It is ideal that your cat eats the right (prescription) urinary food, but, it is even more important that he eats. For these cases I talk to my clients about trying high quality urinary friendly over the counter diets. I also talk to them about adding little bots of the urinary prescription food into the OTC food they will eat. If all else fails I try watered down over the counter wet food. Also ask your vet about giving subcutaneous fluids at home daily to help keep the urinary system diuresing. I also think it might help to add an appetite stimulant. Also think about toys, playtime and lots of things to keep him active, engaged and feeling good. I also take a long hard look at the litter boxes, the type of litter and where the boxes are placed, along with making them impeccably clean. Please talk to your vet about all of these. Also an antiinflammatory might help?
Very best of luck!
keep me posted.
I am happy to help you here. I have a lot of information on my blog KMDVM.blogspot.com and my YouTube channel. If you go to them there is a lot (I hope all that you could need) there.
I have to say that I rarely advise giving up on these cases until a few weeks has gone by and they are not making any progress. It usually takes these patients a few days (at least 5-7) to get to a stable place where assessment can even begun to be made. In that time it is very important to keep them eating, cage rested and clean. In some cases I water down the food to make it easier to pass and less painful for posturing to defecate.
These patients need time, dedication and a devoted family and vet to help get through the first few (often hard and painful) days. Please see these blogs for help;
and my youtube channel here; krista magnifico and search IVDD
i hope this helps.. if you can get your pup to me in Jarrettsville I am happy to help,, it is very difficult to help someone without seeing the patient.
i hope this helps, i wish you both the best, safe safe and be well
Thank you for responding . Lucy’s vet says she cannot feel much in her back legs. but when they do the test on her and pinch her legs or paws she moves a bit. She also had rectal feeling. but they say she is not in any pain. SHE HAD ABSOLUTELY NO SYMPTONS BEFORE I FOUND HER. SHE WAS RUNNING AROUND LIKE NORMAL AND SHE WOKE UP LIKE THIS . She has never cried out in pain, even when I first found her and she could walk much on back legs. Even when we visit her she does not cry out in pain. She just wines cause she wants us to tak her home. but now she seems content at vets and they are so good to her.
She can use her front legs but not her back legs. We want to
bring her home but don’t know how we would get her to go to bathroom. She is alert and eating and drinking. She looks very normal
except she can’t move her back legs. Her paws are turned back under she does not lay them flat so I can’t stand her up. She has been in the vets since this past monday. she is still on antiobotics and steroids. they are keeping her there still. Because I can’t take
her to bathroom. they think i should consider putting her down if she doesn’t change. I can not afford much since I am unemployed from virus and raising a grandson alone. My grandson does not want to put her down.
I know it is hard for you to help me without seeing her but any suggestions would be great. I was also thinking if I knew someone that could help me with her to recover we could bring her there. If you have any suggestions please let me know.
Lucy is a lab/border collie, 4 years old, 55 lbs and in great shape . she loves running after squirels and is very very active here in
Thank you
Marygrace and AJ
We would like to bring Lucy home and see what we can do . I am wondering if you knew anyone that can help me? Work with her if I brought her to them?
My grandson that is 11 really wants to try
I received an email saying someone responded for my help questions? but did not see a new post. If you can
please respond if you can help us. thank you