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Pawbly | 9 years ago
Hi I Have A Pitt Bull Female That Had Been In A Fight With Our…

Hi I have a pitt bull female that had been in a fight with our other pitt bull female had to take her to the vet she gave us antibiotics gave her a ivy and a shot to bring her fever down that was about three weeks ago then she was better she yesterday has been in another fight left leg just bitten up but elbow wide open in places we did everything the vet told us to and gave her antibiotics again yesterday so she doesn’t get a infection but her leg is swollen today is that okay I took her temp she doesn’t have one and she is eating and drinking

8 Responses


  1. Brittany sullivan

    I just need some advice help n e thing..

  2. Andrea Cox

    Advice is to get this animal the hell away from any other animal for a very long time. You are the responsible party here and you managed to get your injured dog in another fight!  

  3. Brittany sullivan

    No it’s my brothers dog and my dog it’s mom and daughter

  4. Brittany sullivan

    I am asking for dog owners no I did not manage to let them get in a fight they got in a fight cause randomly they don’t get along

  5. Sarah

    My advice would be to get to the vet asap again. Then keep the dogs separated at all costs. If that means revoking one, the. So be it. I would also consider dog training and a behaviorist for both your sake and the sake of the dog. This is a very serious situation and you need to treat it as such. You need to be extremely responsible and diligent about this. If you can’t live this dog like a family member, the. Find her a home where they can. She looks to you as her pack leader- safety is included in that description. Pleas see the vet and find a trainer and a behaviorist. Please.

  6. PK Dennis

    Take her back to the vet to make sure she is getting enough meds, etc.

    Females will fight to the death. It is your responsibility to make sure these dogs NEVER have an opportunity to fight again.

  7. Anonymous

    And why are you allowing them to coexist? You should be crating and rotating which dog is out at any given time. It is YOURS and your brother’s job to prevent this from happening.

  8. PK Dennis

    I have to point out that there is NOTHING RANDOM about why and when dogs fight. You are just not experienced enough to spot what is setting these 2 off. Are they both spayed? Do it if the answer is no. Until you can get a behaviorist in to spot the problem, and train YOU and your family in how to fix it you have to keep these girls apart. If you can’t afford a behaviorist that will come to your home to work with you then you have to find a new home for one of these dogs. Seriously.