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Eva | 4 years ago
My Dog Is 6 Months Old Roughly And She Started Her Heat Cycle For The First Time 6/10/21 …

My dog is 6 months old roughly and she started her heat cycle for the first time 6/10/21 and her brother (unaltered) and her got “stuck” few days ago I know she is pregnant and she started to lightly spot blood Yesterday. What could happen from this besides the fact That puppies may not make it? Also she is pitbull/ rottweiler mix

2 Responses


  1. Krista Magnifico

    I spay these dogs as soon as possible. Why wait to see if birth defects occur? And what would you do if they do? Euthanizing puppies is the most awful heartbreaking thing a pet parent or vet ever had to do.

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Jeri | 4 years ago
Hi, My Cat Daisy Recently Had Major Dental Surgery To Remove 12 Of Her Teeth. She Did …

Hi, my cat Daisy recently had major dental surgery to remove 12 of her teeth. She did well through it but shortly after started to pull her hair out as she grooms. Wherever she has rested there are clumps of hair and it’s primarily on her thighs. She’s eating well, acting normal and using the litter box normally. Can you help?

2 Responses


  1. Sarah

    I would contact your vet and make them aware of this new behavior right away.

  2. Krista Magnifico

    I would worry this is pain. Or stress. There are lots of medications available for these. Please call your vet.

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Haley | 4 years ago
Thing Up Cat Nostril

My rescue cat is estimated to be about 3 years old. Pembroke has had breathing issues since I adopted him. It started with a URI which was treated successfully. But then the snoring started. He also shakes his head frequently and itches his ears. I had a full body x-ray as well as blood work done on him. I can visibly see a blockage in his left nostril but no vet in my area has been willing to figure it out without me going to a specialist for an endoscopy. However, this could just be nasal inflammation (according to 1/3 different vets I’ve gone to) because I was told based on the x-rays there is no growth. Am I crazy for wanting to try and get more answers before spending $2000 on an endoscopy? Ive already spent thousands on this little one and I’ve only had him for a few months. I’m in the Greater New Orleans area. I will attach his x-ray photos. He also has an abnormally large kidney but all of his blood and urine levels were fine. They recommend an abdominal ultrasound but I am trying to prioritize his breathing issues as this is hard to watch when he’s sleeping. He acts completely normal but when he is asleep it is apparent his breathing is difficult. I can also hear him do big swallow that sound like he has post nasal drip. He sneezes often but he never has any discharge/snot.

2 Responses


  1. Krista Magnifico

    I think it is perfectly reasonable to ask for help without spending another few thousand dollars. Maybe you could try some medications to see if they help? I use cerenia drops often. I also try a nasal flush under general anesthesia. This is a really hard place to look at our even investigate. So I would give some time and some medications and see if that helps.
    If all else fails ask for a feline specialist referral.

    Good luck. Keep me posted. Please.

    1. Haley Post author

      Thank you for such a quick response. Do you have any suggestions for what this may be? The last two vets I have seen have said they have never seen this before. It is definitely not urgent (unless it’s cancerous but he has no other symptoms). It doesn’t seem to bother him much. I just feel so guilty when I hear the whistle snores and see he struggles while sleeping. I can also occasionally hear him breathing during the day. I will ask about the cerenia drops and other possible medications before going to a specialist! Thank you again!

Regular Vet Visit
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Debbie Patrick | 4 years ago
Blocked Cat
Treatment Cost (USD): $2400.00
0 Responses
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Debra Brenner | 4 years ago
So Our Little Morkie Stella Had Jumped From My Arms And Landed Wrong On Her Hind …

So our little Morkie Stella had jumped from my arms and landed wrong on her hind leg. She then proceeded to have trouble walking on it and has been limping. It seems to be affecting her joint. She’s not crying out in pain, but is not putting any pressure on her leg. Her hip felt stiff under my fiance’s grasp.
I am freaking out, unsure of what to do. She’s not shrieking when we touch it. She’s just complying

