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Pawbly | 10 years ago
My Male Dog Penetrated My Other Male Dog. They Were Tied For About 15 Minutes…

My male dog penetrated my other male dog. They were tied for about 15 minutes. This was yesterday. Now my Yorkie Poodle is moving around very slowly, has diarreah and wont eat. I chekced his stool and NO blood.

1 Response


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Pawbly | 10 years ago
Dog Vomiting. They Did Blood Work, Abdominal X Rays And Radiographs But Found Nothing Abnormal…

dog vomiting. they did blood work, abdominal x rays and radiographs but found nothing abnormal. His stomach became bloated and he wouldn’t eat much. We have him on a bland diet but it’s a struggle. He is still drinking water, hasn’t vomited and has only pooped once per day since. He’s very lathargic, doesn’t want to go on walks and acts very tired. His breathing also became heavier and the vet said they weren’t sure what it could be but they could do another x Ray to see. Should I bother? Is a chest X-ray or a sonogram worth doing? I’ve been feeding him pumpkin, chicken and rice and the vet prescribed I/d digestive care dog food but he won’t touch that.

1 Response


  1. Jana

    Your dog is in distress and does need help by getting figured out what’s going on and getting it addressed. Since your vet seems to be at a loss, I’d likely seek a second opinion from another vet.

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Pawbly | 10 years ago
I Found An Island Glass Lizard In My House After Our Cat Brought Him In…

I found an Island Glass lizard in my house after our cat brought him in, I took him in and I have him in a box, he wasn’t moving around but he is alive. I think his back may be broken, his head can move but the rest of his body can’t. Is there any hope for his survival? He ate a grasshopper after I took it’s own legs off and put it right in front of him, so he is still eating.

1 Response


  1. Kelly Furgason

    Hi Annie,
    Also, please take the lizard to a rehab or rescue for reptiles so that it can get the proper care for it’s injury and appropriate diet/care.
    Good luck!

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Pawbly | 10 years ago
I Have A 14 Year Old ShitZu That Had A Seizure And Now He Can…

I have a 14 year old ShitZu that had a seizure and now he can not see. He is using the bathroom in the house and not eating properly. Can anything be done to help him?

2 Responses


  1. Anonymous

    what does your vet think about it?  since they know the circumstances of the seizure and the overall health of your pet, i’d ask their opinion first.

  2. Sue Bona

    You may need to help him eat and take him outside more often until he gets used to functioning without being able to see

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amanda Mills | 10 years ago
My Husband And I Were Discussing Making Our Own Dog Food. Our Dogs Are Currently…

My husband and I were discussing making our own dog food. Our dogs are currently eating dry Whole Earth Farms grain free kibble. Sometimes we add in whole Earth Farms grain free wet food in the evenings. We were wondering if switching to homemade food is a good idea and if so how much do we feed our dogs? Our dogs are 60-80 pounds each.

3 Responses


  1. Jana

    Hi Amanda,

    that is a good question, isn’t it? And the answer depends on whom you ask. Some might tell you, yes, definitely, others will shout out, OMG please don’t do that.

    Here is how it is with food, whether for ourselves of for our dogs.

    The best food you can offer is
    – biologically appropriate (there are arguments about what is or isn’t biologically appropriate for dogs)
    – as fresh and wholesome you can offer (some argue that ingredients don’t matter only nutrients matter; well both do matter)
    – as little processed as possible
    – with as little stuffs that don’t belong into food as possible
    – as natural and organic as possible (again, there are arguments that it doesn’t matter but it doesn’t make sense that it wouldn’t)

    I think Dr. Becker summarized it fairly well in this article: 

    Again, there are arguments whether raw is best or cooked is best. (there are arguments about every single aspect of what to feed our dogs)

    Advantages of raw: minimal loss of nutrients, high digestibility
    Disadvantages of raw: possible contamination with bacteria
    a) the risk seems higher to people than the actual dog(s)
    b) can be controlled with exercising good food safety

    Advantages of cooked: minimizing risk of bacterial contamination, good digestibility (even better with some ingredients such as veggies; whether raw or cooked protein is better digestible is also debated)
    Disadvantages of cooked: loss of nutrients

    Advantages of making your own food (raw or cooked): full control over ingredients
    Disadvantages of making your own food: if not done properly, there is a risk of nutritional imbalances

    These days you can find commercially available diets for any type of food you wish to feed, whether it’s raw or cooked. Advantage of doing that is that you can find manufacturers who have complete and balanced formulations. Disadvantage is that you don’t control the ingredients directly and have to take the manufacturer at their word on what they put in and where they sourced it. There are some reputable manufacturers out there for both raw and cooked diets.

