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Pawbly | 7 years ago
I Have A Male German Shepherd Dog( 3 Years Old). He Has Recently Developed A…

I have a male German Shepherd Dog( 3 years old). He has recently developed a few red bump(with dark pigmentation on the top) around the center of his belly. They cause him no discomfort or anything. They are about 5mm wide and 3-4mm high in size . I am wondering if that is something I should worry about.

1 Response


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Kathleen Munna | 7 years ago
Sorry To Disturb But I Need Advice. Appears Jessy The Latest Rescue Who Is 1…

Sorry to disturb but I need advice. Appears Jessy the latest rescue who is 1 years old is causing a pretty disturbing home environment. Here goes: daisy the 13 year old dog has been eating non-stop, Lucy the 9 year old has completely withdrawn very depressed, Stella a 9 year old dog bit the hell out of Jessy trying to get her to stop nipping at her. Tao my male 5 year old cat has started swatting my younger cat Mia. Sasha the youngest cat hasn’t been seen since last weekend hiding from all of us under my bed. I have dog and cat pheromones on all 3 floors. Jessy appears to be herding all the animals by nipping at their haunches. And non stop sniffing which is iratating all the animals. Any advice on how to calm the house?

4 Responses


  1. Anonymous

    Get Daisy to the vet if she’s eating non-stop. Reestablish a routine for EVERYONE in the house. This may include feeding all the dogs in their crates for now.

    I would also encourage getting a behaviorist in the home, to see exactly what’s going on. There may be an underlying behavioral issue that you aren’t seeing.

    Is Jessy a herding breed? How long have you had her in the home? What sort of training have you done with her thus far?

  2. Krista Magnifico

    I agree with laura. I would start by providing boundaries and restrictions to the entire group to see if this can be resolved with time and patience. In some cases we try to encourage exercise to get the frustrations worked out on neutral territory. Or try rotating cage time-outs until the group settles down. Also seeking the help of a behaviorist to help break down the personalities and your participation in the group dynamics can really help.

  3. Kathleen Munna Post author

    Jessy is a rescue I have had for 2 weeks. all canines are shi-tzus but Id bet Jessy is a mix maybe a jack Russell she jumps and leaps like a Russell. All canines are rescues I’ve had for 2-3 years. So far no training just verbal discipline. Both back legs are in bad shape with hip displaysia and torn cruciate ligament so I have been using a beep and zap to stop her from using the stairs.

  4. Anonymous

    Okay, you need to set rules rather than discipline the dog(s). You’re punishing without showing what you expect, and that causes a LOT of issues. I strongly suggest getting into a class with Jessy.

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Pawbly | 8 years ago
I Recently Adopted A 3 Year Old Male Treeing Walker Coonhound From My Local Shelter…

I recently adopted a 3 year old male treeing walker coonhound from my local shelter. We don’t know any history on him, but it is clear that the shelter did not work with him while he was there for several months. For the most part, he seems to be housebroke. However, whenever we leave he decides to urinate all over the house. He doesn’t do this when we are home, but we don’t let him out of our sight due to this being an issue. He also has this thing where he doesn’t want to do anything for himself. He doesn’t want to move, he doesn’t want to get up, he doesn’t come when called, he doesn’t ask to go outside, he doesn’t want treats for good behavior, he doesn’t eat a lot. It’s like he does what he wants, on his own time, when he wants. We are being patient with him, but we would really like for him to be a family oriented, trustworthy dog. We also do not want to have a dog we have to keep kenneled. Does anyone have any suggestions on what to do to fix these behaviors?

5 Responses


  1. Melissa Rumph

    Okay, I’m working on the housebreaking thing. But how do I go about teaching him how to play? Or be around people? Whenever I try he seems scared even though I’m extremely calm with him.

  2. Melissa Rumph

    Also, any suggestions on how to get him to “come” when I call his name? He looks, just ignores.

