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Jessica | 1 year ago
Dr Magnifico I Left A Comment About My Milkshake On Your YouTube, I Made A Account …

Dr Magnifico I left a comment about my milkshake on your YouTube, I made a account here to talk more. Milkshake will be 8 on September 3rd, a while ago she was having diarrhea but after time she started having harder bowel movements where each time I would see her go it was hard enough to make a sound hitting the litter pan. Fast forward to this past week and for 6 days now she hasn’t ate or drank, she has not went poo but she did go pee two times yesterday. She has been vomiting a lot, the first day she would vomit every half hour, now it is still happening multiple times a day but not as much and is yellow do to not eating. I have been giving her water with a syringe to hopefully keep her hydrated. Like I said I’m on a fixed income do to my disability, I brought her to the Vet and didn’t even get a diagnosis after spending $200 getting seen having some nausea meds and fluid under the skin we were sent home to fend for ourselves, luckily I had saved that 200 up that was supposed to be for my other cats upcoming apt. I have tried calling other vets and hospitals and no one is willing to even let me do payments to get further information, the vet we went to said it would be at least $2,000 before she could be sure what exactly was going on and I just can’t afford it, we barely have food as it is. I tried applying for care credit and was denied unfortunately. I’m really worried about my milkshake. The only extra information that I did get from the vet was that she did not have a fever which was a good thing. Thank you for sending me this way, it is greatly appreciated.

4 Responses


  1. Krista Magnifico

    I’m sorry to hear about your cat.
    I would recommend a few things;
    Go on all of the social media platforms that you can and ask for help. Call every local rescue and shelter and ask for guidance in finding someone who can help you.
    I think that your cat needs to be given an exam and than maybe the vet can offer to teach you how to give sq fluids at home? Maybe they can also talk to you about trying some anti vomiting medications? Some of them are even available at the pharmacy.
    Reach out to local cat groups and even ask about help from the local animal shelters. Maybe they have a veterinarian who can help?

    I also think that in cases like yours it might be beneficial to see if you can help in anyway that might convince the vet staff that you are a devoted pet parent and responsible in paying them back? I know that if someone came to me and said “what can I do to help keep my cat alive and healthy?” I would work with them. Maybe instead of saying that you don’t have anything ask them what you can do to help them if they help you in return?” In some places volunteers at the shelters can get discounted vet care. Or my volunteers at my vet clinic get free vet care.
    I also think that your cat likely needs some lab work like a blood work and fecal. Anything that might explain her clinical signs. But I also think it should be done in an affordable manner. You need a compassionate vet for this.
    I hope you find them. If you do please let me know.
    Don’t give up. There are vets out there who will help.
    Good luck.

  2. Jessica Post author

    Dr Magnifico, Hello I have been doing all you suggested, I have been contacting different vets still waiting to hear from some and did hear from one in another state which is a few hours drive, if my milkshake does have pyometra this vet was so very generous giving me an amazing discounted price, the only problem is we don’t know if that is for sure what she has so if I drive all the way there and they do the surgery and she ends up not having that then I’m out more funds and these would be borrowed funds so I’m afraid of taking that chance then having absolutely zero funds and no one else to borrow from with a cat who is still sick and not diagnosed. It’s day 7 now and she is still not eating, not drinking, her vomiting is less now being only once or twice a day. She is getting some water by us squirting some at the side of her mouth and has been able to go pee quite a few times. She still has not gone poo though. I can’t get no prescriptions for subcutaneous fluids or nausea medication until blood work is done which is 300$ that like I said if I use these funds then I will have nothing for her treatment. I have applied for a couple of grants but with these they want your pet to already have a diagnosis so we will probably be denied. Do you have any ideas on what it could possibly be? Or ideas on how to get subcutaneous fluids for at home treatment, I know chewy has those but you need a prescription for that. Thank you again for all of your help and all of your dedication to animals in need of help, I stand by your side and will fight this fight with you.

