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Nicholas P. Woodward | 5 years ago
So Stella Just Pooped A Red Gelatinous Blob And I Have No Idea What This Is. …

So Stella just pooped a red gelatinous blob and I have no idea what this is. Could it be anal glands or diarrhea from maybe finding our fruit snacks on the floor? She’s been pooping a bit more than usual.. Maybe 4-5 times per day. She seems totally fine otherwise except for wiping her butt on the floor (sorry so gross). Her poop just before this happened seemed like diarrhea.. PS Stella is a Morkie (yorkshire terrier mixed with maltese) and 3 years old.

5 Responses


  1. Nicholas P. Woodward Post author

    So I just took her to the groomer and she confirmed it was not anal glands needing drained.. Also was confused by the picture… Could it have been renegade fruit snacks on the floor?? Lol..

  2. Krista Magnifico

    I have to say I have never heard fruit snacks come out just like they went in? Is there a human out there to confirm. And why is she eating fruit snacks?
    My bet is it is from the colon. Dogs with large bowel diarrhea often get red gelatinous feces (we call it “raspberry jam” because we relate everything to food (gross!)). My recommendation (as your vet which I am) is to check her gum color, make sure they are pink and not red or pale, check her gums for tackiness (indicating dehydration) and then stop feeding for about 12 hours if the above is normal. Then go to a bland boiled skinless chicken and rice meals for a few days. I also add a probiotic like fortiflora. If it persists, she is straining, or she seems dehydrated see a vet for fluids and a fecal exam. Let us know what happens.

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Charlotte | 5 years ago
I Have A 5 Year Old Male Maltese And All He Does Is Bark We Have Tried …

I have a 5 year old male Maltese and all he does is bark we have tried everything I have done training with him I have tried anxiety meds for dogs I have tried bark collars thunder vest and even leaving a tv on with dog music a blanket with my scent toys bones and nothing at all works and my neighbors get really upset and complain about his barking and have even threatened to call animal control but I don’t know what to do any more please help

1 Response


  1. Krista Magnifico

    I firmly believe that every dog barks for a very good reason. The challenge is spending enough time and effort to figure out what they are trying to tell you.
    Start at the vets office with an examination and diagnostics. Look for any signs of pain, infection, allergy, inflammation, discomfort, etc. I always (ALWAYS!) also do a rectal exam to check anal sacs. Then we talk about the home life environment. How much exercise and attention is your dog getting? Has anything changed in the household? A recent arrival or departure? Anything?
    If the barking is becoming obsessive and troublesome talk about seeing a behaviorist and starting anxiety medication. Medication should only be used after everything else is ruled out and a behavior modification plan is underway.
    please keep us posted on your progress.. good luck! I hope that everything works out ok

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Jasmine | 5 years ago
SO I Noticed My Kitten Has A UTI And I Couldn’t Afford To Do A …

SO I noticed my kitten has a UTI and I couldn’t afford to do a bladder express surgery so I brought him home and I came across a video of sometimes you can express the penis to see if the calculi comes out and if it does you don’t need a catheter. So I gave it try at home and some white stuff came out like salt and he peed so much! What a relief but then this morning he was straining again and I helped him again and more white stuff came out (they look like white salts) I am trying to figure what is this white stuff and I am thinking it’s the magnisum that I am giving him since he can’t walk due to Bengal polyneuropathy. How can we flush him out ? Does he need surgery to remove these white specs? What antibiotics should we get to help him with pain? I need help please

2 Responses


  1. Sarah

    It looks like that is crystals. I would advise you getting to the vet and talking to them. Until then, I would make sure he is hydrated and drinking LOTS and possibly continue expressing and hopefully more will continues to come out. Even if he starts urinating on his own, I would get a visit to the vet. Let us know how Hong’s are going.

  2. Jasmine Post author

    What kind of medication should I get ? If he is able to expel them would he be okay? He is able to pee but he keeps straining I believe trying to expel them out ? if he is expelling these crystals can it do harm to his penis?

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Ashleigh | 5 years ago
My 9 Month Old Puppy Keeps On Chewing His Tail Relentlessly And Chewing His Feet. He Also …

My 9 month old puppy keeps on chewing his tail relentlessly and chewing his feet. He also sticks both his tail and feet down his throat as far as they will go. When he is playing with toys he keeps squashing them and trying to swallow them whole. He seems frustrated when doing this but he will be playing and then will break away to chew tail or feet. He won’t stop trying to eat EVERYTHING. Three trips previously to the vet to remove large things he has swallowed. He has so much energy and not just normal pup energy.. he does not nap at all through the day. He can go on hours of massive runs through the day and does not even lie down once through the day. Constantly on the go, no off button at all. Becoming quite dominant with other dogs and has started barking at me for attention when he’s not getting any. He has started mouthing people when he meets them, not aggressively but more for attention. He isn’t neutered but people have told me that may be a good start. The behavioural issues are a new thing, he’s been perfect up until the past couple of weeks. Chewing his tail and feet has been going on months. Have been to the vets about it but they don’t seem interested and basically said to think about having his tail docked, he will still attempt to chew what is left so it would never heal!

1 Response


  1. Krista Magnifico

    Wow. This is a lot of worrisome issues. At this point I think that I would say to: Please seek a second opinion from a different vet who will actually help you both. I also strongly advocate a trainer and loads of exercise to help keep him from developing other abnormal behaviors. Training, exercise and an understanding of what is going on in your pups head and environment are all crucial to long term success and safety.

