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Julie | 12 months ago
My 1.5 Year Old High Energy Goldendoodle Had Her Front Leg Amputated Almost 3 Weeks Ago Due To …

My 1.5 year old high energy goldendoodle had her front leg amputated almost 3 weeks ago due to a brachial plexus injury. She developed a seroma that was confirmed by the surgeon and she said warm compresses and rest. I have read that these can take weeks to go away and the only way to keep my girl quiet is trazadone, otherwise she wants to run around and play (and due to the amputation, she hops). Is there anything else i can do to speed up the absorption of the seroma?

1 Response


  1. Krista Magnifico


    I don’t know of anything. I feel that the more you do to annoy or fuss with it the more delayed it gets in being reabsorbed.

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Michelle | 2 years ago
We Have Had Our Puppy For One Week. He Is Nine Weeks Old. He Started Have …

We have had our puppy for one week. He is nine weeks old. He started having soft stool yesterday and today it is diarrhea. What can we do and does he need to see a vet?

1 Response


  1. Krista Magnifico

    If you have not been to the vet already ( I always advise going within the first three days of having a new pet) then YES! Depending on the severity of the diarrhea and your puppies overall attitude this might even be an emergency. If he has had multiple episodes of diarrhea OR is not playful and seemingly happy then you should go now. Of particular concern is parasites and parvovirus.
    Your puppy should be seen within the next day IF the diarrhea is NOT severe and they are acting normally.

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Pawbly | 8 years ago
My Husband And I Are Planned To Pick Up Our New Pup From The Breeder…

My husband and I are planned to pick up our new pup from the breeder this weekend. The breeder just emailed us that our puppy was found to have juvenile cellulitis or “puppy strangles”. Researching online, it looks like most dogs have full recovery and no long-term effects with this diagnosis. The breeder said they caught it early and they went to the vet this morning and medications were initiated. Does anyone have any success stories of their pups having puppy strangles? Did it cause scarring or any long-term complications or side effects? Thanks so much for any feedback! (The pup is a goldendoodle and is 8 weeks old).

1 Response


  1. Krista Magnifico

    I have treated a few cases and I agree with your breeder. ALTHOUGH I strongly recommend you see your vet BEFORE purchasing. These cases typically require many many vet rechecks and these can be costly. I think these puppies have an excellent recovery rate, few (if any, (usually not any)) long term consequences or side effects, BUT they need multiple visits a week initially to help monitor response to treatment and progression of disease. I sincerely hope your breeder will pay for this, and most sincerely I hope that no breeder ever euthanizes for this disease. it is treatable.

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Pawbly | 8 years ago
How Do I Get My Puppy (female Goldendoodle) To Calm Down And Stop Jumping On…

how do i get my puppy (female goldendoodle) to calm down and stop jumping on me.
she is not spayed and like 6 1/2 months old
please help

5 Responses


  1. Katya Toner

    Laura Miedzianowski
    she is not going throught obidience classes
    we were told she is to smart for them…
    at 4 months she new Sit, Stay, Come, Lye Down, Leave it and go fetch…
    so i dont know why she still goes crazy and jumps on me, she bites hard and goes CRAZY…
    She listens sometimes but we think that she may have established that i am only her playate what do u think?

  2. Anonymous

    First things first: She’s a puppy! Puppies are CRAZY.

    Have you gone through obedience training classes with her? I strongly suggest them…they help build the bond with your puppy, and will absolutely help you get her to focus on you.

  3. Phil Richardson

    I have been watching that very same behaviour now the trainer in this case says that she goes mad and causes chaos because she might a not now how to interact properly with other dogs as when u were told your pups to clever did that end the socilazing with other animals and there owners u walk or interact much with other dogs on your walk has she been on a pack walk with u and other dogs also if she is on a leash if you are not calm when meeting other people or other dogs your fears and tension is put straight on your dog as dogs thrive off our energy we are projecting u have to be calm and have the leash slack

  4. Anonymous

    That trainer has no idea what they’re doing, then. Look elsewhere. If need be, do a Google search for dog training clubs in your area.

    She’s a puppy – she thinks *everything* is her playmate. Be gentle but firm when you redirect her. I left a leash on my puppy when she wasn’t crated – it made corrections easy.

    One thing a lot of folks do is train an incompatible behavior. So when she goes to jump, have her sit instead. Or have her get you a toy.

  5. Katya Toner

    thanks guys
    Laura Miedzianowski
    the trainer is the vet she is too smart
    but thanks its wierd tho she only goes crazy around me anyone else she is calm with do you know why that is??

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Pawbly | 9 years ago
Hello, My 4 Month Old Goldendoodle Has Had Bad Ear Infections Since I Have Had Him…


My 4 month old goldendoodle has had bad ear infections since I have had him. He has been to vet 3 times had cytology and doc says it is yeast. We have tried 2 diff drops and removed ear hair. Also tried apple c vngr. I need help!

5 Responses


  1. Brett Zurcher

    He is eating natures variety instinct raw boost grain free.

  2. Filippa Lundin

    this happened with two of my dogs too. Turned out they were gluten intolerant. Maybe you can try cutting gluten entirely out of their diets. 

  3. Brett Zurcher

    the food i am feeding him is natures variety instinct raw boost it is grain free and gluten free. 70$ a bag.

  4. Brett Zurcher

    Krista, do you recommend trying anything else to try and save money first before derm visit? It is 150 plus meds most of which you can buy online. I know there are lots of anti bacterial microbial drops you can buy. Tee tree oil, vinegar water mix etc etc.

  5. Brett Zurcher

    sorry i forgot to mention I have paid for 2 cytology’s at the vet and they come back as yeast every time. we have tried 2 prescription drops both seem to do nothing was just looking for another answer. Of course not trying to shortcut but not sure what else a vet dermatologist could prescribe or do that a vet could not. first puppy sorry i am new to this.