2 Responses


  1. Krista Magnifico

    The only time a joint injury is a true emergency is a hip dislocation in these cases time is of the essence to put it back into place. The classic presentation of this is a prominent bump on the hip and the leg appears to be rotated outward also they toe touch. Little dogs tend to have shallow hips so they can dislocate fairly easily and it is most common with a fall or jump. A trip to the ER is indicated they will take an X-ray and if dislocated try to put it back into place. The faster it is put back in place the better as the longer you wait the harder it is to correct and the more likely it is to fail (ie “pop back out”).
    The other possibility is a fracture. Little dogs have fragile bones. Although it sounds terrible this isn’t an emergency and cage rest is indicated. See a vet ASAP for an X-ray. An orthopedic specialist should be seen to repair this.
    Lastly a knee injury like a cruciate ligament rupture is the next possibility. This is like an ACL in people. It happens with trauma or abnormal forces on the knee associated with playing or turning the leg while the body is in motion. This is often a surgical procedure to correct.

    It is also possible to have a muscle, joint, tendon or injury elsewhere which would benefit from rest and analgesics or steroid/NSAID therapy.

    In cases like this I have to say it’s best to go directly to the ER for an exam and possible X-ray.

    I hope she’s ok.

    Keep us posted

    1. Debra Brenner Post author

      Even if she isn’t in pain when we touch that area? Is it possible that she just sprained something?

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Jasmine | 4 years ago
My 16 Year Old Cat Has Been Diagnosed With Some Kind Of Nasal Cancer. I Don’t …

My 16 year old cat has been diagnosed with some kind of nasal cancer. I don’t know which specifically because I didn’t want to pay for the tests that would specify which kind. Regardless, we are not treating the cancer; we are giving her supportive care. She is currently on steroids (prednisolone) and painkillers (gabapentin). With all of this, she has recently had a new symptom: a bulging of the bridge of her nose. At first, I thought it might be the cancer, but then one day, it popped open, and started leaking fluids (probably blood mixed with other things). I gave her first aid, and it healed. Now, it’s doing it again, but the fluid is building back up, even after leaking out. I called the vet after the first time this had happened, and was told that things like this would keep happening, and that she’s probably near the end of her life. Nothing about what it could be or how to handle it.

So my questions are, should I see a different vet? Does the pressure cause her pain? Is there some way to treat this? I haven’t euthanized her yet, because she still seems to enjoy life.

1 Response


  1. Krista Magnifico

    These are all questions to ask your vet. Without knowing specifically what the diagnosis is (or specifically what type of cancer) and what kind of fluid this is it is hard to predict outcome abd treatment options. Also the steroid can influence patient response. Cancer is defined as aberrant cell growth so it is by definition abnormal activity and asking to know and understand anything acting abnormally is also hard to predict. You have decided to keep her comfortable while declining the work up so we have a hard time answering specific questions about what to expect and do bed sue we do t have enough information to be able to answer questions like these.
    Pain is impossibly to answer without seeing your pet in person and doing an exam to look for the signs that might indicate pain. Also we don’t have great long term options for treating pain in cats. Pred has some properties to help.
    It sounds like you are doing the best you can with limited ability to diagnose which is the huge majority of cases I see. Keep doing what you can and it’s ok to seek multiple opinions.

    Good luck.

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tom | 4 years ago
I Believe My Cat Has Hepatic Hepatic Lipidosis Lost Alot A Weight Had Her To Two …

i believe my cat has hepatic hepatic lipidosis lost alot a weight had her to two vets in the past year that did nothing i thought she was doing better but this past month she has lost a lot of weight only 5 pounds she eating but not as much i say hepatic hepatic lipidosis because the last vet said her liver reading was off wanted 800.00 for a biopsy after i already paid for 400.00 for blood work i couldn’t afford it i lost my job during pandemic and just can’t afford a vet visit at the moment anything i can do???

