Hi there-
Before you talk to your vet about meds, I would get the name of a good behaviorist. This has the potential to really escalate into a bigger problem, and no one wants that I’m sure. Perhaps the rescue you got her from can suggest a good behaviorist? I know a lot of humane societies/SPCA’s have people that they can point you towards as well. Also- perhaps a more strict routine and boundaries will help you all. I know you said that she nips at you sometimes too. That means that she does not look at you as highest in the order. Creating a routine that puts you there and keeps you there is important and training and walks can really help. Routine is dependable and when she realizes that the rules stay the same no matter what and the walks are quality time spent together, she will have a better sense of order and that might help out. But I would start with a behaviorist that can see your dog in action and show you tools and tips that you can utilize to get things more under control. Best of luck to you!!! Thank you for rescuing!!
My cocker spaniel is 18 months old. Only one of his testicles dropped and he had what we thought was a retained one. He went in to be neutered today and after two hours under the vet couldn’t find the other ball!
He will do a blood test in a few months to check for testosterone. If there’s none then it looks like he only ever had one but if there is hormone then it’s in there somewhere.
I’m worried sick as the reason we got this done was retained testicles are at a higher risk for cancer. Has anyone experienced this with their dog? Did the dog go on to be okay?
The dog groomer suggests our Norwich Terrier takes medicine prior to grooming appointment. She bites the groomer. She originally went to this groomer and they only had problems cutting her nails. We went elsewhere and our dog bit at the groomer and they called me to come pick her up mid grooming and they couldn’t finish her. We went back to the present one who completed that cut. She went back today and got groomed but they said she needs meds next time. She is 7 yrs old and a rescue. We have had her almost 2 yrs. She sometimes nips at us too. Suggestions about meds please. Thanks.
Eww gross! This morning, I saw one of the dogs nosing in the dirt and figured that he smelled cat poop- I said “no” and he left it but ran straight back when I turned to continue walking everyone. So I ran back to make sure he didn’t eat it (why is cat poop a delicacy to dogs?????) and I saw him with a leopard slug in his mouth. Ugh! I don’t know what is worse? He did not eat it- he dropped it. I’m guessing that he probably has eaten them before. Are they dangerous or just protein?
My cat has been scratching her neck and behind her ears lately (which is normal), but when i watched her do it, today, clumps of her hair came out. I looked at her fur and noticed a couple kinda bold spots. Her skin isn’t red or anything, you can just see her skin more. I am wondering if this is just a shedding thing or if something else is wrong. I live in Illinois so weather is pretty average, and my cat is an indoor cat. She has been throwing up a lot lately, but i think thats just because she eats so fast. She also is allergic to some food. The vet said she is allergic to the protein in some types of meat, she will get red spots on her face and ears but after trying a couple types of food i think the rash is mostly gone. I really hope this is a normal thing but i am not sure. The bold spots keep getting worse with every scratch. What should i do?
I have had a few cases like this. It sounds like your vet is doing everything I would. If you are really having a tough time waiting and worrying ask for a referral to an internal medicine specialist or ask a boarded surgeon to go in and take a look for it. In my opinion these are your next best options.
Let me know what happens. Please!
Good luck
Thank you for such a quick response. There is another issue in that my dog has a cleft palate and I’m unsure about another major surgery. The vet suggested ultrasounding his tummy every year (or 6 months if I was really anxious) to catch anything that might start to grow. Nothing showed on an ultrasound today.
Prior to the neutering the vet was very much “this missing testicle needs to come out as the risks for cancer are very high” ….now it cant be found it’s “well we can ultrasound him regularly and catch things in it’s tracks, I’m not too concerned”. so I’m a bit confused.
Do you know how risky the retained testicle is for disease? I have my fingers crossed for a negative blood test.