  3. Krista Magnifico

    Thank you for adopting! It is impossible for a shelter to housebreak a dog. They simply lack the time and resources to do so. Therefore you will need to essentially start from scratch in both housebreaking and crate training as I think it is very very difficult to do one without the other. It is the only way to reward and provide the training your dog needs. I would also presume that your dog might be urinating in the house sullly due to stress when you are away. Your presumption about much of his behavior “he doesn’t want to move get up, ask to go outside, etc” are all things he needs to be taught to do. He needs to be shown what play, walking on a leash, shown how to ring a bell on a door, etc etc are all your responsibility in training. Please see your vet and please ask for assistance in finding a positive reinforcement trainer. I also really like Victoria Stilwells books. It really sounds like your dog needs a friend and a mentor and a whole lot of tlc and time.
    Best of luck

  4. Sarah

    I know he isn’t a puppy, but have you looked into beginner obedience class? It’s very good for dogs socially as well a owners for basic training help and how to get started. I highly recommend it. It’s not too expensive (talk to your vet for references and local trainers) and it is money WELL spent. Best if luck!!

  5. Krista Magnifico

    In time he will trust you and start coming out of his shell. I see it all the time in rescues. Sometimes it happens in a few days. Other cases take weeks. For now be gentle, use treats to coax him or just pick him up and carry him. He will eventually start to trust and interact.

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Pawbly | 8 years ago
9/23/16 2 Yr Old Maltese Has IVDD And Has A Cervical Issue. We Didn’t Take…

9/23/16 2 yr old Maltese has IVDD and has a cervical issue. We didn’t take him to the neurologist, but chose to treat with medication. He was paralyzed is all but one front leg. Never lost deep pain. It’s been two weeks of crate confinement and he is much better. He can sit and has even stood a couple of times.
My question is, how long does he need to stay confined in a small space? Do i let him try to stand?

1 Response


  1. Dawn Ferara, DVM

    I usually cage rest dogs like this for at least 6-8 weeks and recheck them at least once or twice during the this time.

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Pawbly | 8 years ago
How Can You Keep Male Dogs From Peeing On Furniture. The Dogs Have Been…

how can you keep male dogs from peeing on furniture. the dogs have been fixed

2 Responses


  1. Anonymous

    Training, training, training.  If they’re marking, keep them on a leash so they can’t get far – they haven’t earned the right to have full roaming privs in the house.  The second they start sniffing like they’re going to cock a leg, correct them.  Rinse, repeat.  Belly bands can help, but I wouldn’t rely on them to be your only training tool.

    Also: CRATE when you cannot supervise, and clean the heck out of the furniture with an enzyme cleaner.

  2. PK Dennis

    Laura is right!  You have to limit their access to your home until they prove that they can be trusted.  I clean with vinegar – it neutralizes the urine odors – I start with 1/3 vinegar, 2/3 water.  If they try to mark that area again i use 100% vinegar and clean a wider area (at least 3 feet around the marked area) and deeper (check or replace padding under carpet, make sure you get down to the sub floor under hardwood, behind the baseboard, etc).

    And put a belly band on them while you are training – just to be sure. 

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Pawbly | 8 years ago
My Dog Is A Year Old, And A Maltese Mix That We Got From The…

my dog is a year old, and a Maltese mix that we got from the pound.

3 Responses


  1. Dawn Ferara, DVM

    It sounds like your dog is in pain and needs to see a vet to determine where the pain is and treat it.

  2. Bridget P

    we have seen the vet, but they could not pinpoint a certain thing that was wrong w him. I was just hoping someone would have a more specific answer. thank you for your input!!

  3. Frankie Delise

    Sounds like she’s having pain needs vet

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Pawbly | 9 years ago
First Of All, Let Me Clarify That My Dog Was Not Adopted & Has Been…

