keeps them safer from this sort of accident.

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Jeri | 4 years ago
Hi, My Cat Daisy Recently Had Major Dental Surgery To Remove 12 Of Her Teeth. She Did …

Hi, my cat Daisy recently had major dental surgery to remove 12 of her teeth. She did well through it but shortly after started to pull her hair out as she grooms. Wherever she has rested there are clumps of hair and it’s primarily on her thighs. She’s eating well, acting normal and using the litter box normally. Can you help?

2 Responses


  1. Sarah

    I would contact your vet and make them aware of this new behavior right away.

  2. Krista Magnifico

    I would worry this is pain. Or stress. There are lots of medications available for these. Please call your vet.

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tom | 4 years ago
I Believe My Cat Has Hepatic Hepatic Lipidosis Lost Alot A Weight Had Her To Two …

i believe my cat has hepatic hepatic lipidosis lost alot a weight had her to two vets in the past year that did nothing i thought she was doing better but this past month she has lost a lot of weight only 5 pounds she eating but not as much i say hepatic hepatic lipidosis because the last vet said her liver reading was off wanted 800.00 for a biopsy after i already paid for 400.00 for blood work i couldn’t afford it i lost my job during pandemic and just can’t afford a vet visit at the moment anything i can do???

1 Response


  1. Sarah

    I am sorry that you are going through so much. I really think you should schedule time with your vet to sit and talk through the diagnosis, what the treatments are and see if you can come up with an affordable payment option. Explain your financial situation – see if there is a way to set up some sort of payment plan ???? so that your cat can get prepped diagnosis and treatment. Hopefully you and your vet can come to a mutual agreement. Best of luck to you!!!!????????

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Josselyn | 4 years ago
Hello, I Work At A Shelter. One Of The Puppies Got Parvo And She Was Given …

Hello, I work at a shelter. One of the puppies got parvo and she was given fluids subcutaneously. She was on antibiotics and has gotten through the parvo, but has gotten a horrible skin infection. (Most likely due to the needle injections given for fluids) Her skin started popping open and draining puss, and what started out as small draining spots, became larger and larger, until large sections of fur/skin sloughed off. The vet put her on Clavamox and has told us to clean with peroxide, then antibacterial soap, then apply a yellow greasy cream. I guess I question the daily peroxide as it makes her cry and it becomes so raw. I am attaching photos and they are disturbing, but the puppy is eating and drinking and I know it will be a long recovery, but I have to try. If a vet sees my post, please tell me what you think the wound care treatment should be. I think too much peroxide is harmful, but don’t know. The vet we use has given questionable care to some other dogs we have taken to her, so I need a second opinion.

4 Responses


  1. Sarah

    Oh my that looks so painful! Poor thing. I know that my vet does not recommend peroxide. I cannot remember the name of it, but she recommends this blue solution that you dilute in warm water. It looks like the peroxide is doing more harm then good????

  2. Krista Magnifico

    I don’t ever use peroxide. Like ever. I’m sorry I know there is a lot of opinion in vet Med but if it’s painful we either don’t it or we administer analgesics or anesthesia. Pain is not an acceptable treatment option. Also peroxide slows cell repair. Ask your vet to seek help via a local dermatologist, your lab services company or I hope this helps. I applaud your wanting to help the pets in the most need. Be well and very best of luck.

    1. Josselyn Post author

      Thank you so much for responding. I will seek out a dermatologist. I appreciate you, and I really enjoy your Youtube channel. Again, thank you.

    2. Josselyn Post author

      I forgot to ask yesterday…Until I can get her to a specialist, what do you recommend I use to keep it clean instead of the peroxide. Thank you

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Samantha | 4 years ago
Hi Back In January I Got A Cat And She’s So Sweet However The Past …

Hi back in January i got a cat and she’s so sweet however the past few days ive noticed shes not eating as much as she use too she use to eat a ton of food around 2 cans a day now she barely eats a half a can a day and barely drinking water i called around and none of our local vets can see her because she isn’t a current patient and the er is way to expensive for me i don’t have enough for the emergency fee they told me the exam is 122 dollars plus whatever additional tests are early this morning when i called our regular vet they asked me to check her gums and they look light pink but ive never seen her gums before does this look normal?

1 Response


  1. Laura

    Hi there. Unfortunately, she really needs to be seen by a vet. This is quickly becoming an emergent issue, and not something I’d wait on.