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Pawbly | 9 years ago
We Bought The Wrong Kind. We Bought Something For Adult Dogs. He Is Not An…

We bought the wrong kind. We bought something for adult dogs. He is not an adult yet so we went back yesterday and bought the right kind. The vomiting stopped now he just won’t eat and he still has a fever. He’ll eat his doggie treats here and there just not his actual food. What should we do?

3 Responses


  1. PK Dennis

    I would take your dog and the dog food you bought to a vet!  This may be a case of poisoning from a recalled food – or it could be unrelated to the food at all!  Only the vet can help you determine what is happening with your pups’s health.  Typically switching to an adult dog food does not result in vomiting and fever!  I suspect something else is going on.

  2. Brittani McClain

    Thank You So Much I Just Called The Vet And Made An Appointment For Tomorrow Morning.

  3. Brittani McClain

    Thank You I Called They Told Me To Come First Thing In The Morning

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Pawbly | 9 years ago
No Sign Of Worms 5 Minutes After Eating And 1 1/2 After Eating 3 Piles…

no sign of worms 5 minutes after eating and 1 1/2 after eating 3 piles each time no change in activity

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Pawbly | 9 years ago
So They Held Him There For 3 Days They Had Him On Iv Fluids Vomiting…

so they held him there for 3 days they had him on iv fluids vomiting meds and anti flammatory meds they did 7 x-rays . Well they said he was eating real good and holding everything down with no vomiting and was passing his vowel movements but never seen anything in his vowl moments that shouldn’t of been there. Well 1400 dollars later they send him home and not even 24 hours

2 Responses


  1. Casey Stokes

    Not even 24 hours later and he is worse then before I took him. He won’t get up and he won’t even eat.

  2. Casey Stokes

    Thank you. He’s going back tomorrow.

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Pawbly | 9 years ago
I Am Looking After A Cat Who Is Not Eating After Being Treated For A…

I am looking after a cat who is not eating after being treated for a bladder infection on 10/31. He returned home on 11/3 after being under vet supervision, and although he was somewhat active, he was still being lethargic and then slowly started to decline again (not eating, although drinking and using the litterbox). He was taken back to the vet on 11/7 I was told that he is depressed and misses his owner. I returned to the vet today and was told again that he is “starving himself from depression”. He has since stopped drinking and using the litter box. Any advice on what to do?

3 Responses


  1. Carolyn Hedlund

    Also, the owner is out of the country until June! I am the long-term caretaker.

  2. Kate McKelvie

    Hi Carolyn,
    There are steps your vet can take if he has stopped drinking as well as eating- give fluids subcutaneously, prescribe an appetite stimulant, etc. Did they run bloodwork? You can tempt his appetite, possibly, by offering Fancy Feast, or Gerber’s turkey or chicken baby food. Sometimes they’ll try tuna, or rabbit (vet sells.) You can syringe feed him with Hill’s AD(add water.) Worst case scenario- they can hospitalize him and/or place a feeding tube. They need to do something to turn him around.
    If you can post a head shot here, I could send him Reiki long-distance.

  3. Carolyn Hedlund

    Thank you, Krista. I appreciate your advice. The vet only suggested taking him to an emergency vet and said that they would run tests that would cost 3-5K, with no mention of a feeding tube or any other suggestions for sparking his appetite. Although he did give us nutritional gel, he was not interested in that and we have had to force feed it to him to at least get him some nourishment. It seems as though he should be taken to another vet! Thanks again. Best,

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Pawbly | 9 years ago

Update: My Cat Was Drooling Clear Liquid Then It Turned To Brown And Then Bleeding…

Update: My cat was drooling clear liquid then it turned to brown and then bleeding in approximately a week. Then she was rescued and taken to the Vet. She got treatment and was better with no vomiting, bleeding etc. but she was not eating. For day she passed loose stools. She was cured but then she ran away for a day. She was again rescued and fed milk and glucose water. her ears were warm at this time. She had three seizures followed by this.

She was taken tothe hospital and given an injection (Lori umm am not sure) after which she slept for like a day and then she was a little relaxed…she again had a seizure which was less severe after 27 hours…then treated… no injection for seizure this time no fever……… she became restless and wanted to be out of the basket…we released her…she started biting…had more seizures in the next 12 hours…at this point she wanted to eat and ate a little bit idk because of anger or hunger

we calmed her down and sent her to the hospital. all this happened over a period of 13 14 days…please tell me what this was…doctor tried to draw blood but it would not come out…no test could be done…is it RABIES?

1 Response


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Pawbly | 9 years ago
My 10 Year Old Lab Just Started Licking Everything In Sight And Eating Grass And…

My 10 year old lab just started licking everything in sight and eating grass and whining non stop. Not how she acts at all. All she wants to do is eat grass

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Pawbly | 9 years ago
Hi I Have A Few Bearded Dragons And I Got A Full Grown Breeding Pair…

Hi I have a few bearded dragons and I got a full grown breeding pair male n female of people who was not looking after them and the female layed 14 eggs when I got her and they died I incubated them at right temperatures and humidity. The male died not Long after because he was not eating and the female is going the Same way she eats about 3times a week I hand feed her powder calcium mixed with water everyday but nothing is working she is very skinny and u can see her two bones sticking right out at the top of her tale she doesn’t move around alot but she does like to get out of the tank every morning to have a little run and the she finds her spot in my room and will stay there all day..I just need some help because I don’t want her to die she US a really friendly and loving bearded dragon

5 Responses


  1. Anonymous

    what else are you feeding her?  has she been to a vet?

  2. Angel Sullivan

    She eats miro worms crickets dubia roaches .. her veg is cabbage apple cucumber and a few other bits a pieces but she won’t eat loads she only eats about 2 of each on live food. And a kids size handfull on veg

  3. Anonymous

    hmm. that definitely doesn’t sound like enough. i’d take her to the vet to see if there’s something else wrong.

  4. Angel Sullivan

    Shes a very bad eater my other dragons r youner then her and they eat pinkie mice and there alot fatter

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Pawbly | 9 years ago
We Got A New Kitten, And Ever Since Then, My 13 Year Old Cat…

We got a new kitten, and ever since then, my 13 year old cat has been vomiting. She acts normal otherwise, and is aggressive towards the kitten. She still eats though.

1 Response


  1. Laura C

    Likely stress
    Make sure you’re giving established kitty attention
    Supervise play
    Perhaps a pheromone collar or feliway

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Pawbly | 9 years ago
My 16 Yr Old Yorkie Had A Tooth Out And Was Given Antibiotics And Liquid…

my 16 yr old yorkie had a tooth out and was given antibiotics and liquid pain killer,about 2weeks ago but everytime she eats or drinks she seems to be in pain why is this

3 Responses


  1. PK Dennis

    I would call the vet that did the extraction and ask these questions.  They may need to do a followup check.

  2. Dawn Ferara, DVM

    You need to return to your vet for a recheck as soon as you can.

    Good Luck!

    Dr Dawn

  3. yvonne mawhinney

    Thankyou ,I did take her back vet said he could not see anything anything wrong he said I was to take her back and they would put her under again to have a look im so worried about this as she is 16 and is on heart tablets and its not been a month since they operated I just don’t know what to do help anyone please

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Pawbly | 9 years ago
My 8 Month Old Kitten Won’t Eat, Drink And She Is Throwing Up White Foam…

my 8 month old kitten won’t eat, drink and she is throwing up white foam. She’s been throwing 2 times a day. What bis wrong with her?

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