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Maggie | 11 months ago
I Have A 15 Year Old Cat. A Year Ago I Started To Change His Wet Food …

I have a 15 year old cat. a year ago I started to change his wet food to Fancy Feast Senior. I quickly saw that he was losing weight and then started having some leg/balance issues. I immediately took him off that food and put him back on Fancy Feast. Since he also has “throw-up” issues occasionally, I also started using Wellness Core for digestive issues. He eats 1/2 can of each for breakfast and also for dinner. He likes them both and eats them well. My concern is that he still seems too thin. Is there a better choice? Should he have something with more protein?

1 Response


  1. Krista Magnifico

    I strongly recommend that your cat be seen by a veterinarian and have blood work done. I am concerned about hyperthyroidism (among a few other diseases) that older cats are prone to.

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Chris | 11 months ago
NEED ANSWER TODAY ASAP!!!! TIME SENSITIVE Urinary Blockage And 2nd Catheter In Already For My 4 Year …

NEED ANSWER TODAY ASAP!!!! TIME SENSITIVE urinary blockage and 2nd catheter in already for my 4 year old male cat, who has been in ER vet hospital since Sunday:

Full story:
Hi, my male 4 year old cat has been in vet ER hospital since Sunday (3 days now). They said he had urinary blockage and inserted a catheter. His blood tests and x-ray were normal, they said we caught the blockage in time. On Monday evening his urine through catheter and in the collection bag was clear and he was alert.

They removed the catheter at 10am on Tuesday (yesterday) and then at 2:30pm same day they said he did pee small amount once… BUT then they said he was straining to pee …and they reinstated the catheter! Is this ok, to give him so little time after first catheter removal, only from 10am to 2:30pm on Tue, before reinserting it??
Before and after reinserting this 2nd catheter, the vet said he felt an urethral spasm and thinks that’s the reason for 2nd “blockage”. My cat is very stressed so maybe irritation from catheter and stress is causing spasm? Is there anti spasm and anti inflammatory meds he can get, to reduce irritation and spasm risk? Can he get less liquids to allow more time for the spasm and irritation to calm down before he tries to pee? Can we wait longer to reinsert catheter 3rd time?

If they remove the catheter again today…..and he again can’t pee….what is the procedure? Can I take him home to see if less stress can calm him and allow him to pee? How long to wait at home? Can I give raw unfiltered apple cider vinegar with water?  Should I take him to regular vet if he blocks again? Take him directly to MEDVET in Chicago to have PU surgery? How do I transport him….1h drive….anything I need to do/know? I am in Chicago/ North Indiana area.

1 Response


  1. Krista Magnifico

    I’m sorry to hear about your cat. I’m also sorry to say that I don’t have the answers to your questions. I never know how a patient is going to do. Every case is different. I do think that it is fair to ask for affordable options and help with managing a patient’s care at home. For example can you try at home medication or sq fluids? Also learning how to palpate your cats bladder to assess his status at home. Often clients can learn how to monitor and manage some of the care and this will help everyone.

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brian | 11 months ago
Extractions Due To Stomatitis On A 7yr Old Domestic Shorthaired Cat
Treatment Cost (USD): $1363.00
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brian | 11 months ago
Routine Spay On A 12 Week Old Domestic Short Hair Cat
Treatment Cost (USD): $238.00
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brian | 11 months ago
Extractions Due To Stomatitis On A Almost 13yr Old Domestic Shorthaired Cat
Treatment Cost (USD): $482.00
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brian | 11 months ago
Routine Dental Cleaning & Polishing On A 12yr Old American Pit Bull Terrier Mix
Treatment Cost (USD): $877.00
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brian | 11 months ago
Routine Spay On A 10 Month Old German Short Hair Pointer
Treatment Cost (USD): $685.00
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brian | 11 months ago
Dental With Extractions On 12yr Old Cockapoo
Treatment Cost (USD): $1375.00
0 Responses
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brian | 11 months ago
Dental With Extractions Along With Eye Growth Removal On A 13yr Old Shih Tzu Mix
Treatment Cost (USD): $1603.00
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Diana | 11 months ago
I Have A Male Cat That’s 2 Years Old. He Was Recently Taken To The Hospital …

I have a male cat that’s 2 years old. He was recently taken to the hospital because he couldn’t pass urine. For him to get a catheter alone was 2,000. We brought him back home and it’s been two days. As of now, his bladder feels pretty large and almost solid. I ended up massaging his bladder until he got a good amount of urine out. Am I still able to monitor him or is the only way for him to recover is with a PU? I will not be able to afford it at full price, especially already have dropped 2,000 on the first visit.

2 Responses


  1. Krista Magnifico

    I have written numerous pages of information and tips on this disease. Please see my blog at

    I would at least ask a vet to empty the bladder via cystocentesis. I would also ask about how much it is to place a urinary catheter and ask to go home with it in place to see if a few days at home with it in will help resolve the underlying issue. In some cases a vet tech can help you manage this at home. This is all very out of the box but your cats life is at stake.
    I would also like to have as much information as you can provide about where you went and what they offered for options. Along with any invoices and estimates they may have provided. If you are near Maryland USA I will help if I can.

    1. Diana Post author

      I went to blue pearl in Tacoma and they only offered the 2-3 hospital stay with a catheter in while they keep an eye on him for around 5-7 thousand, or just flush him out and send him home for 2,000 or euthanize him. I’ve asked if I can just bring him home and monitor him there but they turned that idea down. Since then we’ve been giving him the prescription food with the pain killers and the medicine for the muscle spasms. We’ve tried massaging his abdomen last night and we got a good amount of fluid out but I’ve tried four times today and couldn’t get the same result. All the vets are also closed.