  3. Jessica Post author

    I forgot to mention she did have a exam at the vet this past Friday, that’s when they wanted all the additional testing that I couldn’t afford, well I had to choose between life saving fluids and her nausea medicine or the blood work I knew if she didn’t have the fluids she was going to die soon

  4. Jessica Post author

    Hello Dr. Magnifico, I hope you are doing good. I just wanted to give a update on my milkshake, I kept giving her water with a syringe by mouth on the side of the mouth so she wouldn’t choke or aspirate. It had been 7 days since she had eaten anything, everyday I would try many different liquid type foods, some I would warm..she was not interested but I kept trying and trying until finally one day around three in the morning I warmed a temptation’s liquid treat by holding it in my hand for a while before opening I then put some of it in a syringe and got a small amount of it in the front of her mouth so she could get a taste and to my absolute surprise after 7 days she finally started licking it, I didn’t give her to much at that time because it had been so long but since then I’ve gradually increased the amount and now she is eating that and will even eat some of her wet food at dinner time with her siblings. She ended up going poo finally and it was a very hard one so I think she may have been constipated. To think the vet hospital wanted almost one thousand dollars to diagnose what they said was pyometra and it was not even that, not gonna lie they did scare me into almost giving a kidney to get my cat vet care. I am glad I did bring her to the vet hospital because I really think if she didn’t have those subcutaneous fluids at that time she probably wouldn’t have made it. I was scared and worried I was going to lose my milkshake and then I came across your YouTube advocating for animals and vet care, Dr.Magnifico if it weren’t for you and your advice from miles & miles away I don’t know what I would have done so I just wanted to take a few moments to not only let you know that milkshake is so much better now but to thank you so so much for your help, information and the encouragement to not give up in finding proper vet care that wouldn’t cost thousands. It is because of you that I now know not all veterinarians are expensive, they are few and far between but they are still out there. I am still searching for a vet like that in my state of Vermont but I have at least knocked some of the list and will continue to fight for my cats and the veterinarian care that they deserve. Thank you thank you thank youuuuu 😀 from myself, milkshake & our little fur tribe.

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Kionna | 1 year ago
Dog Having Seizures And All Her Lab Results Came Back Normal. He Always Go Back To …

Dog having seizures and all her lab results came back normal. He always go back to normal after. She is eating, playing, barking.
Just don’t know what to do.

1 Response


  1. Krista Magnifico


    I have lots of information on seizures on my blog. Please go to and from there search seizures. Depending on how many your dog has had you might need a medication like keepra for this

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Cynthia | 1 year ago
My Little Dog Angel (14 Yo Shin Tzu/ Lhasa Apso Mix) Went To The Vet On November 28 …

My little dog Angel (14 yo shin tzu/ Lhasa Apso mix) went to the vet on November 28 due to stumbling , possible blood in stool, and weight loss. The vet said she had no blood in her stool and was diagnosed with intestinal parasites. She was prescribed metronidazole, Regan, and Pepcid. Prior to her starting the medication she was walking but slipping on her hind legs. Also prior to the medication she was eating and drinking water. As the days went by she started dragging her hind legs. I did research and found your videos on the beagel with IVDD. So yesterday December 3rd we took her to a second vet and explained everything that was going on with Angel as well as showing the vet the medications Angel was taking. According to the vet from yesterday the dose was too large for her 7.4 lb frame that she could have developed some neurotoxicity. However the vet said since she was having some difficulty walking prior to the medication then it was more likely IVDD. We were told she was too far along and would require surgery. I ask about oral medications to treat her IVDD and then we were told she was in renal failure. So due to her renal insufficiency and possible upper GI bleed they are unable to give prednisone to help with the inflammation. Angel’s lab work showed an elevated BUN/Creat and she is acidotic. I ask about IV fluids to resolve the renal insufficiency and the vet said we could do IV fluids for 24-48 hours which may only give her a 50/50 chance of renal improvement. The vet then went on to say even if we corrected her renal function she would still have the issue of IVDD and with her dark stools Angel would still not be able to take the prednisone. The final option the vet suggested was euthanasia.