First of all, let me clarify that my dog was not adopted & has been raised by myself since she was a puppy so there was no previous abuse. She is my 1st actual pet & her name is Charlie & she is about 5 years old, so yes she was around before my boyfriend. When I first got her I did a lot of research on how to train her and the things I found were very successful, such as, how to housebreak a dog (which took surprisingly no time at all), positive reinforcement, & most importantly how to train your dog how to behave around all types of people. In order to make her comfortable around people I exposed her from the very start to people of different sexes & ethnicities, groups of people, and various ages (so she would be comfortable around my toddler nieces & nephews). To me it seemed this training worked because she loved to have company and would go up to any person male or female. I actually think that she liked my male friends more. She was also great with the toddlers she would let them chase her then turn around and chase them and never harm them & they love her. Whenever I see my nieces and nephews they always ask me where’s Charlie? She still behaves well around others & gladly approaches them, even complete strangers. The trouble started about 3 1/2 years ago when I started dating my current boyfriend. At first, she acted totally normal around him, for example, she would play with him, sit in his lap, etc. I think the real problem began when she realized that my boyfriend was not going anywhere when we moved in together. Ever since then, she has acted terrified of him & I don’t know why it happened since they hit it off at 1st. She cowers & trembles if he gets too close to her (which usually isn’t on purpose, he gives her the space she needs). Sometimes it seems like she’s trying purposefully to get him in trouble like a doggy tattletale. For example, when this first began & still to this day, whenever she would walk past my boyfriend she would make a yelping sound and run past him especially if I was in another room to make me think he hurt her. Every time I have caught her doing that my boyfriend was no where near her, sitting down, or in what I think is a non-threatening position. I do not comfort her when she behaves this way as it is not appropriate. The situation is so bad that she will not even allow my bf to open the door to let her outside to go potty but she will still sleep in the bed with us just not near him. I feel like we’ve tried a lot of things like having my bf feed her & give her treats but this has not worked! I mean she would eat the food & take the treats but still has nothing to do with him!! The situation is so bad that I cannot even leave her with my bf when I have to go out of town for work because like I said she won’t go outside for him! My mother usually is the one that ends up having to watch my dog when I’m out of town. Which is fine because my mother loves Charlie but she shouldn’t have to do that I would prefer for her to be comfortable at home with my bf. If my BF gets home from work before I do, then he opens her kennel door for her so she can come out & play in the house but instead she cowers in the open cage like she is in trouble until I get home then comes out. I don’t think that my bf has ever harmed her when I wasn’t around but I wouldn’t know if I wasn’t there. He knows I have a certain way of disciplining her & respects that so he’s never done any disciplining that I’ve seen nor do I think he wants to since the situation is already out of hand. He is unhappy about the situation as much as I am because he wants her to be happy too. It really bums us out. Especially since other dogs seem to love him. I wonder if it all boils down to jealousy. She’s not super overprotective of me like some dogs are. I try to give her the same amount of attention & keep to her routine. I do NOT use any physical punishment, if she does something bad I tell her to go to her room/kennel (with the door open) & she stays there until I call her back from what I call “time out.” Why is she acting like this & how can we stop this from happening? She’s my baby and my BF & I want us 3 to be a happy family! Please, please help!!!

5 Responses


  1. PK Dennis

    So, there are just so many things wrong about your understanding of how a dog’s mind works in your description that I barely know where to start.  Dogs don’t purposefully try to get humans into trouble like a tattletale.  They are not that evolved.

    The points that you have made indicate to me that this dog is truly afraid of the boyfriend – some thing he did years ago convinced her that she should be worried about him, and that has snowballed to what you see today.  It may have been something as innocent as he stepped on her toes by accident.  Dogs read body language and facial expressions better than we humans – and something as small as a look at her could compound her fear.  

    This is a very frustrating situation for you, and for the BF – you are both probably giving off negative energy without knowing it!  She is picking up on the human frustration and it will only get worse if you don’t get some professional help.

    And NOTHING you can do will solve this problem.  It is a matter between your BF and your dog.  So, you need to find a behaviorist that will come to your home and work with you, the BF and the dog.  The behaviorist will be able to observe the dog and how you both interact with her and help you all find solutions to correct the situation.  It is going to be a matter of your BF building trust with the dog.  And since we can’t be there to watch the interaction, this forum isn’t going to be of much help other than by pointing you to professional, in-the-home, aid.

    So, find someone that does positive training that can come to your home, and that you and your BF like so you can help your girl have the life she deserves – comfortable in her own home.

  2. Brittany Jacobs

    Thank you very much for your advice PK Dennis. I would love to have a behavioral therapist come to our home but the facts are even if I could find one in the immediate area, I couldn’t afford one hence the forum. Also PK, if you really want to help pet owners you probably shouldn’t start off with an insult or people are not likely to take your advice seriously. I’ve obviously stated that I’ve done extensive research on the topic as indicated in the post. I have seen other forums where advice was given & was lead to believe PAWBLY was one that might actually help. I am quite aware that dogs aren’t evolved enough to “tattletale” & that you can’t be here to see my dog’s behavior that’s why I described my dog’s actions. I have never done a forum before & if I wasn’t desperate I wouldn’t have come here. I am very aware that dogs since emotions & energies. Since neither the bf or pet are going anywhere anytime soon I need advice even if you cannot offer anything else. I’m specifically looking for people who have gone through similar situations & could offer any suggestions that helped in their personal situation that we could try!

