It doesn’t sound like a typical polyp to me. These pets tend to sound like they are snoring all the time. Try to find someone who will do a sedated oral cavity exam for you. That will help.
Kirby,my 11 year old cat, has taken a liking to spending the whole day laying outside on the covered deck. He complains if I make him come in! He and my other cat Cricket have always been indoor only cats, so I have never been concerned about fleas. But now, I’m starting to be worried that he may contract them, even though he isn’t down on the ground. I’m assuming that fleas, as well as ticks, can fly, and I don’t want either cat to be exposed to them. What protection do you recommend? I don’t want to just buy something OTC without asking. Thanks, Maggie
my cat coughs, gags, and has to walk away and take a second to relax and breathe after petting him and he starts purring. His meows are also weird and don’t sound normal and it’s more of just a quiet raspy “ah” sound. He coughs and gags after purring so i try not to pet him for too long but he loves attention and starts purring just by looking at you. He also starts breathing heavy and fast. He constantly has raspy breathing and snores when he sleeps. His vet thinks he may have a polyp does his symptoms sound like a polyp?
Hello… i was hoping for some advice… so i have a 7 y/o lab/rotti mix whom ive had since he was 4 weeks old… he’s very good EXCEPT for when i try to mess with his ears or go passed his chest area… he has chronic ear infections and now has growths popping up in a few spots… he’s miserable n he won’t let me help him… Im out of work n can’t afford much. Just had 3 disc replaced in my neck n the covid situations had everything messed up so i don’t know what to do to help him n it’s breaking my heart… I’ve tried to muzzle him n sedated him a little with benadryl but he gets very aggressive when i try… he’s 100lbs n I’m only 140 and have been injured so i can’t really do much. When my husband left in 2018 he left me with all these fur babies n being out of work since dec 2019 im desperate at this point ???? but i refuse to give up on him ever… can someone give me some advice/ help
Good morning Pawbly friends. Our old guy, Butch, is has been piddling often in the house. Not always- and he is not peeing. Just droplets have been escaping when he shakes or stretches getting up if he hasn’t been out for a bit. I am not surprised- he is in his late teens. We just grab a Lysol wipe and clean it up, no worries. Now, Occasionally feces has started to escape as well???? I only imagine it will start to happen more often. I feel bad for him- he looks so shameful when it happens. Any advice on doggie diapers? I don’t know that Butch will wear them, but if it gets worse and he still isn’t ready to leave us, I’d like to know what to look for. Thanks!!!
**also, my apologies for not replying where I can lately- I think there is a little glitch on this site that they are working out.????????
I just recently got a 7 week old kitten. He was perfectly fine when I first got him but I don’t have a car so I was unable to get cat food but had some tuna in the cabinet. He seems really weak and sleeps all the time. I have since then gotten cat food but what should I do to get his strength back up? Is this something that I should be worried about?
Hi again! (Ref: Penny & Sampson)
I asked about switching from raw food last week.
I don’t know what food is best. One site says, kibble is over processed and has very little nutritional value because of the high heat used. Then there is organic and non gmo but dehydrated or freeze dried keeps more nutrients but I can’t find a dehydrated food that is also organic. They (mainly Sampson) did not do well on any of the kibbles and both gained weight even on the prescription diet food. I would cook for them but I’m afraid I wouldn’t give them all the nutrients they need. I tried to find a nutritionist on line but no success. I welcome any suggestions you may have. Who knew finding good nutritional options for your pet would be this difficult. Just want them healthy and to live a long like.