Other Service
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Krista Magnifico | 5 years ago
Radioiodine Treatment For A Hyperthyroid Cat. Treatment For Hyperthyroidism In A Cat With I-131.
Treatment Cost (USD): $1962.00
Bica was experiencing weight loss. This was also muscle loss. She seemed healthy, was eating well, but losing muscle mass.
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Madeline | 6 years ago
I Have A 12 Year Old Cat Who Vomits Almost Every Day Since I Adopted Her 5 Months …

I have a 12 year old cat who vomits almost every day since I adopted her 5 months ago. She has been to the vet several times and a sonogram revealed she has chronic pancreatitis. They didn’t see any other issues. She was eating canned Fancy Feast with water, but now I have her on NomNomNow because I thought fresh food would help her. But she is still vomiting. It’s usually food at first but then she moves spots and vomits bile or saliva/foam. Once or twice the saliva looked bloody (took her to the vet right after). The vet had her on vitamin E, pepcid, and a round of antibiotics. Nothing helped. She has never been very playful but she is behaving relatively normally, eats, grooms, poops, etc. I don’t know what else to do! Thanks for any advice!

2 Responses


  1. Sarah

    I’m so sorry you’re having such a time trying to help this cat. Has your vet ruled out everything else as far as a diagnosis? Perhaps there is something else that is worsening her initial issue? Have you tried feeding more meals throughout the day, but smaller portions? (A little at a time)

  2. Krista Magnifico

    I would suggest you talk about a few things with your vet like a sensitive stomach diet like i/d or even try a stomach protectant like sulcralfate or even maripotent or metoclopramide. I often try medications with a diet change. Ideally a wet food diet fed in small amounts with increased frequency. Or ask about an ultrasound or even upper gi endoscopy. My point is that there are lots of options to discuss and try. I would first start with a fecal exam for intestinal parasites. Hope this helps. Let us know what happens.

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Jaymi | 6 years ago
Hi, I Just Had A Scare With My Mini 10yo Pomeranian, Diagnosed With CHF Heart Murmur 5/6, …

Hi, I just had a scare with my mini 10yo Pomeranian, diagnosed with CHF heart murmur 5/6, but went to the cardiologist and said she has grade 2 murmur, no CHF, but mitral valve disease… During this whole thing, I noticed a bump on her nipple, and mentioned it to the vets, but wasn’t worried enough cus there was so much going on w her heart. Now that we got that cleared up w Cardio, I’ve caught my breath but am even more anxious to think she has Pyometra. I’ve been noticing sticky, red discharge from her vagina for a while now, mentioned it to cardio vet, had no comment. I had mentioned it to her regular ver before, and butt scooching, and they cleaned her anal glands. I am beyond anxious and so scared to lose my baby girl. I have an appointment for her to be spayed, which I was already anxious about due to her age and enlarged heart, but now I feel so hopeless and I’m sorry but I’m having trouble trusting vets… i know I shouldn’t say this but how has no one caught anything… Its a much longer story, I’m sorry. I noticed today a lot more discharge, it used to just accumulate a bit in her vag, but noticed it across her bum today… It was hard to tell at first cus she’s black, but I just don’t know what to do. Should I reschedule spay appointment earlier? Anyone, please help me… Not even sure how this site works… found it online researching Pyo…

photos are kinda graphic, sorry..

2 Responses


  1. Krista Magnifico

    I’m very glad to hear that your cardio appointment went so well. Consider that a HUGE win! It gives everyone a huge sigh of relief in everything you do moving forward. As far as the possible pyo goes I would strongly recommend you call your vet ASAP and be seen by them. Schedule her spay based on this exam and your vets concern about whether it meds to be done immediately or whether it can wait for your scheduled surgery date. Abnormal discharge is abnormal. A sick (lethargic, inappetant, or depressed) dog should be seen immediately. We have an old saying in vet med “never let the sun set on a pyo”. Or another words you don’t wait a day to treat! Good luck. Keep us posted.

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Pawbly | 6 years ago
My 10 Yr Old Maltese Was Laying On My Bed. When I Took Her Off…

My 10 yr old Maltese was laying on my bed. When I took her off of it the area she was laying on was very wet. Not urine wet. There was no odor. But I could feel the wetness and see where it stained. Although it was very light. Her body wasn’t wet. I know that it wasn’t from anything else. She was showing signs of being nervous when I first put her there. It’s very confusing.

2 Responses


  1. Jennifer Taylor

    I would watch carefully to see if you continue to notice “wet spots” where she lays. My dog has Spay-Induced Incontinence, she leaks urine when she is sleeping. It is often odorless as well as my girl also has a condition where she does not concentrate her urine. If you continue to notice these wet spots a trip to the vet would be warranted to see if there is a medical cause and treatment. Best of luck!

  2. Laura Kyle

    I agree with Jenn. It sounds like urine to me. Sometimes when urine is dilute it has very little odor. At 10years old, I would definitely recommend some baseline bloodwork and a urinalysis.

Regular Vet Visit
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Krista Magnifico | 6 years ago
This Is Boots. A YouNg Overweight Beagle Who Was Scooting. My Top Rule Outs For…
Scooting, spinning on her back end.
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Regular Vet Visit
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Krista Magnifico | 6 years ago
This Is Boots. A YouNg Overweight Beagle Who Was Scooting. My Top Rule Outs For…
Scooting, spinning on her back end.
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