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Christine | 7 years ago
I Have 2 Pit Mixes That Itch And Chew Their Paws Like Crazy. Penny Was…

I have 2 Pit mixes that itch and chew their paws like crazy. Penny was on Apoquel and can no longer take it because she developed a non cancerous growth on her leg. Sampson was also on it but the only difference it made was his paws weren’t red but still chewed just as much. I was reading and found that his may have something to do with yeast since he has that musty, Frito Corn Chips smell. Penny does not smell. My current Vet put him on a prescription diet (Royal Canin moderate calorie potato and white fish). He has been on it awhile now with no other foods or treats. I also switched Penny more recently. It has not helped them at all. I read that carbohydrates feed yeast but I can not find any foods that don’t have some type of starch. I also clean their paws often with a mix of iodine, apple cider vinegar and water. Nothing helps and I feel horrible for how uncomfortable they must be. I am currently giving them Zyrtec also. I was thinking of having them tested at a veterinarian dermatologist but wanted that as a last resort. Does anyone have any thoughts on this? I just want to give my pups some relief!

2 Responses


  1. Krista Magnifico

    It sounds like it might be time to see a veterinary dermatologist. I would also ask about cytopoint and a medicated shampoo. Also make sure your pets are on a flea preventative ansibquire about a culture for yeast. Lots still to do and ask about.

  2. Christine Post author

    I have what may be a ridiculous question but I’m going to ask any way… I just order leather collars for my dogs. I did a lot of research to make sure there were no toxic chemicals used during the process. However, I couldn’t find info on the hardware (buckle). It is made of brass. I just want to make sure that this won’t be toxic on my dogs skin?

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Pawbly | 7 years ago
Hi I Currently Have A Beta Fish Living In A Classic Fish Bowl. I Want…

Hi I currently have a beta fish living in a classic fish bowl. I want to get another beta fish but not another bowl. Will two beta fish be compatible in one bowl. Thanks

1 Response


  1. Anonymous

    First off, a bowl is a horrible situation for a betta. They need an actual tank with filtration. Secondly, putting two male betta in a tank together will guarantee the death of at least one of them. They fight. A female is also risky – the most successful situation would be a sorority tank of only female betta.

    PLEASE research proper betta care and upgrade your fish’s living conditions.

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Pawbly | 8 years ago
Hey There, I Am 17 Years Old And I Adore Animals. I Live With Just…

Hey there, I am 17 years old and I adore animals. I live with just myself and my mother and I currently have 4 cats (soon to be more probably) 2 gerbils, and 2 goldfish. I look after my pets very well and make sure they are happy and healthy.

I have always loved birds and have always pictured myself having a parrot (such as a macaw) I have owned finches, budgies, and other small pasts in the distant past, but I haven’t had any for a while thus I will not get a large bird like a macaw. One that has really caught my eye is a Sun Conure. I think they are beautiful birds and would love to have one as a pet to commit my time to.

I will mention in a list-styled fashion what my concerns are:

-I am 17, very young and my life is just beginning. I don’t travel much but will likely travel every so often. Not to mention I may be starting university soon.

-I have 4 cats, obviously cats and birds don’t mix. My plan would mainly be to just make sure they are seperated at all times in the house but I am still concerned, should I be?

-Gerbils natural predators are birds, as far as I know, Sun Conures do not eat rodents, however they would still terrify my gerbils. Gerbils only live until around 4 years old so maybe once they are gone I will get my bird.

Besides what I listed, I cannot think of any reasons as to why I would not be ready. I will always commit my free time to looking after it and spending time with it, I will be sure it’s healthy, regular check ups, and so forth. Would like to hear some feed back. Am I ready?

1 Response


  1. Krista Magnifico

    It sounds like you have a very full and busy life with your pets already and that you are about to embark on a new adventure at school. birds need a great deal of time and attention and can be very fragile in stressful environments. I think it would be best to focus on your current pets and starting another chapter of your life and leave the bird quest for a time when you are settled and comfortable with a home and can devote the hours and space needed to care for them adequately.

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Pawbly | 8 years ago
I Have A Young Oscar About 4 Inches Long. This Morning She Attempted To Eat…

I have a young Oscar about 4 inches long. This morning she attempted to eat a cory but has been unable to swallow it. She has been holding it in her mouth for 8+ hours with the tail sticking out. Should I do anything?

1 Response


  1. Krista Magnifico

    If she is calm and comfortable and able to function swim, breathe and doesn’t appear in distress I would leave her. You may cause more harm than good.

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Pawbly | 8 years ago
Does Anyone Have Any Good Ideas On What To Get My Animals For Christmas??? Anything…

Does anyone have any good ideas on what to get my animals for christmas???
Anything will help thanks
These are the list of my pets.
~Dog ~Cat~ Bird~Rabbits~ Fish
Thanks So Much

3 Responses


  1. Terra Wilson

    We usually do new beds, collars, toys, and treats for our pups.