1 Response


  1. Sarah

    I am sorry that you are going through so much. I really think you should schedule time with your vet to sit and talk through the diagnosis, what the treatments are and see if you can come up with an affordable payment option. Explain your financial situation – see if there is a way to set up some sort of payment plan ???? so that your cat can get prepped diagnosis and treatment. Hopefully you and your vet can come to a mutual agreement. Best of luck to you!!!!????????

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Eva | 4 years ago
I Have An 8 Year Old Lab Who’s Had An Ear Infection For 6 Months. I’ve …

I have an 8 year old lab who’s had an ear infection for 6 months. I’ve taken him to my vet probably 15 times and she’s tried a variety of remedies, including steroids (which he’s allergic to) ear flushes, and antibiotics. He’s now on Apoquel, and an ear flush that I use twice a day, which has really helped with the itching but there is still pus inside the ear. He doesn’t seem to be suffereing much from it at this point, but I need to get it resolved. I have an appointment with a dermatolgist that she consults with but the earliest appointment I could get was at the end of Sept.

Just wondering if you have any suggestions. I can give you all of the medications he’s been on if you need them.

1 Response


  1. Krista Magnifico

    I would also inquire about adding cytopoint, frequent cleanings with a medicated optic, a hypoallergenic diet and a culture of the ear. In many cases I also talk about oral medications like a steroid and an antibiotic for the really difficult cases. If the ear continues to be so diseased and problematic you can also inquire about a TECA.

    I hope this helps. Good luck.

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Ambriel | 4 years ago
Dr Magnifico , We Took Our 3 Year Old Feline To Our Home Vet Yesterday Morning For Straining …

Dr magnifico , we took our 3 year old feline to our home vet yesterday morning for straining and not being able to urinate (happened within 15 hours approx.) they released him at 12:09pm on buprexen 0.35 ml every 12 hours until we can get the culture and urinalysis back Monday, they did an ultrasound and said there was no blockage but to take him in to an ER if things get worse, well 8pm that night it was only getting worse not even a dribble and so we rushed him to an emergency hospital and applied for a loan because the ER told us he WAS blocked and that there was a mound of crystal formed and that he needed surgery ASAP as well as the catheter. They kept him overnight and now today ( the next day) they said if at 430-5 they take out the catheter and he can pee on his own they want to send him home. My fear is that he will get reblocked as he is trying to heal… I saw your YouTube video GET OUT ALIVE BLOCKED CAT and how they should keep him for up to 3 days and monitor him with the catheter still in place? Our home vet doesn’t open until tomorrow and I’m sure they will want more money to keep him overnight again I already applied for the loan and got approved but our expenses are running tight. What do you recommend? This is our cats first problem he has no history of illness or allergies. The ER he is at right now is tanasbourne veterinarian emergency in Hillsboro Oregon ! Our home vet is Milner vet hospital in Oregon city

1 Response


  1. Sarah

    Hi there- I am soooo sorry that you going through this. I am not a vet- I have however had a male cat who had urinary blockage issues and can tell you what we had to do-
    First off, the vet we had at the time kept him overnight after the. Lock she was removed to make sure his Irvine was running clear and to monitor him. He was sent home to us with very specific instructions- keep him isolated in a small area in case of accidents(which there were) a change in both diet and litter and multiple water sources. He was also put on a Rx food from science diet for the rest of his life. I would contact your vet first thing- explain to them what has happened since your last visit, ask to speak with your vet and see what they advise. We had to change our litter to “low ash” and the prescription food seemed to do the trick????He ended up living quite a long life with no recurrence.

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Allyson | 4 years ago
My Cat Is Taking Short Breaths And He Is Breathing Out Of His Mouth. When Should …

My cat is taking short breaths and he is breathing out of his mouth. When should I be concerned? He is a Persian so he never breaths normal but when is it necessary to take him to ER?

1 Response


  1. Krista Magnifico

    Any time there is a chance of trouble breathing you should be concerned. I reformed you see a veterinarian immediately