  3. PK Dennis

    Good luck with that – you need a trainer/behaviorist. Three and a half years – you haven’t solved it by now, you aren’t the going to be able to solve it on your own. Offer to barter with a trainer – clean Thier house, clean their kennel, what ever it takes to get the eyes and hands on help your dog needs to feel secure in her own home.

  4. Frankie Delise

    A dogs only going to be terrified of someone if that someone has hurt the dog id rethink thinking it’s the dog and not leave the boyfriend around the dog unsupervised

  5. Brittany Jacobs

    Well I have found 1 behavioral therapist in my area & she’s still an hour away. It’s pretty expensive since she’s like the only one in this area but I’ve emailed her in hopes of a barter. From what I’ve read she does in home therapy but I don’t know if she’ll drive this far. I feel like if I take my dog to her it may not work as well. It would feel like a trip to the vet for her, she would smell the fear and start shaking & shedding. Wish me luck! On a better note, when I told my partner my wish to have an a behavioral therapist come to our home to help them I feel like he’s made more of an effort to earn the dog’s trust. I feel like when I told him I posted on this forum for help it really struck home to him that I don’t just want to have to deal with the situation I want it to be better. I don’t know why posting for help is any different than our talks about the situation prior to my posting but whatever. Maybe he doesn’t want a stranger in our home. Oh well, that’s a temporary fear, my price, & a possible end to my Charlie’s fear!!! I’ve noticed some improvements since then! The two have been playing for sure whereas before she wouldn’t come near him & yesterday she came up to him! Granted it was no lap call but she let him pet her. I just feel like if he’s more onboard with the idea it will work better. I mean for a while I feel he had given up on mending their relationship. I think what scares her the most is bf’s voice he would never intentionally harm her. He talk too loud because he’s had a lot of hearing loss from his time in Iraq. We’ve been working on that in the meantime too & it helps but it is hard for him to know when his tone gets louder. I’m happier with the results so far but foster hopes that the therapist will understand & barter to come to our home.

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Pawbly | 9 years ago
My Cats Were Purebred (in My Home), They’re A Persian+Turkish Angora Mix And Are Already…

My cats were purebred (in my home), they’re a Persian+Turkish Angora mix and are already 3 years old, I haven’t given them any medications (except when they’re sick). I’ve never checked them for any hookworms, ringworms, heartworms or any other parasites/worms so are there any risks?

5 Responses


  1. Anonymous

    Because I am a stickler for accuracy in language: If they’re a mix, then they aren’t purebred.  The word “purebred” means an animal bred from parents of the same breed or variety.  Because you have two different breeds involved, they are a mix.

    That said…do they go outside?  Have you taken a fecal sample to the vet annually?  I give heartworm preventative 4x a year – my old man cat doesn’t go outside, and I get annual fecal and blood testing done for him.  Get fecals and blood panels done, at the very least, to make sure everything’s good.  Without a full picture of your cats’ health, you cannot make an educated decision on how to handle medications and the like.

  2. Zaid Kilani

    I’m really sorry for the mistake, so they’re not purebred (my cousin told me that that’s how purebred cats are and I believed him), anyways, I’m not an expert in cats nor am I accurate in language. My cats go indoors and outdoors whenever they want and I’ve never taken them to any fecal or blood tests but I do have a vet coming to my house every month for a checkup on my cats’ overall health.

  3. Anonymous

    If they go outside, then yes, they should be on heartworm preventative. I would also have them on an external parasite preventative/flea and tick preventative, as well.

  4. Andrea Cox

    Have they ever seen a vet?  Vaccines? If not and they are outside then you have more to worry about then worms. You need to get them checked out properly by a vet and you need to consider them to be indoor cats. Outdoors cats have a short life so and of around 5 years or less. I door cats can live up to 20. You say they have been sick before, most likely because they caught something outside. I would take to a vet and let them administer the medicines and preventatives.  It’s not that much money to have this done. 

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Pawbly | 9 years ago
My Pit Bull Had Started Out With A Very Faint Red Circle On Her Belly…

my pit bull had started out with a very faint red circle on her belly now it is a solid red color circle and all lumped what should I do?

0 Responses
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Pawbly | 9 years ago
Is There Chance She Could Be Pregnant? Still Swelled Up And Very Little Blood Took…

Is there chance she could be pregnant? Still swelled up and very little blood took her by my male dog today and he smelled her but didn’t try anything.

2 Responses


  1. Anonymous

    This is a question for your reproductive vet and your breed mentor.