    How much you should feed your dogs depends on your dogs (not only their weight but also their age and activity level). There are calorie calculators out there.

    Depending on what you have available where you live, home prepared (whether raw or cooked) can be cheaper than commercial. Or not. Depends on whether you can source from farmers, co-ops etc.

    There is the work that goes into making the food.

    MOST IMPORTANT ASPECT, though, is that if you are going to make your own food, whether raw or cooked, is to make sure it is COMPLETE AND BALANCED. This can be best and easiest achieved by
    a) working with a nutritionist
    b) working with a supplement such as BalanceIT
    c) acquiring some good recipes (but whatever you’re going to make will need to be supplemented, AT LEAST with calcium source) Vitamins and minerals may or may not have to be supplemented depending on the ingredients you’d use.

    As for myself, I used to home-cooked for Jasmine for a long time. It worked very well for her. I DID use a supplement designed specifically for balancing home prepared diets (in Canada we have Hilary’s Blend, which I have been using). With Cookie, she decided to “switch herself to raw” on her own (she is an avid hunter) so I figured who was I to argue and I’m now feeding her raw. For the time being I use mostly commercially prepared frozen raw with the odd fresh home prepared raw such as during hunting season. So she’d get a whole rabbit, for example.

    I think reading the above article I linked to should give you a good idea how to improve your dogs’ nutrition and where to start.

    Please do not forget the COMPLETE and BALANCED bit.

  2. Margrit Simons

    Here is a great recipe for home made dog food from Dr. Stanley Coren at UBC. I made it for my dogs and they loved it (until I got to be too lazy). You can look it up on this website : /recipe3

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Pawbly | 10 years ago
Hello I Have A 4 Year Indoor Cat Only. He Has Now Been Sick Three…

Hello I have a 4 year indoor cat only. He has now been sick three times in as many days, slight runny stools as well.
Today he is now refusing to eat and is just sleeping.
Eyes and guns bright though and still likes being touched

4 Responses


  1. Anonymous

    please get him to the vet today.  refusing to eat is BAD.

  2. Emma Thatcher

    Thank you for your help
    He has already had a hair ball two days ago, his sick has been just food, no blood and no blood in his stool
    I was trying him on some new food, chicken with pate from whiskers. I’m hoping it’s just to rich for him

  3. Anonymous

    whiskas isn’t all that rich. i would be willing to bet it’s something else. take him to the vet.

  4. Margrit Simons

    I think that this website is great along with all the caring people who are always ready to help!

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Pawbly | 10 years ago
MyPuppy Has AnEye Discharge SinceSunday-watery Eyes And One Eye Has A White Pus-drop Once In…

MyPuppy has anEye discharge sinceSunday-watery eyes and one eye has a white pus-drop once in a while.Playful, eats well. Vet said nothing on Monday(derwomed),but I’m paranoid about distemper.His 1st vaccination is due to next Monday.

1 Response


  1. Anna K

    So it might be the first sign of distemper? He was checked his temperature on Monday, it was normal. I got scared 🙁

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Pawbly | 10 years ago
Could You Tell Me Why My Dog Is Not Eating But She Is Drinking.weeing A…

Could you tell me why my dog is not eating but she is drinking.weeing a lot.her sides appear to be going bald as well.plz help

6 Responses


  1. Anonymous

    i would be concerned about her thyroid, depending on age and breed.  when was her last bloodwork?

  2. Ashley Connor

    She is roughly 9-10 yrs old and sorry but what do u mean by bloodwork

  3. Anonymous

    i mean your vet takes blood from your dog (this should be done annually) and screened for any abnormalities which would indicate illness.

    if you haven’t had this done in the past 6 months, i’d get it done today.

  4. Ashley Connor

    She also has a little diarreah.I am taking her to vets tomorrow but would like an idea of what to expect it to be.