She said we could take Angel home with gabapentin, sucralfate, mirtazapine, and cerenia. Just spend time with her and love on her with an life expectancy of about 2 days.

At this point I’m at a loss because it seemed everything snowballed very quickly.

Today December 4 my adult kids are coming to see her and my husband said we need to take her in for euthanasia on Tuesday December 5th. I feel like I’m giving up on her. The vet said her prognosis is poor and even with surgery she may never have a good quality of life.

Any advice would be appreciated.

Thank you

2 Responses


  1. Krista Magnifico


    I’m so sorry to hear about your dog. For Ivdd suspected cases I tell people to cage rest, give pain meds , and give them 3 weeks before giving up. Just my advise from being in practice. Most get better. They need time.

    1. Cynthia Post author

      Thank you so much for your response. I wish I would have seen this prior to everyone including the vet telling me she needs to be euthanized. My heart and my gut was telling me not to give up but everyone else told me this is the most humane option. Yesterday afternoon we buried her on my Mom’s farm and today has been so very difficult. I feel like I failed her in so many ways.

      Again thank you for your response.

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Alexandra | 1 year ago
** Cat Who Is Veracious Around Feeding Time Help** Hello! I Have 3 Cats That Are Patients There. …

** cat who is veracious around feeding time help**

Hello! I have 3 cats that are patients there. I have had 2 cats, Blink and Havoc for about 5 years now. They are biological brothers. They have always shared everything and we never really had any problems with food or their weight.

About 2 months ago, we adopted a blind cat, Gemma who is about a year old. Her foster said that she would free feed her at her house and that she never really had any aggression with food. I’m not sure what happened because once we adopted her and brought her back here, she has became very veracious with her food. Our solution now is to feed her the dry food in a separate room (we feed her according to the package instructions) because if we do not, she will race through eating her food so she can start trying to eat the boys food as well.

With wet food, I monitor them and am constantly shooing her away so the boys can finish their food as she always inhales her food super quickly.

When we separate her, she will cry until we open the door and then she comes running full speed to the food bowl.

I’ve never really seen anything like it! She is so sweet and other than that there really is no issues I’m just looking for advice if there is anything I can do to make feeding time not so chaotic.

I want her to feel secure that she will always be fed but I can’t leave food out because I don’t want my other cats to eat hers.

I guess my question is, is this a behavior that can be changed or do we just work with it the way we are now? She seems to have a lot of anxiety around food and I’m sure being blind doesn’t help so I wasn’t sure what else we can do.

Thank you!

2 Responses


  1. Laura

    In all seriousness, get her bloodwork done. A cat that crazy about food might have a thyroid or other medical issue.

    You’ll probably have to separate to feed for a long while yet. If she starts to calm down about it, maybe you’d be able to try feeding in like…a dog crate, perhaps. In the same room, so she can smell their food. It’s a good test while allowing them the ability to eat their own food peacefully.

    You can also try bowls which only open for the right collar. Amazon sells them, but they are NOT cheap:

  2. Shiria

    I have those bowls that only open for the right cat. Expensive but so worth it…
    One of mine needs to take medication twice a day but doesn’t take treats and both are very slow eaters. So I either had to seperate them the whole day, or she wasn’t getting her medication.

    As Laura says, get her checked up and if everything is fine, maybe try feeding her more?
    I have learned that kittens and young cats can eat as much as they want, so they can learn that there is always enough food. This way they get calmer with food later on. Also – young cats burn a lot of more energy than older ones. Some can eat more than double the recommended account and still not get fat.
    Also maybe feed more wet food. It has more volume than dry food, while having less calories. this way she feels full faster. You can also add a bit of water for more volume. A friend of mine added special food cellulose for more volume for her cat.

