Thank you for reaching out here.
I will do my best to help.
If there is anything we can discuss publicly you can add it here. Or call the clinic and leave your number. Tell them we spoke here and that I asked you to call. We can go over details at that time.
I’m so sorry to hear about your cat. And all of the others in his situation.
I do not have any experience with apple cider and honestly I am too worried about what is likely already going on with your cat to try to advise anything else other then the er.
I’m working really hard to accumulate a list of affordable places and options. Please let me know if you find anyone locally. Please keep calling everyone and everywhere.
If all else fails offer to surrender your cat to get the care he needs. I know it’s not fair but it’s better to save his life.
Keep me appraised of what happens.
Best of luck