It at all possible call rescues and shelters and ask for a vet to help you. I am reluctant to just say place braces because they require a lot of upkeep and monitoring. But yes. You have to start helping the bones develop in a normal position of there is any hope of them growing out of this.
I have a 5 week old kitten I’m fostering that broke it’s leg last night at the elbow. We saw a neighborhood vet that said we could take it to a surgeon, which would be very costly. Or just let it heal on its own. He said if we let it heal then we shouldn’t put it in a splint or anything because of where it’s broken. I feel it should have a splint. Thoughts?
Hi so we have two kittens that were born on June 22nd and their front legs are bent back. So twisted legs is what its called i guess. What age should we put braces on the front legs or surgery if needed. Been doing gentle stretches with the front paws to try and help them. Ill have to try to get pictures of them
We just added another dog to our household (we previously had one dog who is now three and is well adjusted and behaved). The new dog is a rescue who is 2 years old and was neutered a few weeks ago. On the whole, he is a very sweet dog, but there is some resource aggression and some damage being done to her house in terms of chewing that we want to nip in the bud.
We also realized that, as much as we love our first dog the way he is, he could probably use a bit of training and structure now that there are two dogs in the house. Is there a trainer or training approach you would recommend?
Our cat Bruce is over grooming his leg until it bleeds. I’ve tried cortisone shot, Valium, (both which I didn’t want to do but was desperate)
I have tried no chicken in his diet, and various hotspot sprays. He is extremely active and healthy in every other way. Loves to go outside and play with all the neighborhood cats. He showed up as a stray on our doorstep. His skin was fine. He got his tests and shots and was neutered in November. Skin issues started in January. He is little over a year old. I have him on a homeopathic drop for skin allergies and itching. Hopefully it will help. Any ideas??
Help needed!
My cat disappeared for 4 days, and when he came back, he was limping
I took him to nearby pet clinic, they gave him some pain killer and told me to get his X-rays done since they didn’t have that facility
After getting his X-rays done, the doctor determined that he had broken his leg into 3 pieces and says there’s not much he can do about my cat
Gave me medicine and some spray to apply on his leg, and that’s about it
Also says, he doesn’t see surgery giving any results
The services here are not that great, what should I do?
I have seen some videos where cats heal after giving them 5-6 weeks of cage rest
He’s basically the same as he was before, plays, eats food, sleeps, but with a broken leg of-course
will giving him cage rest work out for him as well? I have attacehed the x-rays photo below
Please help me out, I don’t know what to do…
I have a 7 yr old (8 in October )unneutred Belgian Malinois who is showing signs of stiffness in his hips. Can you give me some ideas of joint supplements that I can get with out a prescription? Thanks!
My 3 day old kitten’s hind paws are all black, and the part above it looks red with small bleeding wounds. To me it looks like gangrene. I have no idea how it happened, the kitten was with me since birth. I will take him to the vet as soon as possible, but in the meantime…
What can I expect? Does gangrene mean euthanasia for this poor baby? I’m not sure they can operate on kittens this small…
He has this on both hind legs, sadly.
I mean, I’d listen to the vet. I’d also see if the organization you’re fostering through would be willing to pay for the surgery.
Kitties are rebellious to injuries, but most HATE being wrapped in anything…
Surgery may or may not be needed, but with kittens constantly growing, it would not jump straight to it!
Confining them to a smaller space and keeping them “confined” is a good place to start.
If the kitty does not seem to be improving with the break, some vets may talk about amputation as well. Radiographs may be helpful to see where exactly the break is to further choose the best decision for the kitty.