  5. Anonymous

    my concern was mentioned in my first comment. this sounds like hypothyroid. asuming that’s what it is, it can be managed with drugs. but a senior blood panel is a necessary annual thing.

  6. Ashley Connor

    Thank you for your help much appreciated

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tracy | 10 years ago
My Dog Is Vomiting A Liquid, Yellow, Flemmy Substance. He Still Wants To Eat And…

my dog is vomiting a liquid, yellow, flemmy substance.
he still wants to eat and drink. no fever or different behavior.

1 Response


  1. Kelly Furgason

    It sounds like your dog is vomiting bile. Sometimes if a dog hasn’t eaten in awhile the bile can irritate the stomach and then they vomit. How long does your dog go between meals? If your dog only eats once a day, try doing twice per day…or even three times per day if possible. Use the same daily amount of food, just divide it up into more than one feeding.

     Of course, it could be other things that can cause this, but this would be my first thought.

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Laura | 10 years ago
My Dobe Bitch Spent Last Week At My MIL’s Home, And Throughout That Week My…

My dobe bitch spent last week at my MIL’s home, and throughout that week my MIL fed her Beneful rather than the food we asked her to feed. This…is a problem, and one we will be discussing with her at another time.

However. As a result of this lovely, boundary-free vacation eating nothing but the equivalent of Big Macs for a week, she will not go back to her regular food unless we add enticements. I need her eating what i give her, when i give it to her, without exceptions. Normally this isn’t a problem – she’s trying to get us to give her that lovely, delicious junk food. She is healthy, so this isn’t a health-related problem. She’s just being a stubborn brat. 🙂

My question is this: what is the quickest way to get her back on her normal food? My husband is less than cooperative with my eat-it-or-lose-it method of training, wondering if anyone can suggest anything else. For the moment she is absolutely refusing plain kibble. The most I will do for her is add warm water, which I do for dinners anyway. She won’t touch breakfast at all.

Any suggestions? 🙂

3 Responses


  1. Laura Post author

    Before someone asks: I show her. She needs to eat when told just like she needs to evacuate bowel and bladder when told…otherwise things may get messy in the ring, and I cannot have that happening. This only becomes a problem after she goes to my MILs for more than a couple of days. Unfortunately, we have another lengthy stay planned later this summer, with a major show soon after. To say this has given me a headache is an understatement.

  2. Laura Post author

    I know the MIL isn’t trying to be detrimental. She just refuses to believe that Beneful isn’t what I want to feed my dog. If we give her individually bagged meals, she complies. If we give her a bag of Rip’s food and a scoop, she…doesn’t. Last lengthy visit, she managed to feed 15 pounds of food in a week and a half. I fear this may be an ongoing disagreement – she tends to keep her dogs 5 pounds overweight and free feeds, while I like my dog eating specific meals at specific times and I like to see a nice tuck at the belly with a visible waist.

    She will accept kibble from my hand if she complies with a command – she thinks it’s a treat. I got about half a cup in her that way this evening, so she isn’t going to go completely hungry. She’s just being a stubborn twit – at nearly 2, she’s at that age where UPS hasn’t shipped us all of the parts of her brain, so she’s still “forgetting” things she knows like how to come when called. I have used this method before with success, at both my breeder and my vet’s suggestion. The last time we did this, within 2 days she was eating normally. This time around she’s throwing a louder temper tantrum, though. Just wondering what, if anything, might make this less painful to my eardrums.

    I’ll consider boiling some extra chicken and burying the tiniest shreds in her food – that will depend on whether she eats breakfast. If she doesn’t, tomorrow night’s class will be a difficult one for her…we are in Baltimore and head up to Forest Hill for classes, so we leave around 6. She usually gets the kibble portion of her dinner in class as training treats (interspersed with higher value meats, because that keeps her on her toes).

    I can’t think of much else to add. We’re working on “puppy push-ups” right now to keep her busy (and get more kibble in her). Sometimes, I curse myself for bringing such a smart dog into my house. 😉

  3. Laura Post author

    good news! it took one training session on an empty stomach to convince her that eating might be a good idea. emptied her bowl and was looking for more.

    bratdog is a brat. but she’s eating, so i’m happy.