For cases like this when I have a very worried and devoted parent I ask them if they would like to learn how to palpate their pets bladder to be better able to monitor at home and also to give sq fluids to keep the bladder as flushed as possible. If you can afford it hospitalize your cat for iv fluids and have them monitor. Then I recommend you switch to a urinary formula canned food and maybe even add water. Also products like cranmate or dasaquin might help. Ask about what you can do at home. Ask about pain management and follow up urinalysis. Ask your vet to be as personally invested in your cats health as you are. If they aren’t find a different vet. Try a cat specialist. Good luck.
I have an 9 year old spayed female pit/terrier mix with a history of liver disease. She has recently been getting hairless black spots showing up on her sides and legs, especially in the rear. Her biopsy came back as possibly ischemic dermatomyosits. The antibiotic that her vet put her on seems to have made no difference, and the fish oil and vit E are A) difficult to give her and B) she hasn’t been on them long enough to know if they are helping. She has no apparent muscle involvement. Would doing blood studies for autoimmune diseases help me get a better plan for treatment? What specialist would be best to manage her care? Any information or help in this problem would really be appreciated!
My male cat has trouble passing urine today, went to the vet and was diagnosed with idiopathic cystitis. He’s not completely blocked only passing tiny dribbles of urine. Was prescribed an anti inflammatory, pain meds and new wet food. He’s been drinking lots of water and not eating since we got back from the vet. I’m worried about him. Was told to wait and see and then come back if no change or symptoms worsen. He’s been hiding under the bed no improvement. Won’t eat. We have some calming spray and topical drops coming in the mail soon just to see if that helps with any stress. Would love to hear anything you can contribute.
I was just wondering if a skin scraping was done could you tell from that if a dog has skin cancer my dog had one done to see if she had mange and my vet said she had skin allergies and allergic to grass but she kept getting worse I took her to a second vet and was told she had skin cancer I was just wondering if it was possible to tell that from a skin Scraping
Rahul Bali Check this out, nice youtube channel explaining freestyle libre pro CGM
My sister has several female barn cats who have had multiple litters of kittens. I am willing to pay to have them spayed and vaccinated. Low cost spay/neuter places have a 6-8 week waiting list. I am willing to pay full price for the spay. I am looking for a clinic where I can bring them one at a time. Have them vaccinated and spayed. My vet is requiring a preop visit and then I would have to schedule spay. This would basically be impossible for me to do. Why can’t this all be done at one time? Trap/neuter/release programs do this all the time. Do you have any suggestions or know of any vet clinics that can accommodate me?
Can Interceptor cause bowel problems. Our 1 year old Golden seems to have tummy issues a few days after her heartworm
Back in December my dog Beagle/Bulldog who is very persistent started not being able to jump on our bed from the floor. I thought he was just getting old. Then he really couldn’t so we would lift him but he would jump off and he has done this his whole life. Then it got worse where his legs were giving out on him in the back. I took him to the vet who sent us to the neurologist who told us he needed an MRI and possible surgery. No x-rays or bloodwork was done. I cried and was so stressed out I wanted to move forward but it could be 8-10 thousand dollars. My husband said no we cannot afford that. So I then asked the neurologist are there other options she said steroids and gave me a bottle and sent me on my way. In three days he was like a new dog. He was walking almost perfectly, and acting normally. This went on for about 2 months. He then started to have a little trouble with the back leg. It’s impossible to keep him off the bed. He follows me everywhere. I did get stairs for the couch and bed. I called the regular vet and she gave me another RX for the steroid after I told her it worked so well. She said she cannot give him anymore he would need the surgery. He just had another episode of the leg going out and this time it seems to effect his front leg. I gave him 3 steroid pills I had left and he is a million times better. I also put a gait in front of the stairs but he still goes on the couch. I want him to have a great quality of life. He seems ok other than the leg going out. We feel it’s almost like my back. I have a herniated disc and here and there it will go out. How do they make a proper diagnosis without doing a 2300 MRI? Please help with any advice. Is this IVDD
My beagle was diagnosed with IVDD in his neck. He is unable to pee on his own and will not let us express his bladder. The vet has been catheterizing him but told us we need to think about putting him down. Is there anything I can do to help him pee? I feel like he is holding it because he has never had an accident before and even crawls out of his bed to do number 2. I’ve read online about VetriDisc. Is this a legitimate option for him?
My one and a half year old cat seems to have a sore at the corner of her mouth. It might just be a small scab, she is eating normally/drinking water and going in the liter box like normal. I’m not sure if we should take her to the vet if it could be something really bad or if it’s nothing. Please let me know, thank you
I had our Doberman to the vet a week ago Thursday. We are not sure what is going on with her. She shakes, cries out, and paces all the time. The vet said maybe it is a pinched nerve and we could try pain meds first. I noticed today she is now dragging her two front paws and is still pacing. I don’t know if we should go to the ER?
My 8 year old dog started limping this evening. She ran outside to chase a squirrel and was limping when she came back in. I can rub, hold, look all over and she shows no sign of distress. She isn’t helping or whining. Acting normal except she seems confused as to what’s wrong and she’s eyeing up the sofa and thinking about jumping up before she does. Not sure if I should just give it a day to two…maybe she pulled or tweaked something or make an appt with vet right away. Currently she’s being nosey about what’s going on in the back yard and acting fine.
I think that asking for a referral to a specialist is always a wonderful idea. The more help you can get to care for your pet the better your pets care options are. I am not sure if the spurs are related to the condition or not but if you are contemplating auto immune issues you should see an internal medicine or dermatologist. I hope this helps. Please keep us posted.
Could the liver disease be associated? She had no localized lesions 3 years ago on U/S. But her labs have been improving while she has been on Royal Canin Hepatic and Denamarin.