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Jessica Terzigni | 6 years ago
100lb Female Rottweiler Ate 2 Doses Of Interceptor Plus For Dogs 50.1 To 100lb. Will This Cause A …

100lb female Rottweiler ate 2 doses of Interceptor Plus for dogs 50.1 to 100lb. Will this cause a problem?

2 Responses


  1. Krista Magnifico

    I am
    Answering this as her vet. Nope. You should be fine. Call me at the clinic or pm me of theres any vomiting or diarrhea.

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Madeline | 6 years ago
I Have A 12 Year Old Cat Who Vomits Almost Every Day Since I Adopted Her 5 Months …

I have a 12 year old cat who vomits almost every day since I adopted her 5 months ago. She has been to the vet several times and a sonogram revealed she has chronic pancreatitis. They didn’t see any other issues. She was eating canned Fancy Feast with water, but now I have her on NomNomNow because I thought fresh food would help her. But she is still vomiting. It’s usually food at first but then she moves spots and vomits bile or saliva/foam. Once or twice the saliva looked bloody (took her to the vet right after). The vet had her on vitamin E, pepcid, and a round of antibiotics. Nothing helped. She has never been very playful but she is behaving relatively normally, eats, grooms, poops, etc. I don’t know what else to do! Thanks for any advice!

2 Responses


  1. Sarah

    I’m so sorry you’re having such a time trying to help this cat. Has your vet ruled out everything else as far as a diagnosis? Perhaps there is something else that is worsening her initial issue? Have you tried feeding more meals throughout the day, but smaller portions? (A little at a time)

  2. Krista Magnifico

    I would suggest you talk about a few things with your vet like a sensitive stomach diet like i/d or even try a stomach protectant like sulcralfate or even maripotent or metoclopramide. I often try medications with a diet change. Ideally a wet food diet fed in small amounts with increased frequency. Or ask about an ultrasound or even upper gi endoscopy. My point is that there are lots of options to discuss and try. I would first start with a fecal exam for intestinal parasites. Hope this helps. Let us know what happens.

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Mary Fischer | 6 years ago
My Friend Has A 1 Yr Old Female German Shepherd, Baby Sister Of My Male GSD. She …

My friend has a 1 yr old female German Shepherd, baby sister of my male GSD. She was diagnosed with EPI and has been getting PancreVed in her food, every meal.
She is not seeming to be getting better or gaining weight. She’s lost about 12 lbs. although she doesn’t act as if she’s sick at all!!
Do you have any recommendations for this or advice? And is it hereditary?

My boy in the left and his sister on the right.

Thank you,

4 Responses


  1. Krista Magnifico

    Cab you tell me how this was diagnosed and how it is being treated? And even if the standards of care were met if they aren’t getting better you need to go back to vet for another discussion on what’s next with the plan. I have been treating a 1.5 yo GS for months and although I also suspect EPI if he isn’t gwtting better we keep looking for the cause and the answers. We have tried multiple medications. Bloodwork and treatment plans. It is often not a simple quick easy answer. It is a long discussion and discovery process. Please go back to your vet or ask for a referral to a specialist.

  2. Sarah

    I agree with Krista. There is no sign of improvement. Talk to the vet about changing treatment or adjusting it. Ask about testing for other possible illness and more bloodwork. Ask about initial diagnosis. Also ask about timing for feeding and how many times per day should she be eating. I hope she starts to improve.????????

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Lydia Schlitzkus | 6 years ago
A TNR On A 5 Year Old Female Cat
Treatment Cost (USD): $169.00
This cat was brought in by a local rescue to be spayed as a TNR (trap, neuter, release). This rescue is approved by JVC to have a spay cost of $65.00. Below is a breakdown of the pricing for a typical TNR Spay at Jarrettsville Veterinary Center.
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Lydia Schlitzkus | 6 years ago
Mass Removal On A 14 Year Old Domestic Medium Hair Cat
Treatment Cost (USD): $556.00
Lucy came in to have a mass removed from her back. It began as a lesion on her back, and repeatedly did not heal. The next step for Lucy was to take a surgical approach to remove the mass.
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Lydia Schlitzkus | 6 years ago
A Neuter On A 3 Year Old Outdoor Cat
Treatment Cost (USD): $116.00
Prez was brought in so that he could be neutered and vaccinated, so that he can continue to live a healthy and happy life as an outdoor cat.
0 Responses
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Mary | 6 years ago
I Have A Persian Cat 7 Yrs She Isn’t Breathing That Well. I Personally Think She …