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امین | 1 year ago
About Seventeen Days Ago,our Cat Was Bitten By Another Cat,she Wasn’t Treating As …

About seventeen days ago,our cat was bitten by another cat,she wasn’t treating as the same so we brought her to visit doctor the next day,
She had fever and had stopped eating,
They started antibiotics,we had vaccinated her about two months ago,so they decided that vaccination is not necessary,
After seven days she started to get worse,
And now we found an abscess in her waist,so they drained it and start another antibiotics and started cleaning the abscess with iodide and h2o2 3 percent,
She seemed to be better after two days,but stopped and again started getting worse so she doesn’t eat and hides from us ,we saw that while cleaning and washing the abscess area under the skin, is getting bigger,an right now after 10 days she is getting worse and worse,can you please give us some directions,please help her,she is in a very dangerous situation and our vet don’t know what to do،

1 Response


  1. Krista Magnifico

    It sounds like a more aggressive approach might be warranted. I would ask the vet to consider doing blood work, culture the wound to look for the best antibiotic and hospitalization with iv fluids.

    That would be my plan if this were my patient.

    Best of luck.

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Rebekah | 1 year ago
Today I Noticed A Small Lump On Our 14 Week Old Puppy’s Lower Abdomen. There Are …

Today I noticed a small lump on our 14 week old puppy’s lower abdomen. There are two but one is larger than the other. I’m assuming it’s her ovaries. No unusual behavior, eating and drinking normally. Is this normal for one to be enlarged? We have always had boy dogs so just making sure all is ok. Adding pictures for reference.

2 Responses


  1. Krista Magnifico

    It is not possible to provide any kind of helpful advice on a lump or a bump from a photo. This appears to be under the skin but even with that I can’t help direct you as to whether this is an acute swelling from an injury or insect bite, or the beginning of something more concerning like a cancer or infection.

    The only way to help is to see your vet and let them examine it in person. From there they may recommend it be monitored or an aspiration or biopsy be done.

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Jess | 1 year ago
-EMERGENCY- Hello Everyone, I Very Much Need Help. To Preface This I Am Located In Los …


Hello Everyone,

I very much need help. To preface this I am located in Los Angeles. On August 18-20 I noticed my cat’s behavior change. He started peeing outside his box, and was irritable. When I noticed glitter in his urine and I white pus material I knew from past experience that he had a UTI.
We took him into the vet and set up a urinalysis. While getting the urine sample his litter box behavior’s was erratic. But no more crystals, and I never saw any blood. And he was always able to go to the bathroom.

This past Saturday (9th) I noticed very early in the morning he was going to the box and nothing was happening. He did it twice in a few hours. He also started licking his private areas. I knew from past experience he was likely he was blocked. My mom is a vet in another state so I was able to bring my concerns to her.
We both agreed I needed to be on our vet’s doorstep that morning when they opened.

Long painful story short I took him in and we determined he was blocked. After going through all the options with the vet and his cat dad we were barely able to afford unblocking him. We waited that day hoping they would call us with good news. SO SO HAPPY! He got unblocked and I was able to come get him and bring him home.

They gave us both pain meds and doses for his crystals, every 12 hours and he got them consistently. We switched to only wet food back at the first vet visit. And since the Sat visit he has only gotten prescript for urinary cats (Royal Canine/Hills)

He was fine for a few days, peeing and pooping normally. I was monitoring everything. Then yesterday morning he stopped going to the bathroom again. All day yesterday, nothing.
We waited all day yesterday. His belly is bloated and he’s getting irritable again. He is off the pain meds now, but still mostly laying around.

This time around he doesn’t even try to go to the bathroom. And he has started licking himself again. Thankfully he doesn’t seem to be in pain. He is eating normally.

We could barely afford to have him unblocked the first time, this past Sat. Applying to Carecredit and Fetch both yielded no results. My roommate and I are trying to figure out a way to have him unblocked again. But with the strike and everything things are just so limited. I don’t want to loose him because we can’t afford to help him.

I have reached out to multiple charities and called so many vets. It’s all taking too long, and we know that it will escalate fast. I’m going to call the vet today and see if maybe we can at least drain the urine. Ideally, we can get him drained and I know there’s a procedure they basically snip the end so it won’t happen over and over.