Charley is a 9 year old lab mix female, approx 70 lbs. She has always been an incredibly active dog. Over the last year or so we have noticed her slowing down and assumed it was wear and tear of her joints after being so athletic and active. We started her on anti inflammatories (ostimax) after speaking with our vet, and used it as needed. It seemed to help. Within the last 3 months things worsened and we began giving her the anti inflammatory daily, as well as gabapentin. Things worsened again, and we finally requested that xrays be taken. They found a partial tear in one back acl and a fully torn acl in the other, we aren’t sure when this happened. She is receiving an injectable (adequan) 2 x a week for a month, and is taking the anti inflammatory, a cbd chew and gabapentin. This regimen is new this week and she looks a little better but still prefers to be laying down, has a hard time standing up/sitting down. We try to walk a block and she stops to lie down (we never push her). She sleeps most of the day, assuming from the meds. She is a different dog, it’s heartbreaking. She still eats and drinks but we put her food in front of her now, and mix it with wet (to hide the pills), otherwise I don’t know how often she would eat on her own. Thoughts on how surgery will help? Recovery? Our consult with the surgeon referred by our vet isn’t until July 31st (there is a backup with Covid) so we are looking for other options and might have a spot with a local vet- we are hoping to not have to wait that long because she’s just not our Charley, and we don’t want to see her in pain any longer.
some notes from vet: Ambulates tender hind legs R+L . thickened stifles- toe touching both and small stride on gait . Sits
slowly and swings legs out to avoid flexing too much . Crepitous on flex/ ext R side- patellar groove . Rlat- chip prox tibia- thickened JC and irregular lat collateral. L side – joitn mouse caudal joint – thickened JC irrgular medial collateral lig mild drawer both
Hi, Please if there’s someone who knows a vet like this near York, PA who won’t charge an arm and a leg to remove a polyp from our cat’s throat! we have to pay $2,000 and wait forever just for an appointment! Please! She almost died a few times because she can’t breathe. Her name is Destiny and she’s a sweet and loving cat. Our vet misdiagnosed this as asthma. Tonight she’s having another hard time breathing. We can’t afford to keep taking her to the Emergency vet they charge a fortune and don’t help. Please let me know ASAP. My email is tshelleman@juno.com. Thanks in advance!
I called Jarrettsville Veterinary Center this evening and they told me I should reach out on Pawbly with my question. Around the beginning of the year, I noticed my cat’s eye started to look a little different. I was seeing some discharge and it looked like it could be slightly infected. I wasn’t really worried about it and thought some type of drop would clear it right up. It did not get better and actually got a lot worse. It’s been months of appointments, different treatments and multiple drops to try and fix it. Where we are now is that she’s been going to an ophthalmologist for the past month who has diagnosed it as a corneal ulcer with entropion on her lower eye lid. The ophthalmologist is recommending surgery to correct the entropion and to do a debridement on the ulcer at the same time. I immediately started researching because the price I was quoted for the surgery is something that would be incredibly outside of what my husband and I can afford. I came across Jarrettsville and saw the prices are posted online which was incredibly helpful. I completely understand those are estimates and there are other factors that would contribute to the final bill, but Jarrettsville would be way more on par with what we can afford. I was so unbelievably excited when I found this place!
Also, I would be coming from Philadelphia (about 1.5 hours away) but would have no problem driving all that way if this surgery can be done by you. My question is though, since she’s been seeing an ophthalmologist already here and I’ve been told what needs to be done, if I were to send all of those medical records and also get pre-operation bloodwork done at our primary vet here, and sent that all to you, would that be sufficient in place of a pre-operation consult visit? Since we are so far away? If not, that is TOTALLY okay and I’d be willing to make the drive as many times as necessary for my cat. I just thought I’d ask.
I really appreciate any help you can provide. We are in a bit of a desperate situation. I don’t want my cat to suffer but we really just cannot afford the price we were quoted. I hope to hear from you soon and thank you so much in advance!
Dr. Magnifico,
Hi, I was in to see you in February with my 18 yr old cat Sophie. The morning throw- ups and lack of appetite got better for awhile. The appetite stimulator ointment really helped. But, we’re on a downward swing now. Sophie eats VERY little, yet still manages to throw it up. Yesterday, (Saturday) she ate hardly anything. Today she will not eat at all and has slept all day. So, I’m concerned about what to do. Best case scenario, she would die in her sleep. If she’s not eating, I would think this would happen. But, I don’t want her suffering. If I have her put to sleep at the vet’s, what’s the procedure since i can’t go in? I can’t imagine just handing her off to a stranger. I’m really struggling with this, so would appreciate any advice. Thanks.
I would talk to your vet about preventatives for fleas and ticks. And I would treat both cats since one can bring hem them inside to the other.