I have a Persian cat 7 yrs she isn’t breathing that well. I personally think she is stuffed up or has something in her airway causing her to breathing problems. I’ve spent $2000 on testing with no results and I can’t continue to go bankrupt to fix her. Is there anyone in the San Tan Valley area who will give her a cat scan for reasonable price and cure my cat. Thanks.

1 Response


  1. Sarah

    Good morning-
    My first step would be to discuss the situation with your vet candidly. Explain you frustration in having tried to find out what is going on, and the cost, yet still having no positive results. Ask them if they feel a specialist might be the best route to go at this point. Secondly, i would discuss payment options with them, and the specialist if one is recommended. Your vet knows your cat, their patient, best. They know you have her best interest at heart, and hopefully they are in a position to work with you regarding payment. Best of luck.????????

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Mary | 6 years ago
I Have A Persian Cat 7 Yrs She Isn’t Breathing That Well. I Personally Think She …

I have a Persian cat 7 yrs she isn’t breathing that well. I personally think she is stuffed up or has something in her airway causing her to breathing problems. I’ve spent $2000 on testing with no results and I can’t continue to go bankrupt to fix her. Is there anyone in the San Tan Valley area who will give her a cat scan for reasonable price and cure my cat. Thanks.

1 Response


  1. Krista Magnifico

    I would ask for a referral to a feline specialist and explain your financial concerns. I also think that even if you could scrape together the funds for a ct scan it is unlikely to cure your cat. It will just provide more information towards a diagnosis. It doesn’t treat them. Also talk about allergies, perhaps shaving your cat down and anything you can try medically and inexpensively to help improve her breathing like an antihistamine steroid or even a bronchodilator.

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Laura Tomaschefsky | 6 years ago
A Few Of My Co-workers And I Have Been Taking Care Of Some Feral Cats That …

A few of my co-workers and I have been taking care of some feral cats that hang around my office. Those co-workers have since moved on. So that leaves me with the expenses of food and such. I’m doing my best to keep up because I truly care for these cats. I would like to get some flea and tic medicine on them…. They do allow me to get near them and also pet them, just for a minute though! Anyone know where to find highly discounted meds for them?

4 Responses


  1. Krista Magnifico

    If you have a hard time handling then then the best option might be comfortis. Otherwise the spray version of frontline is very affordable but not easy to apply.

    1. Laura Tomaschefsky Post author

      I may have to try the comfortis… does that prevent ticks, too? Do you ever have discounted meds at your facility? My work is a few miles down Norrisville.

  2. Sarah

    Good morning???? You might also want to contact local rescue organizations. They may have an in with a TNR group to get these cats fixed and help control the cat population from expanding. They also may be able to get you needed help in caring for this colony.

    1. Laura Tomaschefsky Post author

      Thank you. I did have them fixed about 3 years ago with a TNR group. Several of them… these are the only two left. It’s Momma and Daughter. But I will check to see if any local rescue groups offer any assistance. Thanks again!

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Delaney Donelson | 6 years ago
Just Noticed Fleas On Both Of My Cats.. What Is The Safest Treatment To Use?

Just noticed fleas on both of my cats.. what is the safest treatment to use?

2 Responses


  1. Krista Magnifico

    There are lots of safe options these days. It is always best to talk to your vet about their preference and ideas as they know your car best. On mine I use either revolution or bravecto. But if you are looking for a good safe effective and affordable over the counter I like frontline too. It’s now available as a generic. Be really careful though lots of otc meds are very toxic to cats. They will be labeled as such. And make sure you treat all the pets in the household.

    1. Delaney Donelson Post author

      I ended up picking up Advantage because it was the only option at the store that didnt seem to have terrible reviews online. My vet is currently closed but i plan on calling them tomorrow to see if they would like to see them. I hadnt noticed them itching or licking excessively until now (about 3 hours after application), is that normal?