We can we do?!! Please help!! Call me directly, I don’t even care. I just want to help him 619 931 3747

I have included a picture of our dear boy, he’s 7 and 6 almost a senior. This is his first UTI bout. His name is Jerry, and he’s wonderful.

1 Response


  1. Krista Magnifico


    I’m so sorry to hear about your kitty.

    Where do things stand now. Did you find anyone to help? Is he urinating?

    I have answered this question many times before. You can use the search to see all the previous answers.

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Sharon Gainer | 1 year ago
Good Morning Dr Magnifico Marley’s (Gainer) Diarrhea Started Up Again Yesterday. Otherwise He Remains Himself …

Good morning Dr Magnifico
Marley’s (Gainer) diarrhea started up again yesterday. Otherwise he remains himself and is eating well. I have Metronidazole on hand from the rescue. Would it be OK to give him some? If so, how much? How often? Thank you!
Sharon Gainer

1 Response


  1. Krista Magnifico


    I will have one of the clinic technicians call you to discuss. We do not post drug dosages online for concern other people will dose without a vets notification.

    I am off today. Back on Tuesday. Have a great holiday weekend


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Sheena | 1 year ago
Hi, Where Are You Located? My Cat Has Something Wrong With Her Esophagus, I Was Told …

Hi, where are you located? My cat has something wrong with her esophagus, I was told by the vet after I did (X-rays, blood work, urine exam and it was like $1000.00) that I have to go to a specialist and they said they need to put a camera to see what it is and that alone cost $2200.(they said that would be just to look at what is going on and does not include treatment.) I cannot afford it because I live alone. I have two cats and I’m just doing my best, (I just moved as a single young woman by myself with my 2 cats to a new state and just trying my best) if I had the money I would’ve definitely done it right now.

The vet gave me some thing to coat her esophagus(SUCRALFATE) to try to help but I don’t see a difference(she licks her food and coughs & it discourages her from eating but I know she wants to eat) and I don’t know what else to do. I feel so very helpless, I was wondering where you are located, maybe I can get her help,she really needs help right now. Her name is Penelope and I love her.

My email is

1 Response


  1. Krista Magnifico

    I do not have an endoscope. These are typically only found at a specialty office.
    Has your vet taken an X-ray? At my clinic we sue them and forward them to a radiologist. They are often able to give a diagnosis.

    We are in northern Maryland. Jarrettsville Veterinary Center

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Lisa | 1 year ago
Help Please I’m Stressing Out . Is This Going To Happen Again? He Has Been Peeing …

Help please I’m stressing out . Is this going to happen again? He has been peeing
Playing, eating but I noticed he’s only peeing 1 or twice
A day is that enough? He is drinking water I need to know how to palpatate his stomach ???? I’m not able to afford much more I cannot find a affordable vet in vero beach I’m running out of options ???? I’m going to take him back if I can’t get a solution before he blocks again. I have never dealt with this. I have had female cats .

1 Response


  1. Krista Magnifico

    It sounds like he is doing well now. And while I realize that you are stressed I don’t think returning him while he is well is in his best interest. There are a lot of things you can do to prevent and prepare for any future episodes. You could find an online group to help educate and support you. Or ask to volunteer or work at a cat clinic to help understand how to monitor and care for your cat. Also reach out to your vet for advice.
    Stressing out and surrendering him don’t help you or his situation. Will a shelter take care of him if he blocks? Have you asked them for help?I have offered to help but surrendering him to me is not the answer either..
    Life is full of challenges. It is in these moments that we decide who we are and who we want to be remembered as. I was once a very poor very young and very desperate cat mom. When I had no one to help me when these kinds of situations happened. I decided I would never be in that position again as I loved my pets more than anything. so I worked for decades to get myself as much animal experience from as many people and places as possible. It took me almost 20 years to become a veterinarian. It was cases like this that made me who I am. I never give up and I never feel like I didn’t have options. I also help everyone I can.
    I wish you both luck and health.