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Pawbly | 9 years ago
She Loves Chapati And Curd.

She loves chapati and curd.

1 Response


  1. Anonymous

    She NEEDS to be on an age-appropriate puppy food.  If she isn’t eating, then something is wrong with her.  Please get her to a vet.

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Pawbly | 9 years ago
My Dog Is Elderly And Has Seasonal Allergies
(Unrelated, But He Also Has Chronic Dry Skin…

My dog is elderly and has seasonal allergies
(Unrelated, but he also has chronic dry skin and hip dysplasia)
I came home after a few hours gone and found that both of the whites of his eyes were swollen and pink, with in the past 2 hours they have gotten worse, I have given him his usual meds plus benadryl for his eyes, what should I do? Is this an emergency? All vets offices are closed.

0 Responses
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Pawbly | 9 years ago
My Dog Will Not Eat Solud Food But Drinks Water ,lathargy , Vomiting, What Doi…

My dog will not eat solud food but drinks water ,lathargy , vomiting, what doi do

0 Responses
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Pawbly | 9 years ago
10 Yr Old F Bichon Frise: 7 Days Now No Solid Food, Occasional Water Taken…

10 yr old F Bichon Frise: 7 days now no solid food, occasional water taken, small dark or mustard liquidy stools, some vomiting. Vet gave her Pectalin, Metro, nausea and fluid shots – no improvement yet.

3 Responses


  1. Dawn Ferara, DVM

    Call your vet back, she needs to be re-examined!

  2. Dawn Ferara, DVM

    Honestly, without examining the dog it is difficult to give recommendations, however a steroid may help decrease inflammation.  Was blood work done?

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Pawbly | 9 years ago
I Checked His Feet, Nails, Webbing, Joints, Etc. Nothing Is Swollen And He Does Not…

I checked his feet, nails, webbing, joints, etc. nothing is swollen and he does not pull away or whimper when I touch of maneuver his leg. It has been two hours since running. He slept for awhile, but once he got up he was still limping, and it almost seemed a little worse. He is still happy (he got up for a treat).

5 Responses


  1. Anonymous

    I would be willing to guess he pulled or strained something.  How old is he?  I’d have him on reduced exercise for 24-48 hours, and if he doesn’t improve, then I’d get him to the vet.

  2. Elizabeth Mae

    Thank you! He is a 2 year old golden retriever, and still really goofy when he runs (he doesn’t stop in time, runs into things, etc.) I’m hoping he just pulled something. My vet is closed until Monday, so I can’t call for any advice.

  3. Anonymous

    Put him on crate rest until then. That means no exercise, and all outside trips should be on leash.

  4. Elizabeth Mae

    Thank you. He seems a little reluctant to get up, and he has trouble getting up the stairs. I just took him outside on a leash to go to the bathroom, and he was putting weight on it outside (still limping though), but holding it up again when we got inside. Is it possible that it is just a pulled muscle?

  5. Elizabeth Mae

    Thank you for your help! After looking at it a few more times, his ankle is slightly swollen, and that seems to be the area bothering him, so I’m thinking its a sprained ankle. I appreciate your help!

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Pawbly | 9 years ago
My Pet Is Being Found A Lump On The Lymphatic Area, So We Go To…

My pet is being found a lump on the lymphatic area, so we go to a vet and make a biopsy, after the biopsy, i found that the area is swelling, it is normal? or anything happened? Seek for help

1 Response


  1. Dawn Ferara, DVM

    Contact the vet that did the biopsy and find out if it’s normal.

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Nicholas P. Woodward | 9 years ago
My Cat Drools Profusely When She Gets Pet.. Is This Normal? It’s Like Dripping…

My cat drools profusely when she gets pet.. Is this normal? It’s like dripping all over the arm of the couch… ugh.

6 Responses


  1. Erin Thune

    I think it’s pretty normal. A majority of the cats that I know drool when they’re happy/relaxed, actually.

  2. Andrew Stanish

    time for a kitty-proof couch!

  3. Andrew Stanish

    maybe those plastic couch cover things?

  4. Andrew Stanish

    or scotch guard, that stuff rocks!

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Nicholas P. Woodward | 9 years ago
My Cat Keeps Letting Her Tongue Stick Out. I Think She Might Be Sick, But…

My cat keeps letting her tongue stick out. I think she might be sick, but she seems fine otherwise. I’ve just never seen her actually do this before though I’ve seen other cats like this when they were sick. Do I need to bring her to a vet?

1 Response


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Pawbly | 9 years ago
My Dog Has No Fleas, But Scratches Incessantly The Last Few Days. What Can It…

My dog has no fleas, but scratches incessantly the last few days. What can it be and what could I do?

1 Response


  1. Anonymous

    Are you certain there are no fleas?  I would take him in for a checkup – if there aren’t any fleas, it could be a number of issues and may involve a skin scrape to diagnose.

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Pawbly | 9 years ago
Came Home From Work Tonight And My Puppy Started Limping On Her Back Leg. But…

Came home from work tonight and my puppy started limping on her back leg. But she was still playing and running like it didn’t seem to bother her, so i thought it might just be a sprain. She has a small bump on the bottom of her foot ?

1 Response


  1. Anonymous

    unfortunately, the photo didn’t work.  i would keep an eye on her, regarding the limp.  if it persists more than a day or two, take her to the vet, and in the mean time, keep her on reduced activity.  no jumping on things, no running.