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Pawbly | 9 years ago
Would A Betta Fish Prefer A 5 Gallon Or 10 Gallon To Live Alone In?

Would a betta fish prefer a 5 gallon or 10 gallon to live alone in?

9 Responses


  1. Anonymous

    A 5 would be sufficient for a single fish.

  2. PK Dennis

    The fish will be happier in the ten gallon.  Give him some live plants, and a light – perhaps a place to hide if he wants (a hollow fake log) and he will be even happier still!

  3. debra yuhasz

    A beta will be fine in the smaller tank. They are air breathers so it’s ok if you see him up at the top. If he starts blowing tiny bubbles he’s building a nest. You can put a few other fish in the tank, but only one male beta. They will fight to the death.

  4. debra yuhasz

    Forgot…avoid goldfish. They are “dirty” fish secreting way too much ammonia into the water that can harm other, “cleaner”, fish. Gourami’s, guppies, swordtails and mollies are a few that do well with a beta.

  5. Anonymous

    If she has more than one, the tank MUST be larger…and none of the other fish should have flowing fins or tails.

  6. PK Dennis

    Yes, the fish will be ‘fine’ in a 5 gallon container, but are we going for ‘fine’ in the life of our pets? “Happier” is what I try to provide for the animals I keep. Just say’n.

  7. debra yuhasz

    A larger tank is always better. You need roughly a gallon of water per inch of fish, but bigger is always better as they do grow.

  8. Anonymous

    bettas stress when a tank is TOO big. 5 is actually very good for a single betta…

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Pawbly | 9 years ago
This Was One Month Ago. Dog Got Put Back On Pain Meds. He Is 10…

This was one month ago. Dog got put back on pain meds. He is 10. Forgot to ask if that bone chip was something to consider removing. Vet never discussed the option. Just need to know bc the healing is taking time. Every other day pain med admin. He seems to reinjure or as soon as meds roll off he’s back to pain. But with the meds he acts fine. Is it something else?

1 Response


  1. Dawn Ferara, DVM

    I agree with Krista, this is a question for your vet.  If you think it’s taking too long to heal I would recommend seeing a orthopedic surgeon and getting their opinion.

    Good Luck

    Dr Dawn

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Pawbly | 9 years ago
I Changed My Bettas Water Two Days Ago And This Morning He Would Not…

I changed my bettas water two days ago and this morning he would not dance for me and I noticed his gills have a red tinge to them. He is active other than not dancing for breakfast and doesn’t seem to have difficulty breathing. All my reaserch come up with Ammonia burns but that doesn’t make sense with it happening after a water change instead of in dirty water.

He lives in a 3 gallon bowl that I do a 75%water change on weekly. I put aquarium salt in the water as well as conditioner and let it sit in the same room as his bowl for 2 days. I am very worried about him and need to know how to help him as I am leaving today for the weekend and have to give my mom instructions on how to medicate and care for him.

Please Help!

1 Response


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Pawbly | 9 years ago
My Dog Was Attacked Today By A Neighbour Dog. She Had A Nasty Looking Tooth…

My dog was attacked today by a neighbour dog. She had a nasty looking tooth mark in her side and was clearly in pain, so we rushed her to the vet. After examining her and stitching her up, the vet told us that the wound was already showing signs of infection and had been there at least 2 days. He insinuated that we were lying about the time of the attack and refused to discuss any other reasons for the infection. He put a drain in the wound and gave us antibiotics, but now I’m really worried that something else could be wrong with her. We weren’t lying! The attack really did happen only a few hours before and I noticed a mucousy discharge only minutes after the attack. Can infection set in that quickly? She was in good health and had no known wounds before today.

0 Responses
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Pawbly | 9 years ago
My Dog Was Attacked Today By A Neoghbour Dog. She Had A Nasy Looking Tooth…

My dog was attacked today by a neoghbour dog. She had a nasy looking tooth mark in her side and was clearly in lain, so we rushed her to the vet. After wxamining her and stitching her up, the vet told us that the wound was already showing signs of infection and had been there at least 2 days. He insinuated that we were lying about thw time of the attack and refused to discuss any other reasons for the infection. He put a drain in the wound and gave us antibiotics, but now I’m really worried that something else could be wrong with her. We weren’t lying! The attack really did happen only a few hours before and I noticed a mucousy discharge only minutes after the attack. Can infection set in that quickly? She was in good health and had no known wounds before today.

1 Response


  1. Chelsea Henschel

    Thanks. I thought I’d deleted this and reposted without all the spelling mistakes.